Jow Forums humor thread
Jow Forums humor thread
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That's scary not funny
>verbal intelligence
>number series test which tests logical thinking
So liberals are more logical and come to more logical conclusions, and conservatives are more verbal and can propogate their senseless rhetoric more effectively, thanks, I'll use that in the future
This graphic could debunk the ancient alien weird alien sculls theory
Look at his forehead really close and the upper skull shape.
That's got to impact the brain in a negative way.
Why yes, the EU does bear a considerable resemblance to the Soviet Union.
I came in this thread specifically to find your gay fucking post and call you a fucking nigger. There, I said it. You're a nigger and we all know it. Fuck you.
I am in Zwedistan right now. My god your country sucks balls. Even worse then I could imagine.
That's not what that image says. You must have a Lexile of 1400 and an IQ of 120 to use this board.
Kill yourself for this low effort post you stupid wop dago. Jesus fucking Christ, I mean really- You must be about the dumbest fucking itallian in all of jew York. Clearly your a jew-yorker, a fat, niggercum loving le'monjello. Have you ever considered suicide by knife? It's really easy, you stab yourself with a fucking knife and contemplate why the best part of you dripped down the crack of your mothers ass. I mean fuck, are you Canadian? Seriously, are you a Canadian on vacation? Because I am getting some serious moose fucking, dog blowjob vibes from you. Maybe you should end your vacation prematurely and head on back to that shitstained tundra you call home.
A fucking leaf!
Daily reminder that the supposed link between conservatism and low IQ if found by asking participants questions on issues and deriving their leanings from those questions rather then asking who they voted for. Researchers do this so they can shunt blacks and browns into the conservative boat to drag down IQ because they gave conservative answers on some issues like gay marriage, even though they uniformly vote blue for free shit.
Lost it at "chicken gendies".
>Chicken Gendies
>dailey remindur conserveteves r only reterded bcuz its a giant conspirecy theory
American education is really making leaps and bounds. This mutt can almost speak the Queen's english.
>twilight sparkles
Oof last time my lexile score was tested was like 5th grade? I remember it being a little over 1000. I got to read the big books. Heck yeah brother.
cringe and bluepilled
I see more niggers flooding in europe.
>That's got to impact the brain in a negative way.
you think?
Cope. Harder.
Imagine being beaten to death with a hammer by a future doctor, lawyer, and engineer. What a privilege.
you're too stupid to understand how people can possibly impact the brain. you think we can just wave magnets around the cranium and woilla. We change the patients political ideology.
they got it for being nig nogs on the court. not because they studied hard.
Great science retard
who cares youre both gay. also memeflags should die
go back to the lgbtqiaa_++& parade, trudeau
Imagine getting rekt like that on r*ddit
Brainlet tier. SLoped foreheads are also common to Anglos and kikes as well as slavs whose iqs are all over the spectrum.
I fucking hate niggers
>by shutting down the threat-processing centre of the brain
So the study says in order to lose your faith and be tolerant with immigrants, you need to have your brain disabled...
Seems legit
lmao, you pathetic racists never fail to make me laugh with your "pol humor" threads.
Face it, most poc will be infinitely more successful than any of you sad virgins ever will be. You are on the wrong side of history, get over it losers.
Its pure redpill.
You're a bunch of moochers.
Based and redpilled
Lmao you pathetic canadians never fail to make laugh with your "fucking leaf" posts.
Face it, most people outside canada will be infinitely more successful than any of you sad snow people ever will be. You are on the wrong side of history, get over it hosers.
Nihon burns, though rare, are always top tier
You're late
Based and jannypilled
10/10, made me laugh.
FINALLY! Ty leaf bro!
Here's a (you).