I'm seething and not afraid to admit it.
Imagine if that was said about a rape victim.
How is the double standard getting THIS bad?
I'm seething and not afraid to admit it
>How is the double standard getting THIS bad?
how to spot a leftist:
>"i can do no wrong. if i'm proven wrong i'll argue and bitch until the other person apologizes."
leftists learn how to argue from their single moms.
>he was drunk, wearing the wrong clothes and deserved it, AND he secretly wanted it
holy fuck thank God he wasnt a woman!
Democrats are evil people. Always have been, always will be.
>republican gets beaten up: THIS IS GOOD GUYS, HE DESERVED IT
aberican bolitics.
the comments are basically "chimps gonna chimp out", but without condemnation
Democrats are bad.
5/5 bretty gud
checked and based af. while you are in here, what's your take on AMLO?
I unironically don’t believe victims. Or anyone.
blue party bad
Neck yourself you mouthbreathing freak. Leafs are poison.
This is why the attack their own, they got no morals to follow.
>while you are in here, what's your take on AMLO?
opportunist, first a globalist (((friends with soros))), second, a socialist (((he invited maduro to his inauguration ceremony))), third a cartel puppet (((keeps importing south american indios and african niggers to keep cartel economy open and healthy.
Just don't wear the racist hat if you don't want to be hit in the face.
This is your brain on onions.
Somebody should slap Corey the Chemist.
dang. thanks, fren
Noway YES
The first post is obvious satire of things said to rape victims.
Then someone says "this, but unironically"
Obvious counter false flag
Thats right fascists. This will happen every time you islamophobic, white supremacist cunts walks outside with that hat on.
-No one cares if you get assaulted, the antifa owns the media and we won't cover it
-You deserve it. Free speech doesn't include denying others equality and human rights.
-You are losing. No one wants to listen to you. You aren't entitled to a platform. Free speech includes the right to exclude our businesses from you.
-When you kill one of us we grow stronger. So splurge out and go mass shooter you hateful bigots, it will only help us get people on our side to take your semi auto killing machines. Remember Heather Heyer!
-Splurg out about Hitler and go full retard on white supremacy, no one wants that shit and it only helps us grow.
We are winning, your boomers are dying off, and there is nothing you can do to halt progress out of your hateful perpective being thrown in the dustbin of history.
That's the joke, you fucking retard.
No this is how fascist should be treated.
What happens when you import so many Muslims that they eventually throw you off a building because you are a faggot?
a little bit triggered.
Pfft. They deserve much, much worse.
Stop replying to yourself, retard.
How do we know these are not sock puppets?
You got other responses
"US democracy has no room for the kind of incitement to violence shown by Antifa" ~ California Democrat Representative Nancy Pelosi
Muslims in America like Ilhan Omar and her voters consistently support progressive causes such as transgender acceptance. There are extremists in all religions. And our Muslim neighbors live in peace mext to us just fine. The only people splurging out and murdering people are Christian white males.
You don't see this behavior from pagans, atheists, or muslims at near the same level.
Free Palestine!!!!
>MIGAkike dothead gets beaten up by niggers
He deserves it for being a subhuman.
Day of the rake when?
Just like WW2. Either free the people or burn in the fire. All fascists should know they will meet Hitler's end.
Try me you pasty weak fat basement dwelling loser. Have sex.
>he was asking for it
Haha oh wow, someone reply with a rape comparison and screenshot the shitstorm
As much as I would love to throw them all in the wood chipper or something like that I think the greatest punishment would be to make them live in the new, beautiful and inclusive world we're making.
It’s almost like Jow Forums is trying to get mad at shitposts on twitter, because they’re incapable of holding actual opinions.
or you could not act like a nigger because someone disagrees with you, but you like niggers don't you?
I don't trust her either. But that doesn't mean she is a fascist. The republican party thinks white males have some kinda monopoly on land they stole and should dominate black folks and muslims the forcefully enslaved and brought here.
We simply want equality and equity in the form of historical justice.
Not any more or less than I like people in general. Although I'm sure that's radical enough to trigger you.
Try harder, plebbitfag.
How can you include NAZIs in that new world?
Except democrats don't get beaten up. They only get mildly criticized. But they still react the same way.
>Wear hat on par with a kippah
>Get assaulted for wishing that you were jewish
You’re not jewish and you never will be. You’re not going to get other goyim to fight a war against shitskins for you because only jews have that power. MIGApedes are so fucking stupid it’s pathetic.
Justoce is radical to the unjust
I think of them not as much as part of it but stuck in it. Killing them would be mercy compared to making them watch everything they feared happen and knowing they are powerless to change it.
Tell that to Heather Heyer you nazi islamophobe.
I came in this thread specifically to find your gay fucking post and call you a fucking nigger. There, I said it. You're a nigger and we all know it. Fuck you.
Pretty sure that first comment is purposely being ironic though I could be wrong
You have a point. Let them be banned from participating in civil discourse and fade like the KKK did. .
Their kids will hate them.
Run loser.
How badly are your fee fees hurt?
>muh racist
Don't make me laugh. That shitty hat is fucking cucked not based/racist at all.
I'm sure it is, but the one below it is not. That's where the double standard comes in.
dead from heart attack
Because he's lying, OP. Check back in a week for proof.