Are you proud of where you're from, Jow Forums?
Are you proud of where you're from, Jow Forums?
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pride is a sin.
Khyl. Yes.
Im from Kansas and Kansass is a nice place to live with good people, but pride is a sin
fuck yes I am.
Fucking won the life lottery by not being a African or worse american.
Im not proud per se, buy there's nowhere else I'd rather be desu
Not in a single bit. Communism destroyed our culture and threw us like 800 years in past.
meh, it could be worse. at least here the government and the people pretend to work
New York? No.
Of course, but that doesn't mean we're not an embarassing gayer than Canada shit hole that's going down fast. I'm oroud of the REAL England that my grandparents and their forefathers knew.
Yes literal gods country
You should have a Drunk Cossack party
>Drink Beer
>Everyone is in the hetmanate
>Ride Horses
>Kill Tatars.
at least we aren't africans or asians.
I'm unironically a direct descendant of Cossack of Zaporizhska Sich. As far as I know, [spoiler]I did a research with a sister who's PhD in history[/spoiler], those guys weren't nice, and their lifestyle is sorta a dark reflection of manly ethnostate. But killing tatars back in those days was completely justified.
False pride is. Pride must be earned.
Achievement is it's own reward.
Pride obscures it.
pipe down Achmed
heh thats what you think. Germany is trash anyway.
Britain is a lazy country filled with Muslims and police officers who cant even bear sharp objects. I think Canada is better than your gay nation being constantly stomped.
Women need to stop standing like this. Pelvises do not tilt backward at 45 degrees. If her stomache is flat, her pelvis should be roughly flat.
Vive le Québec libre tabarnak
Yeah, if God send me as a mexican, then i'm goin to be one
No because now I have to work to pay off what Hitler did to Poland in '39 and my nation is being cucked by muslims so they will eventually die out in one generation
Idk man I'd rather be American than a fucking Turk or some Greek
id nuke it if i could
>my parents were white and they earned my pride for me that I feel on their behalf.
no beacuse those dirty drones keep waking me up and having your hands cut up for masturbation is not fun and also they let you have multiple wives(sex slaves and washing machines) but non of them is old enough to wear a bra
i dont like fucking young girls since im a muslim not catholic
yes im totally proud i was born randomly on a patch of clay
My great-grand parents were serfs with no education and by working hard and tirelessly my family has slowly moved up, me being a medfag right now.
The only thing left to do is try and raise kinds in the current degenerate world so they don't turn out to be jerkoffs and blow everything we're been so hard for.
Ha ha ha
im from nyc and i love white people born and raised here. we're nothing like the transplants and immigrants. i think we're the best people in the country honestly
My hometown is shit, that’s why I live 3000 miles away. Only in America.
am I fuck
I like my state but hate my country.
No. Hate this place
Unironically this
California, New York, MassiveTwoShits, or Washington. Guaranteed.
Not proud, not happy, not sad or mad. To me, it just is what it is
Never gets old
jew york
It's not even the whole states themselves either, just the metropolitan areas that fuck it up for everyone else. After the collapse we are going to shut their lying normie mouths.
I came out of my mom's pussy. Should I be proud of this?
wow kys degenerate
Yes, I am very proud of my state
Fine. Don’t be proud to be American. Let a bunch of yahoos into your country and let them take it over. Why not? You’re not proud of the place or your ethnicity.
I wouldn't. I went there on vacation a few times. It was always crowded and smelly. Cheap prices, tho.
I'm proud of being from Chicago but I'm sure as fuck not proud of Chicago itself.
I came inside your mom's pussy. Should I be proud of this?
bet you sucked her fucking tits too, huh proud boy?
Washington here. I'd be a lot more proud of where I live if Seattle got nuked. Also we need to gas these Californians
I want to say yes, but I don't think I can without lying to myself
where I'm from is not proud of me
There is no proud of being pathetic czech unironically. Why is my country even existing? I dont know
STFU and go back to Turkey.
If we could just tone down the romantic forms of Christianity that idolize Israel and inspire various social reforms American rural-ism would be perfect.
He's already there
I am indifferent. it doesnt really matter to me what my parents or their parents did or didnt do.
Go home Taras, you're drunk again. Haven't you read your Gogol and understood what a blessing it is to be united under brotherly banner of mighty Tsar of all Rus?
I'm fucking ashamed of my origin. I fled a shithole in asia.
Yes. We may have our defects but still, it's a beautiful country with great people.
>Mid trips, nice
I'm not sorry, but I'm not particularly patriotic over it either. I'm not a commie by any means, but communist regime victims need to shut the fuck up already, we don't give a fuck nor should give a fuck, we've lost tons of people the same way and still continuing to be fucked in the ass by the relics, be that ideologies, resources, infrastructure or people themselves
Should I fondle her breasts?
Дaй Кapeлию, cyкa.
Make me, bitch
Agreed, though unfortunately being in America we are in much too close proximity to the worlds leading sources of Jewish degeneracy. It throws way too many barriers for anything healthy to survive without destroying these sources first
jew yorker
Kinda, wish I could been in better years.
Moгy дaть cвoй хyй тeбe в poт
Yes, Canada is infinitely awesome.