Libertarian thread

how do libertarians reconcile this image?

libertarian thread

Attached: i-see-nothing-wrong-with-this-group-of-men-masturbating-1773519.png (500x350, 27K)

If it pisses me off I can just kick their ass and there's no cop to stop me. Also we're already basically there so the point is moot. All the state does is STOP you from beating dragqueen story time fags.

Libertarians are not anarchists you stupid faggot.

whip out my own and ask them if they got any good fap material

Attached: 95256C4B-589C-4FEF-A7AE-6CE78EB017DF.png (1000x733, 607K)

oh its another incel thread

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The image does not say anything about anarchy. Via libertarian philosophy this should still be allowed, as it is a "victimless crime".

It's not though, seeing a man's dick can actually be proven to cause harm

>seeing a man's dick can actually be proven to cause harm

You could make the same argument for just about anything though. How much "harm" is arbitrarily tolerable?

Just because I don't want the state to take care of feeding people doesn't mean I don't want food.

A community that holds principles beyond "it doesn't hurt me" should be a consumer's choice.

Would the comedic value of the penis outweigh the "harm" one may suffer? Like if some dude has a micropenis, it's mostly funny and therefore not harmful, so he could theoretically masturbate in public.

>seeing a man's dick can actually be proven to cause harm
dont like it dont look

Submongoloid detected

The amount of harm that will cause less harm to the public than pleasure gained from having the ability to masturbate in public

It's fine. One of two scenarios:

>Group of men masturbate in "public".
>Owners of "public" area state that the men must leave and are banned.
>Problem solved

>Group of men masturbate in actual public place, like highway or public park.
>People are disgusted, leave, but not before those men are recognized.
>Their employers are notified, employers fire them.
>They starve to death.


A community that sets rules is just a government using its power to limit liberty, which is what libertarians oppose though.

Fair enough, but libertarians rarely cite this as the primary reason for the ideology.

There is a thing out there called "common decency" known legally as "community standards". This applies to people that say to a 6 year old child "I'd like to stick my cock in your mouth".

>Their employers are notified, employers fire them.
Ah yes but in a libertarian utopia everyone understands the value of personal liberty and would applaud these men instead of firing them.

The world you're describing isn't libertarian, it's conservative.

And in fact I've spoken to many libertarians who don't have society's best interests in mind like you seem to when deciding on their political ideology.

Yes, and it's a socially conservative ie not libertarian position.

In public... you mean government owned land.

So it's not a criticism of libertarians or their idea of an ideal libertarian paradise.
And people would still find ways to ostracise these exhibitionists, or take back permission to get on their property...

I listened to lots of anarcho-capitalist podcasts back when Freedomfeens was a good talkshow/podcast with Michael Dean and Neema Vedadi, but I think liberterian ideals are a bit silly... there will always be governments pretty much as you see today.
And I'm Christian since then, so believe humanity is running out of time soon anyways before Jesus comes again.

No, that's biological hazard

So, according to you, everything is a government? Private companies set rules all the time.

libertarianism is as out-of-fashion and outdated as pearl jam

>pop culture reference
based and redpilled

yes, because libertarianism is as relevant as pop culture.

and it's partly responsable of what usa faces right now

>So it's not a criticism of libertarians or their idea of an ideal libertarian paradise.
Stop conflating libertarianism with ancapism please. see

>So, according to you, everything is a government?
No? But what do you call a group of people who enact policies that everyone else has to follow?

>Private companies set rules all the time.
Yes, but, presumably, you don't get kicked out of society if you break their rules. You just get kicked out of their organization. It's not the same.

only if they finish. then again, you could say the same thing about sneezing.

>grown men in public showing their dicks in front of children

here in canada we call that the pride parade

By this definition, the entire world is already libertarian, it's just that some areas (nations) hold principles that the people living in it have to follow. They've also mandated that one of their rules is that people can't just join as they please.

It's consumer's choice, really.

It's even worse hazard if they sneeze with their dicks

Yes, I must have forgotten. Oops