What do we do about this russia and racism bullshit?

These people are fucking INSANE and they’ve normalized this it’s not even considered bad or conspiracy theories

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Other urls found in this thread:


How do we fight this shit guys? I’m tired of it

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even her dog is a fucking kike

They are so fucking unhinged. It's truly hilarious.

>”any candidate not vetted and properly approved of by the overlords of the DNC kabuki theater is Russian!”
I fucking hate normie democrats with a burning passion

>How do we fight this shit guys? I’m tired of it

by sitting in your underwear in your parent's basement crying about how jews ruined your life

It’s insane

Just let them keep doing it. People will stop listening to it.

>unironically using the term "racist sexist" together
i-i thought it was just a meme.

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It’s all so tiresome

Shh, tranny, shh. Normal people are talking.

Doubt it. This stuff keeps growing and getting more radical

>What do we do about this russia and racism bullshit?
The racist stuff will always be around. Jay Nordlinger had a good piece on this recently:

I have no idea. Putin and the russian oligarchs are not great people with goals of expanding influence, so there will always be a place that generates nefarious things to shit on. But that Obama quote about "the 1980s called" shows that these foreign attitudes can flip quickly. With it will go concerns of foreign influence

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Kekd. Blessed be our savior.

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Going to read it. Thanks

You shut up and let them drive themselves into the ground. Never interrupt your enemy when they're making a mistake.

>crying about how jews ruined your life

Wow guys, I guess we should just ignore this whole Jewish thing. Even though my representative democracy has been subverted for Jewish purposes, expressing criticism of this system means I'm an emotional basement dweller, so I guess that means we can't criticize it. We should all go to sleep, I'm getting very sleepy.

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Wouldnt this time be better spent stretching out your mutilated piss hole?

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>(((These people))) are fucking INSANE
(((They))) have always lied and smeared those who they would destroy.

Whites are handicapped by a sense of honesty and fairness derived from empathy. Jews are genetically predisposed to be psychopaths, and care only about themselves, thus their saying "shitat matzliach."

Lying, stealing, killing - even the Jews' own god knew (((they))) required the Commandments he gave them.

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You don't fight them, because you'll never change their mind. The best thing you can do is engage with them and draw out their insanity. You have to remember, there are probably a whole shitload of normal people reading your exchange with this nutball, and you want those silent readers to walk away shaking their fucking head. Remember, this fucking Tulsi Russian shit is brought about because NBC cited a source that they claimed to be experts on the internet and they tracked Russian accounts boosting her. But this company was found to fabricate evidence.

This firm, New Knowledge, claims to track social media accounts. They claim all the support for Tulsi is coming from Russians. This is the same firm that was busted fabricating shit in the Alabama senate race for the Democrats.


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Feminism is one of the things preventing these """"""people"""""" from reproducing.

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Ruin them. Worthless society sucking, tax abusing useless fags.

Do not interrupt your enemy while they make a mistake, user.

Tucker Carlson is a xenophobe though. She's not wrong about that. He's also a millionaire sock puppet of billionaires, but don't let get in the way of you narrative.

Amy is a Saudi Arabian ISIS sympathizer.

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>another 6 million

Amy Siskind is a Saudi Arabian Supremacist. Tulsi Gabbard called out Saudi Arabia, so Amy is pissed.

Attached: saudi terrorism - tulsi gabbard 2020.jpg (1280x720, 292K)

theres nothing funny about it user
these people are vying for positions of power and getting them

they will soon rule over you

What a whack job, watching these clowns try to smear tulsi just makes me like her more.

.... also, Amy Siskind is a total schizo.

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Is everyone who meets with Assad a Russian asset?

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White sharia

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A lot of Democrats are Russian assets, apparently.

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Heavy on the shilling tonight

>posting NOW THIS interview with Rutger BregMAN on Jow Forums
>Books by Bregman: He is the author of Utopia for Realists: The Case for a Universal Basic Income, Open Borders and a Fifteen-Hour Workweek.


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democrats are such fucking cringey gullible fucking retards.

I agree with her, tulsi gabbard is a racist sexist women of color

>national review
found the trotskyist left "neocon". why do you guys never go away, no matter how many times you're defeated?

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razzle dazzle

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Ive said it before Ill say it again. That twitter. No one there is normal. They are not normies.

2019: when the left decides Tulsi Gabbard is actually a white male from Russia instead of a female PoC. Funny how all that minority solidarity goes out the window when the PoC don’t hoe the line. Just wish the normies would notice, and wish they hadn’t gotten Bill Cosby.

>just makes me like her more
Hmmm imagine that.

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have you been asleep the past 10 years?

Feminism is an element of Critical Theory, which is a Communist tool implemented by their Socialist and Anarchist pets to tear apart the family model and erase the distinctions between the sexes.

Tfw I wish Tucker was actually racist

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>Democrats lose 2016 because independents favor Trump
>Democrats win 2018 because independents believe in Russia collusion conspiracy theory
>Democrats in 2019: We don't want candidates independents like!


the startling truth.
The insanity is peaking because they are freaking out about the DNI position and what this means. Trump can appoint anyone he wants for the interim job while the Senate is on break, once Coats is gone on the 15th of this month. The full force of the national security apparatus is a scary weapon, indeed.

>something is not right with this campaign in so many ways
I bet it was that damn Russians again

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Russia everytime


these people need to be killed, how the fuck are they ever going to be fixed?

Who from tulsis campaign thought shilling so hard on Jow Forums was a good idea? fuck off already.

Foreign adversaries are conducting a anti-Tulsi disinformation campaign. Saudi Arabian Wahhabist, Israel/Mossad/Jews, and the broader international "Trotskyist" communist party including both London, England and Saudi Arabia are all engaged in active measures against the USA and Tulsi Gabbard's Campaign.

For Saudi Arabia in particular, the Saudis are masters of psychological manipulation and active measures in the ideological arena. This is the ultimate battleground of the entire world.

1) Saudi Arabia infiltrator and known disinformation agent Amy Siskind (@amy_siskind) was the principle responsible for implementing the anti-Tulsi campaign attacks, and her deputy went on record saying the four great threats to Saudi Arabia Supremacy are Tulsi Gabbard, Jimmy Dore, Ron Paul, American Christians and hare krishna (the activist organization, that Tulsi belongs to).

2) Familiarize yourself with the Saudi Arabian and London origins of the Tavistock Institute. There is ample historical material, but of more pressing importance is that it remains a Saudi Arabian institution to this day.

3) One of the primary modes of implementing Saudi Arabian active measures in the US is through "hippie" communities following the Saudi Arabian infiltrated Hollywood studios and the Esalen Institute model. They form cults with hierarchical, intensely loyal followers who are paranoid of outsiders (for a variety of reasons like use of banned psychoactive drugs).

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This is actual insanity and I have no idea how to deal/react to these FUCKING INSANE people anymore.

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Am I the only one who wants Gabbard to come out as Muslim now, just so she can fight back the "Islamophobia"? lol

Kys israeli

I bet she had sex with it.

love is love bro

RIP Tulsi.

She's been subverted so she will never be able to deviate from this narrative for the rest of her life

Why do you post this in every god damn thread?

>60 IQ pattern recognition
It's fucking obvious it started with just one or two threads after Tulsi massacred the Niggerqueen during the debates.
Which in turn unleashed the hordes of establishment anti-Tulsi shilling because they're prolly panicking Jow Forums could meme Tulsi into the race for good.

Right now the amount of shill salt to be reaped is just too nice to ignore, so Tulsi it is.



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Why do you come to every Tulsi thread? Fuck off Saudi.

Real Americans support Tulsi Gabbard.

Attached: real americans stand with tulsi gabbard 2020.jpg (1280x800, 327K)

Nice digits

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why's a sock puppet arguing against corporations? You're pretty stupid.

Based and checked

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Go home discord tranny.

They're not dying out at all, they're converting goyims. You couldn't even tell the new wave of jews from a regular american, except that they're probably more white.
Pic related.

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Tulsi salt is the new Trump salt.
MAMA is the new MAGA. Make America Mommy Again

You can't reason with these people. The only solution to remove this kind of insanity is with violence. They are like cockroaches.

>+18,000 donators in 24 hours.


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digits of truth

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>racist, sexist, xenophobic
Blah, blah, blah. Speak English, you skank.

And basically, yes, you're right.
Tulsi is nuts, all dems are, but she's nuts in a way that scares even the dem handlers, because she's on her own nutso script, not the over arching (((dem))) script.
I once had hope for her. Make no mistake, in a world about to end where only dems were running, she'd get my vote, but compared to Trump she's about as good an idea as a shot to your own head - which, for the spooks, to be clear: I 100% do not endorse.

Based, you are fucking on to something

Hawaii never had Jim Crow laws.

>any day now israel will be destroyed
take your meds schizo

checks out. guess im voting tulsi.

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DNST3, unfortunately you just have to let it take it's course

Ok, now that's epic

The fuck is the point of flags on this shithole board if you just ignore them. If you don't think that link was relevant to OP, please enlighten me as to how

Ok, digits are talking, loud and clear.
We use Tulsi to primary the establishment dems.

So what kind of shit did we put into your pants this time?

the digits have spoken. queen tulsi must become president

Some of the Trump/Russia connections are actually real you guys... But race is also real.

based and mommypilled

>queen tulsi must become president
Hang on just a second there, professor
We can never allow a woman or a dem - let along a woman dem - to ever be president
The dems, any of them, are suicide
We use Tulsi to destroy them

ridicule and bullying..the old fashioned way