>What do Create Memes, spread Memes, attack the narrative. Join AfD or IB or Einprozent; counter subversion. Get Jow Forums. Get a job. Spread flyers and stickers. Discuss politics with people; call attention to the Unrecht.
Disagree, left tries to convince us that we are insane, while our views are actually not all that radical to begin with, the existence of biological race amongs antropologists is a 50/50 view, amongs those who recognise race heritabilitists are a huge percentage of those, we are not crazy our views in fact are more mainstream than those of lefties who claim that differences between human populations are entirely a result of enviroment, of which only a minimum of experts agree upon.
the FDP is all about mighty sugared words a week or two post-election and once they get the chance to put their money where their mouth is they do a whole lot of nothing they merely exist to inhale tax money at least they don't do it will passing stupid policies like the others, i give them that used to vote for them myself before the AFD existed as they are mostly businessman first, politicians second
> As if only AI and robotics are on the horizon and it's just a matter of redistributing wealth Most of our politicians still don't understand web 2.0....
>Lurking on Jow Forums on a Friday eveneing Nuff said
Joseph Turner
Kennste den schon? >Of course I'm crazy, but that does not mean I'm wrong. I am mad but not insane.
Kevin Powell
>too much oriented on what others think on what *your peers* think FTFY
Yes i am more drunk that churchil after galipoly how did you know?I have some Marijuanna too but i am rather questioning the rationality of it's usage at this point, the day was long though, had a lot of work, feel good tbqh made a lot of money today, worked rely hard.
>not listening to the free Wacken Open Air livestream
Jack Ross
>be me >go to the kerb bc friends awating me >3 steps in the kerb 2 littler girls apporche me >One nearly said very loud "What if he ask you?" >Otherone is silent >2 steps away from the same girls stares me dead serious in the eyes and litterly shout at me just with a "you" Tay, what did she meant with this?
Lucas Robinson
>bugmen We should utilize their lack of personality, consumerism, and conformity for business and political gains.
And surrogate peers like the media.
I attended Bundestag expert group hearings on AI. Those from the CDU were rather educated on the issue and at least knew the buzzwords and concepts. Mostly interested in the opportunities. Those from the SPD, Greens, SED were only concerned about societal impacts and the power of "so called algorithms" that produce inequality and discriminate against race and gender and economic status. And killer drones, of course.
They're not all stupid or clueless, of course. But those I'd describe as aware and even knowledgeable are a tiny minority with little impact.
>a little bit paranoid as per usual Hopefully not too bad mate..... >How are you? Oh i am doing fine today ws a good day overall, curently i am intoxicated desu.
There are many, western men have just became too weak to control their own women.
Matthew Jackson
You cheated on me???! WTF tovarisch??? I thought we had a real romance going on....
Chase Phillips
of course not
Jose Cook
Nothing I could change. I know things would be better if men hadn't become cucks. But now that the restrictions by society are gone, women whore around and degenerate. Even if I was the most based and uncucked men on the planet, I couldn't change it.
Hudson Turner
ProbablY, Your cock.
Be Yourself.
I onlY know the quote, You showed me. I did not know him, before.
Angel Butler
SorrY, he, Transgender-TaY and Dr. Trans. Kerstin is still single, though.
Dominic Thomas
Honestly? I thought you said you fucked prostitutes/escorts before? No? I can relate though.
The change has to come from induvidual level, if we all will have the same ethos as you do and think that we alone will not effect anything then neither we shall as a collective.
Cooper Murphy
Oh c'mon, he was a good guy. Have to consider the context of his time.
>I thought you said you fucked prostitutes/escorts before? When i mentioned the first time that i will get an escort i rely ment it, but Suttis post made me change my mind and i didn't in the end have sex with that hooker, i had it planned but i recalled it and went to bar instead, everything else was lies to make Tay jelous.
Gavin Adams
The truth is simple and I am honest. I am correct, I am convinced of it.
As this seems to drift into another self-help session (completely okay), I'm thanking y'all for the nice evening and leave for the bed. Guess I'll attend later on Saturday evening. Enjoy the night, anons.
That's, what I'd often hear. I challenge You, to disprove this: >the world is driven bY power, this is its principle >the power is executed bY violence, this is it's practice
Grayson Diaz
>Be Yourself. Hard to define what is ''myself'' even for myself.
Nothing special, some bullshit about the importance of intimacy, not that he's post was the absolute cause of my absence of the act but rather a finnal straw to my own dounts about the morality of the set act.
Caleb Baker
>darüber lacht die Welt Selbsterklärend; außerdem, die nicaraguanisch NationalhYmne gefällt mir.
EDIT: Just because You call Yourself Kerstin, doesn't mean, that You are a woman.
Germans are sad, even with how terrible their lives are, they stay put and think they are making a difference. Why don't you really do something with your life? I have asked to be your wife, it's nothing special, in fact, we can barely speak if you want to.