Cleanup degeneracy on aisle 2!

Cleanup degeneracy on aisle 2!

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>gay people
(self-check)s out.

Jesus fucking christ why are faggots such attention whores.

I don't know. Them and transgenders seem to constantly crave attention.

Because deep down they know their "love" is abhorrent and an abomination so they have to seek attention from other liberal faggots to reassure themselves they aren't abnormal.

because in order to be gay or tranny you have to have higher levels of estrogen.
it's what makes chicks crave attention and go batshit when you ignore them.

And? Isn't target one of those supermarkets that are mainly for poor people? You shouldn't associate yourself with that shop at all. Paying attention is association as well.

>wearing a red shirt and khakis at Target
I mistakenly did that once and people wouldn't leave me the fuck alone.

because everyone knows that homosexuality is evil. but (((they))) know they have to push that shit on the West, so they have to package it in as bright and colorful a sheen as possible for marketing purposes. the fags involved know it's wrong as well, but they have to have constant re-validation by everyone around them, and now all of society with no exceptions. anyone deviating from the narrative is an enemy in their eyes.

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That would be incredibly gay even if it wasn’t two men.

That's more Walmart. Target is better, but tends to have higher prices.

Why would you get engagement pictures in target? How tacky and consumerist

Stupid Target marketing campaign. I hate Target. Last time I went, the MtF trannie cashier pretended to misgender me, so I made a big deal out of it and got it fired. Fuck Target and their cock-gobbling virtue signalling.

Because gender is a social construct, transgenders can't exist unless society acknowledges them.

>White People
>still pretending their history isn't abound with hundreds of years of open homosexuality and pederasty

unlike africans.

I don't care if they are faggots, but If I have pre-licked ice cream on the list then I am photo bombing them.

Hey at least whites have written history

Is this the new word for faggots?

gay people are innately narcissistic... notice how an overwhelming number of gay couples look like each other.


...aaaand her channel got deleted

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some people had livejournals too

but why

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Aw, they are in love.

>tfw no bf

Misery loves company