What did Stefan mean by this?

What did Stefan mean by this?

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OH WOW another Jewish eceleb spam thread! How lucky am I to have been browsing /nupol/ at the **exact same** time this thread was posting?! How can I give this Jew money so he may continue virtue-signalling me?

He's pushing so hard I'm becoming suspicious
Either way I like it

he must have done dmt or something last weekend because he has been slam dunking on whores all day and night

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Holy shit. Too bad he's a literally who to normies cause hes literally naming the jew.

DMT is only a redpill if you can navigate to the Chrysanthemum without giving in to awe or falling prey to deceptive Archon

Implied triple parentheses, wow.

Absolute charlatan

no way

Stefan is overdosing on red pills

He is literally a Jew mutt

You suck at being Jewish

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He meant you are a stupid faggot shill

Every time.

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Wrong. People are really susceptible to fall for deception in DMT.
Still one of the biggest redpills of humankind.

So am I, but I'm still pretty based and redpilled. 43% Jewish here

Oh no...

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He's hitting the breaking point for sure. It's unavoidable.

>shilled by freemasons
>connects you with demons
>it's redpilled bro

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