why mexican don't integrate?
Why mexican don't integrate?
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Spics are subhuman.
They do, unfortunately
Honestly they integrate way better than niggers who were born here
They’re literal foreign insurgents who think they are reclaiming their lost land when the reality of the situation is that Mexico was glad to take America’s money for what they saw as useless, uninhabited wilderness.
Fuck spics. All of them need to leave the United States.
>t. spics
Fuck off, beaners.
Need more white semen, bleach the spics dick war now
The pure Spanish decent Mexis are, for the most part, decent. Those w/ Aztec blood, however, are animals.
I want my dick to integrate with her pussy, if you know what I mean.
They're not forced to learn English like your kin when they arrived in New York.
I really fucking hate those scum please vote for trump again I wanna see more washed up Mexicans or Guatemalans
why you not real white?
We don’t need to integrate when we’re surperior to you
eat shit amerimutt.
eat yourself
whiter than you beaner
Spics actually have integrated really really well within a generation. The intermarriage rate is quite high
No seas arrogante cabron
Youre inferior as fuck and youll get massacred one day. Make america mexico again. So i can hang your ass from a bridge. Reaper cartel. No drugs none of that. Just killing you.
Whiter than you Cletus ;)
You look like you have negroid admixture.
These caricatures are so disgustingly accurate, I feel like spics are even more subhuman than niggers, and I really hate niggers.
About the only thing worse than a spic is an Aborigine.
fat cunt
Stupid people are hard to train and they overestimate their abilities and "culture."
cute girl
>showing under arm and palm
only way to be white are pink nipples
They never learned calculus?
Immigrants only integrate when they join communities that aren't just other immigrants from the same place
White Mexicans are a thing. Even the Amerindian ones don’t fit that caricature though
but you're literally brown.
Whiter than both of you, Ali Kazar Khan-Hauffshama and Eli Rodriquez Alfonse.
Stay mad gringos, your daughters and grandchildren will have Spanish last names, that is... if you don’t stay a virgin for life ;)
Forgot to add this. Some Mexican women are insanely hot. The sex ratio is skewed female there. Good place to find a hotter woman than you can in the states
Because their goal is invasion.
>what is sun?
>what is a tan
Lol retard
Sooner we become Mexico the better. Watch your back bitch.
I fuck spic women as much as I fuck white women. My kids will have a German last name one way or the other
>i-it's just a tan
t. mutt
I’m not a mutt. My kids may be though
You can literally see it in the picture, cope harder subhuman gringo
they do alright, actually.
Only based American itt
Because they are Mexicans, and not white.
They are actively invading the United States, and trying to outbreed us in an attempt to get some of their land back.
So far it's been pretty successful. Places like California, Arizona, New Mexico, and Texas are absolutely swarming with spics.
I actually sympathize with your antipathy toward Americans. You’re generalizing too hard, but there is the perception here that Mexico is way more shitty than it actually is. Basically they seem to thing Chihuahua, Juarez, and Tiajuana are representative of the entire nation.
Some Mexicans are White and many more or close to it. “Mexican” is like “American”. It’s a nationality not a race
Drug cartels literally built modern mexico. Every fucking building in that shithole was built by cartels. You fucking retard. So it is representative of their entire toilet.
Yeah, that's why they are always speaking Spanish to each other, turning their neighborhoods into little Mexico, putting signs up in Spanish only so gringos can't read them.
Anyone saying Spics actually integrate is either retarded, or a spic.
Jow Forums is a Hispanic board
>Some Mexicans are white.
No, they aren't, Paco.
Gas yourself, spic.
another question is why do mexcrement and other spic species hate whites so much?
Thats where all their fucking money comes from.
Jealousy. They want what we have.
Im not retarded. you are.
You are just wrong.
t. white man in SD
they do unless they live around other spics
>Places like California, Arizona, New Mexico, and Texas are absolutely swarming with spics.
They're poorly organized though which is surprising. They never do cool stuff like this, and imagine how much more they'd get away with: youtube.com
To be fair, lots of Americans have very limited knowledge of the outside world and think in national stereotypes. There are absolutely shithole parts in Mexico but also first world (or very close to it) parts too.
I don’t hate whites, just retard anglophones
You forget Sinaloa. America should just carpet bomb that region. Fuck what Mexico has to say.
>tfw I can make whites seethe just by going out and existing
feels good man
Sick argument you got there. You're def an intellectual powerhouse. My bad.
t. Sinaloa
Have you ever been to Mexico City or Guadalajara? Parts of the nation are pretty legit.
The United States basically gave birth to the cartels via an overzealous war on drugs. Mexico definitely does have weaker institutions so the cartels use Mexico as a base of operations for getting drugs into the USA. There is actually more demand for illegal drugs in the USA than in Mexico. If the people in the USA stopped buying drugs or we decriminalized them, the cartels would disappear tomorrow
Don’t consider you white unless your legs look like this retards
You're first, Paco.
mexicans are too lit to integrate to white cuck culture. we're about to take over our numbers are astonishing. why integrate when we're about to take over?
The entire nation worships some fucking drug lord names jesus malverde.
Spit on his grave. Piss on el chapo. Fuck your whole race.
See what I’m saying about anglo retards thinking in stereotypes hyped up by sensationalist media
If i was trump id nuke mexico city. Fuck it. Make life interesting.
Really, some of y’all should take a trip to the better parts of Mexico. I think you’ll be pleasantly surprised
You can't argue that cartels are a huge problem with how much power they have, and people like El Chapo are looked at like Gods.
I work with Mexicans I know you people much better than you would think.
Because they're considered white under the us census
Fuck off
Yeah. I do see it. You are, of course, on /pol ... so there’s a selection bias. That said, I meet people that have this kind of perception all the time. None of them have actually been to any part of Mexico other than trashy border towns.
Yeah, that's why you guys don't come here in droves illegally to take advantage of the things we have.
Nvm that DOES happen.
Shitskins are retarded.
Look who is talking: eastern, western, and southern euro what the fuck. I'm pure NW european but no, we're the mutts.
>We don’t need to integrate when we’re surperior to you
We both know this isn't true don't we?
It's true. And food is fucking CHEAP. The nicer parts of Mexico are really good vacation spots
Can Spaniards even be European nationalists or are they too Moored out?
The Mexicans (in Mexico) that I talked to really hate the cartels. Obrador campaigned on doing something about them. Everyday Mexicans want them gone.
Dumbass Mexican American who haven’t had to deal with the situation may glorify the cartels but they’re retards
lmao that sign is based
Don't underestimate the hubris of low IQ spics.
They will spend 2 thousand dollars on rims when they have babies at home that don't have diapers.
I work with border jumpers.
You can't lie to me, and expect me to believe you.
Because they are by nature parochial peasants
>Yeah, that's why you guys don't come here in droves illegally to take advantage of the things we have.
i know some of my people goes to your lands illegaly
check my fucking flag, i'm in burgerland or tacoland? ameriniggers are retarded
She fine
Hispanic birth rates in the USA have decreased to near White levels in one generation.
>Really, some of y’all should take a trip to the better parts of Mexico. I think you’ll be pleasantly surprised
Americans are lucky having spicland within a few hours flight. I would actually like to visit, but its very difficult and expensive.
are you a butthurt pocho? aren't you?
We’re both using anecdata. Let’s look at facts:
The vast majority of Mexicans support using the army to fight the cartels