Fight back the russians

Hello Jow Forums. I came from the finnish imageboard ylilauta org. Today russian anonymouses from 2ch hk invaded our board. We barely managed to fight them back because they were using VPNs to avoid bans and to flood our boards and our threads with interrasial homosexual porn images. Please help us fight them back. Revenge thread is here!

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Näytä lippu or GTFO.

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You have to go back

Bullshit, there's been some faggot shilling, RUSSIAN COLLUSION -tier shit everywhere

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Nice try, rus fag

This guy makes various Euro in-fighting threads here all the time. Never shows his flag.

You think you can just use the finnish VPN and deny the russian invasion on our board so that everyone will belive you? Just go back suck Putins dick, shithead! Our board is completely ruined, we couldn't communicate the whole day!


-Kys your self, bruh.

>russian invasion
I'm more concerned with nu/pol/ faggots from the_donald and other summerfags.

NYPÄ fägôtti

Got banned on this board after posting a fap-thread lol

Eiks kusimurkkujen nukkumaanmenoaika ollut ajat sitte? Mene takas sänkyyn ja jätä aikuiset juttelemaan aikuisten juttuja tai tulee isän kädestä ja kovaa.

Chill, dudes. Those rus fag want you to attack their board.

What a cunning plan indeed!

Do you need translation?

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Link pls


What the hell is russia??

Yes goiym, attack attack.

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They ban all non-russian IP's, but you can try: https:// *2 ch dot hk* /b/ res /201189271 . html

All right, thanks

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That would be too stupid even for slavs. They really have attacked our board and I really ask you for help.

wait isn't being gay illegal in Ryussia?

k, gonna unpack my gayniggers pack and post on ylilauta org as much as I can to scare da russkies out

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You need to post something unusual.

Everything on ylilauta is unusual

I dunno. You better ask someone from Russia, I guess

Chechency can give pizdi

This is too slavic for me :S

Damn they really got angry after our new commander sent the navy on their side of the sea today :D

Chechens can put glass bottle in your anus

Let's stand togeather for the democracy! Fight communist pigs!

> They ban all non-russian IP's, but you can try
You was right. Got banned because of using proxy. Could leave couple messages though

This is legal in Russia? I mostly like would shoot a man over that if I hadn't asked for him to put things up my ass.

Actually you will put bottle by yourself. They will stand near with a gun

Chechens in Russia above the law. You can get under arrest even if chechen starts fight with you.

I think I've seen a video of that but it looked like the Russian practiced first and didn't mind until they started hitting him.

fight back the gomosexual agenda

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But why I need Chechens anyway??

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>new kommandah of military in finland
>surprise major russian navy excorcise at the baltic sea
>russia coast open
>finnish navy 'accidentally' takes a detour on the russian side

Just don't be gay, if you don't want to meet chechens.