I was a NEET for 6 years and finally got a 9-5 job.
How the fuck is it possible? I am exhausted, there is no time for hobbies, life revolves around work and the social interaction is sickening.
Wageslavery fucking sucks.
I was a NEET for 6 years and finally got a 9-5 job.
How the fuck is it possible? I am exhausted, there is no time for hobbies, life revolves around work and the social interaction is sickening.
Wageslavery fucking sucks.
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Act like a man.
welcome to satans world, where youeither slave away to survive or remain a free spirit, but live a miserable life and die early.
>tfw labouring as a roofer and will have my own businesses while you die off like a faggot
>a 9-5 job
>no time for hobbies
Try real man's job 12-14hr shifts. Then you can talk "no time."
My youngest nephew just started his first job in retail. He asked his dad how he did this for 40 years.
been a NEET for 12 years and it hasn't gotten dull at all
I feel you user. I really do...
Honestly mate, it's very stressful to go from NEET to non-NEET after such a long time, but you'll feel better after a couple of months, when you lose weight and gain more energy.
Spending all of your time working for some Jew isn't a "real man's job".
Honestly the only thing more pathetic than the unemployed are those who think working more than 35 hours a week makes them some sort of hero. You aren't a hero, you're a fucking goy.
Being employed and actually making decent money opens different doors that make it more tolerable. Like being able to buy something nice that you want or go someplace you couldn’t normally afford to go. But yea, terrible combination if you’re slaving away and barely even making ends meet
So, you're a nigger. Thanks for telling us.
freelance welder, same money at half the time, my on schedule, 8 to 5 never again
>it hasn't gotten dull at all
Literally how?
t. NEET for almost four years
>labouring as a roofer
not all of us want to be poor the rest of our life
Oh well. Welcome to the real world, kiddo.
Been working 9-6 for 5 years now. It only gets worse with time.
wow you're a real whiny bitch. spoken like a truly lazy nigger.
Wtf are you doing for the other 16 hours?
>Literally how?
only people with low IQ get bored being NEETs
get on my level
Imagine bragging about being a fucking roofer lmao, enjoy the sun you fucking faggot.
accumulate mediocre wealth and migrate to Patagonia and live like the C(o)unt you are
Jewish lurker here.
sleeping and jerking off i presume
Learn a trade. It will amount to something greater eventually.
the yen
welcome to your own voluntary enslavement. if you want to own a home it never stops.
Ignore the fags who never worked an honest day in their lives
spoken like a true dummy
they can't build houses of all kinds and types fast enough. if you're a roofer with at least a 90 IQ you can land jobs and hire chumps to work and make money for you.
Welcome to the real world.
>12 hour shifts
>half of the month you're off
Pretty comfy honestly.
enjoy being poor
>no life
Try doing 12 days on two days off 12 hour shifts for 2 years
those 2 years sucked ass but i made enough money in those two years two buy a house
quit that shit job for a easy factory job where i just stand by a machine and listen to music and get paid $25/hr with full benefits
i work 4 10 hour shifts and get a 3 day weekend.
blasting money into my 401k and ill be retired by 50
Wallyanon how ya been? That womens posture is unreal.
Try a 4/3 split. I worked at a bottling factory, blow-mold injection, pretty easy just running the machines.
12-14 hour shifts but holidays have mandatory overtime.
3 days on, 4 days off. Next week alternates 4 days on 3 days off.
A better shift than a 9-5 for 5 days a week.
Why an odd number? 36 hours. 3/12hour shifts a week and four day weekends. Pretty comfy honestly.
shut the fuck up lazy cunt
based ahmed
>can't get automated
>can make at minimum 100 a day
>seen a bay window fixed in less than an hour for £400
>can get a tan while doing it
Cope more.
They'll never understand. I'm a doomer as much as the next guy but I don't have a family to rely on for money to be a lazy bastard. Once I get my line set up for work in the South West I am set.
>t. actual poorfag
kill yourself niggers
Hang in there Desu, I've done the same, wagecucking sucks but sometimes we have to do it
Whiter than you, hue monkey.
If you're exhausted it's because NEET life has made you weak. You'll get used to the routine no matter what it is. You learn to make due with less time and seek efficiency in your own pursuits.
You should also be feeling a sense of satisfaction in earning your own way, however meager, and not being a burden on the system.
kek you working class simps amuse me
>retired by 50
I worked full time, then became really good at what I do (landscaping) and now when I have to work for someone else I set the schedule. Right now I only work two days for a company and I do my own stuff.
Be a great worker in a semi skilled job and they will accomodate you to get you to stay.
>rich kike talking down to wagecucks
kill yourself.jpep
>having to work at 70
>owning own business
>working class
I can work when I want to, you nervous faggot lol Why does that scare you that I can pay cheap rent and get over a grand a week?
kek dude, yeah withdawl from neet is extremely hard. I went from a 2 year NEET stretch to being an 8am-5pm builders laborer earlier this year, it was a good 2 months before I adapted. Lukcily I managed to get back on autismbux a few weeks ago so no more wageslaving for me!
Now, when you're at work, always remember that somewhere in the world, an illuminati vampire is eating a child in a luxury mansion and getting away with it.
stop whining about everything, faggot. you want to work what, 10 years of your life and then retire? fucking niggers
7-3.30 slave here. Add on an hour stuck in traffic each way, each day. Someone nuke Melbourne please
I came in this thread specifically to find your gay fucking post and call you a fucking nigger. There, I said it. You're a nigger and we all know it. Fuck you.
>Wallyanon how ya been?
Long day. Hurting a little bit. Didn't bring any painkillers from home. Can't wait for the bike ride home in a few hours.
>That womens posture is unreal.
I'm the same way. Working 4 hours for free today is unreal. Oh well.
I loved that shift when I was out the door at a McDonalds I got transferred to after my old store was shut down. Fun times. I had the whole week to myself! then my car shit the bed and couldn't continue, hence walmart for the past 15+ years...
It aint a glorious life but doing hard work really does build character. I don't ever want to be rich anyway so good, honest labor is the way to go, especially if you are your own boss.
T. Brainlet
i realize retiring by 50 means you have your shit in order, but damn man. at 50 your an old man and your youth where you feel your best are the most capable and healthy you'll ever be is spent. they literally work all of us until were too old to work. you ever think how fucked up that is? that you spend the best parts of YOUR life going to school then working?
This is so true.
stfu wagecuck
oh wow you spent 50 years of your life not being an useless faggot
It is ineffective. Stay mad
being useful to who? the corporation and government? you might think thats a worthwhile way to spend your life but i dont. has to be more to life than that.
working maybe. you have to provide your own means of subsistence. also have you ever thought about choosing to work in something you actually like? a job, a profession that you actually enjoy?
You think you owe society 50% of your life while others pay nothing?
who is not paying? welfare rejects? ok let's end this system, never liked it anyway
>has to be more to life than that.
I ask myself the same question every goddamn day.
You spawned on the wrong planet idiot
>poorfag neets itt mad at people saving up money to retire in their 30's
Write it off as an "opportunity costs"
compared to what?
sitting on your ass playing vidya, shit posting, and watching anime 24/7 for 50 years
I like doin those things still, I just dont do them as much
I'd rather spend my weekends out doing some thing if i can, then hanging with you faggots all day shit posting waiting for the next happening
i work a 9-5 government job nigger and own my own house.
work a job you actually like. yeah, we can all be whatever we want to be. lol okay boomer.
Dude I know it sucks, but shit has to be done.
>tfw wanted to retire at 33
Suicide=right around the corner.
oh so you actually don't work at all. so why are you complaining, faggot
>18-20 work at Staples while living with parents
>Saved up around $20k then quit
>Built a nice computer and got weight lifting equipment
>Literally Jow Forums, running, lifting weights and programming all day everyday
>Got fit and felt great until I knocked up a chick and was forced out of my dwelling
>Have 2 kids now and wageslave with basically no life but more fulfilled than how I was as a NEET
>Would still go back to being NEET if I didn't have kids
Golly, we should think about working a job we really like? Where is this buffet of job openings?
>working 9 to 5 in 2019
>take the welfare pill
>im 30 years old and never worked a single day in my life
2 months out of the year then what? You install carpets am I right? Lol
Correct. A job must pay enough that it not only strips you of time but provides you with enough money that it also enhances the free time you are left with.
If not you SHOULD resort to crime.
Work towards something instead of just working.
fuck off jew
this isn't manhood. this is being a nigger cattle slave to the jews.
acting like a man would constitute of shooting up your local town hall and synagogue
pathetic fucking insect lesser man. you're a shell of a human; already defeated by the slave masters
there's nothing manly about performing the labour that perpetuates this sick, jewish existence. not many people these days even have what it takes to be a real man in the 21st century, that is to violently rebel against your own enslavement that you love so much
Try working full time and going to school full time and working out like I do. If you’re not moving forward and pushing yourself, you’re falling behind and the world will not show you any mercy. Enjoy the fact you are struggling because you are now outside your comfort zone. No millionaire or successful individual ever reached their goals by acting only in their comfort zone and counting the costs.
this lmao. only a true low IQ nigger gets bored with all the wonders we have before us.
I would need a large duffel bag of adderall for this to be a reality.
I used to hate sitting in the breakroom because it felt so damn miserable that's why I always went outside during my break/lunch.
Corporations man...
Like the CEOs and thier tax havens.
If you feel like there is something worth working for in your locality in brazil then that is great. Alot of us struggle to find meaningful work that also pays a living wage
Im neet and would love to have a job .
I had an awesome literally perfect job just a few months ago but it was filled with jelly shitskins cucks and dykes who couldnt keep up with my tempo
neet is best after all, get fucked shlomo!
Why? It's a cruel tease.
let it all burn, user
don't be a wageslave
Welcome to being an adult. No get a woman who bugs the shit out of you and you’ll be a man. Ain’t life great.
wagie wagie get in cagie
>muh job
>muh career
>muh employment
>muh paying taxes to this jewish system until the day I die then they tax my corpse's bank account post-mortem, can't stop work gotta work to keep this jewish society alive
you're not white you fucking faggot retard, nor do you hate niggers or kikes NEARLY as much as I do you fucking subhuman mongrel piece of shit
we're living through an actual fucking extinction event and you're more concerned about your fucking job
fuck you I hope your mom gets raped by a nigger you worthless subhuman nigger cattle. you're literally a nigger cattle. get on your cattle cart with all the other cattle and get carting to your work you dumb cunt. welfare niggers are more white than you, at least they're stealing from this corrupt jewish system and the subhuman retards that fund it and keep its eternal heart beating (you)
you're all soulless husks and nigger cattle for the global elite posting about how much you love your own enslavement on the internet with other drones. you're actual fucking nigger cattle slaving away in your regressing shithole cities while you've forgotten what it is to even be human
True. Took a few years off neetendom to work as a bouncer downtown. Fun for a few months, but eventually even the pussy became monotonous. Nothing like having endless free time.
got PTSD from that image. thanks.
It's called being an adult. Put childish things like hobbies away and focus on your work and responsibilities. There will be time to laze around when you're 70.
What state is this user?