you don't need guns, you shouldn't have them. guns kill people. if we get rid of all the guns, there won't be any more deaths. getting rid of guns would end all crime, end human death, save the environment, empower women and put a stop to racism.
you don't need niggers , you shouldn't have them. niggers kill people. if we get rid of all the niggers , there won't be any more deaths. getting rid of niggers would end all crime, end human death, save the environment, empower women and put a stop to racism.
seriously. kill 'em all.
Jaxson Butler
stop being such a bigot. you want people to keep dying? if we get rid of guns, nobody will ever die again! you're not a nazi, are you?
Joseph Russell
stop being so antisemitic.
Aiden Long
>you don't need guns
yes, we do.
what part of "Shall not be infringed" are you having trouble wrapping your head around?
Henry Reyes
Or what?
William Anderson
I don't think the gun owners are the ones who be facing any consequences.
Jaxson Hernandez
>rights mean things LOL what are you, a white male? >or what? we'll send the police after you to take them away. with guns. because guns are bad and nobody needs them. misogynist.
oh no we'll take them by sheer force of veganism and virtue signaling. also guns which we can't have.
Jeremiah Garcia
Caleb Collins
stop responding to slide threads
Nathan Wilson
antisemite. hand 'em over.
Adrian Wright
Why do americans do this cyberbrandishing thing? like we all know you're insecure as fuck and you're scared to walk outside without a gun because you'll get eat up by black people but that's not even what your second amendmint is for ait's for tyrants but you just use them for shooting people of colour what's the point in having guns if you only use them for hate crimes and impressing your friends on the internet
Jeremiah Bennett
kek those feet
Ryder Ortiz
John White
>we all know you're insecure as fuck and you're scared to walk outside without a gun because you'll get eat up by black people
>what are moose
Gabriel Peterson
Shut up limp dick faggot lmao
Dylan Jackson
Isaiah Mitchell
no gib guns. you cant has.
Connor Edwards
>if we get rid of all the guns, there won't be any more deaths. That’s when the real death begin
Jaxson Perez
it wasn't intended to be a slide. there's really nothing else going on today aside from trade deals with china and little detais in the epstein case.
a local politician of mine suggested that gun control would stop suicides, as though things like shoelaces, razor blades, bridges and highways didn't exist.
getting rid of guns won't solve anything, but will make violent crime skyrocket.
Brody Lopez
I hope that politician gets their skull caved in by a nigger with a hammer.
Kevin Flores
yeah, some fags have no idea what sliding is, carry on user
We're not going to turn any in, and then YOU will face consequences How bou da
Brayden Barnes
>your >"anti"
read the post dipshit.
Mason Torres
This thread is sage-cancer.
Jace Sanders
Dust collecting on an unused condom dispenser.
Lincoln Wood
gosh darn all those boating accidents. we've really got to ban boats.
Jonathan Gray
Come and take them u fuckin edgelord
Daniel Reyes
I’ll take the consequences
Cameron Richardson
>niggers definitely won't steal the free condoms you're one dumb motherfucker. pay attention.
Cameron Price
>>I wasn't making fun of grabbers
Oh sorry I thought you were just trolling. You know that 4chins is known for that, right? Maybe you should lurk moar before you post. Actually, considering the quality of our OP, I suggest you stop posting because you fail. You are neither amusing, challenging, creative or interesting in any way. In fact, I would be depressed at the fact that a thread died for your faggot thread if I didn't know that Jow Forums is fucking worthless now. Worthless just like you.
Josiah James
oh, we will. with more guns they'll never be the same.
>and that's why I keep posting, kus mu feels lol I troll u
Ayden Harris
god I wish
Adam Sullivan
The only way it works is if the whole world bans every firearm ever for everyone and puts getting caught with one punishable by death. I do mean EVERYONE!
Samuel Bennett
New one is "Moscow Mitch".
Russia narrative will be clung to to the democrat parties grave
Jose Howard
Josiah Lopez
You are a giant faggot and I hope you get herpes. I'm actually taking it easy on you because I kind of feel bad for you that you are so worthless.
Evan Walker
>I'm actually taking it easy on you >oh noes, pls be gentle
lol you're such a fucking loser. get a life.
James King
Sadly I lost all of mine in an unfortunate boating accident
Says the failtard that made the gayest thread I've seen in a while. "Stop human death". Fucking hell, you're pathetic. You can't even into satire correctly. Satire is supposed to make cogent parody of the subject you are satirizing, you fucking pea brain. You're ridiculous and I hate you. Go back to whatever censored shithole you came from, because I don't think Jow Forums is for you. You will certainly continue to get taunted by other anons and called a worthless faggot. And you probably won't ever figure out what it is about you that anons like me despise. I'll even tell you what it is. It's your total lack of humor or edge or originality. You suck, sir.
Zachary Hughes
Reminds me of that homeless guy who's foot was rotting away in his shoe. Anyone have the webm?
Kevin Hall
If you want my guns you're going to have to kill me for them
Lucas Hernandez
stop being such a bigot.
John Morgan
ps. you're a douchebag kek
Brody Ramirez
Come and take it. All you'll be catching is slugs heavy as shotputs.
Charles Kelly
>you don't need guns Yes I do, people like you exist, fucking nigger
slide thread, sage it lads
Ethan Bell
>we'll send the police after you They won't abide, same for the army, they serve the People, not the government
Logan Hill
We really need to start locking you fucking retards up.
Connor Young
super srs.
Justin Evans
For sedition, what's the sentence in the USA?
Eat shit, go get them yourself, star by niggerhoods, crime is rampant there
>you don't need guns, you shouldn't have them. guns kill people. if we get rid of all the guns, there won't be any more deaths. getting rid of guns would end all crime, end human death, save the environment, empower women and put a stop to racism.
This. So much this. As a latinx gender queer people of color, guns are incredibly dangerous and if we banned ALL guns people would just stop dying. NOBODY NEEDS AN ASSAULT RIFLE 15! Just shut up and listen. Turn in your guns and nothing will happen. The democratic socialist government will take care of you. Why would ANYONE need a fully semi automatic assault rifle 15.
Iron Dome מִבְצָע צוּק אֵיתָן הַמוֹסָד Golan Heights הוועדה הציבורית האמריקאית לישראל בִּנְיָמִין נְתַנְיָהוּ מנוף Yasser Arafat הַמוֹסָד למודיעין ולתפקידים מיוחדים שלושים שנה מלחמה Mandatory Palestine ראש השנה שואה Haavara Agreement עצמאות מִבְצָע עוֹפֶרֶת יְצוּקָה הֶסְכֵּם הַ אזרחות כפולה Fall of Jerusalem עֲבָרָה העסק הביש ריבונות Six-Day War מִלְחֶמֶת שֵׁשֶׁת הַיָּמִים JIDF ישוע מלחמת Human Rights ההתשה תעלת סואץ First Zionist Congress הוועדה הציבורית האמריקאית לישראל הכנסת Jesus of Nazareth מערכת רב מפלגתית פָּלֶשְׂתִּינָה יהוה YHWH מלחמת יום הכיפורים הפרדה Aida Refugee Camp שׁוֹאַת יְהוּדֵי אֵירוֹפָּה חַג הָאוּרִים The Holocaust אֵזוֹר יְה וּדָה וְשׁוֹ כִּפַּת בַּרְזֶל אינתיפאדת אל-אקצה September 11th Attacks מְרוֹן פאמנת ג'נבהרשת ידלין רמת הגולן USS Liberty מלחמת העולם השניה קטסטרופה עזרה אנושית Yom Kippur War מלחמת יום כיפור חג המולד Operation Susannah בִּנְיָמִין נְתַנְיָהוּ נשקים גרעיניים First Intifada שלום מבצע שלום הגליל Oslo Accords תרנגול Sykes–Picot Agreement הקונגרס הציוני הראשון Gaza Strip מבצע שלמה יגאל עמיר North Yemen Civil War חֹוק הַשְׁבוּת יִצְחָק רַבִּין פרס נובל לשלום הלם ויראה רִבִּית Law of Return ירדן עַמּוּד עָנָן תל אביב אפרטהייד Balfour Declaration
What happens when all the law-abiding citizens hand in all their guns and all the criminals hand in all their guns? Oh wait, the criminals won't and you live in a fantasy land if you think that. Try again Shlomo