Ivanka or Melania

Who will get the first dibs on A$AP rocky.

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Your mom

Ivanka looks mongolian

>implying trump wont go first

Back to discord, niggerfaggot scum

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He’s definitely fucked his daughter

You think Barron fucked them both?

I'm willing to bet he did

Trump is the only one who looks white on that pic. Ivanka looks Jewish or Hispanic, with dyed hair. Melania looks Hapa or Eurasian with the Eastern Euro phenotype edging out slightly.

Go back to sucking nigger dick you nigger loving faggot.
>hurr durr u showed the truth so u must b a uhhhh disc0rd tranny
Fuck off /ptg/ you're not welcome on Jow Forums anymore you anti-white scum fag.

LITERALLY kill yourself, you are sticking out like a sore thumb, whatever flavour of shill you are - CTR, Shareblue, memelab, disco tranny, IIDF...

You have achieved nothing, you will never achieve nothing. Jow Forums is a Trump board. 8 years you piece of shit, die.

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Quads of truth

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Ivanka is stunning. 10/10, would eat ass.

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Goddamn it this pisses me off.

>jew rat with $500k of plastic

I’ll be really glad when you faggots leave.

Fuck off Trump-cultist. Your god-emperor has folded like a cheap suit.


No u, faggot.

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Just came here to say OP is a faggot and my choice would be Melania by a mile. Although it would be terrifying

Barron & Melania piss tapes WHEN?

ASAP will be grabbing some WH pussy.

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Who has the best feet? Ivanka or Melania?

Back to your discord or reddit. Wherever you fags congregate.


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Say the line, cuck.

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Your mom, OP, she's hooked on that sweet, sweet niggerdick.

>Imagine still shilling against DRUMPF with this level of intensity day in and day out
Must be a sad existence to have the man live rent-free in your head and cause you to rapidly lose the last of your sanity.

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probably one of you plebbit faggots who obsess over niggers 24/7

I'm not the schitzo who calls anyone who disagrees with their precious president a shill.

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Hard to tell. Ivanka is a true American, thus she lusts for the BBC. Milana European but is an actual whore tho.

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I think it will be more along the lines of Trump getting first dibs on him.


>Anyone who disagrees with Trump is a leftist.

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White girls hate niggers. These threads are getting old lol. Have sex.

You are a leftist. If not what are you?

A white nationalist.

Why would a white nationalist disagree with Trump?

Mainly because he's been fairly ineffective with his deportations and said he wanted 'more immigration than ever'. He's better than the Democrats, but his interests are not my interests.

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