Most redpilled game ever made

most redpilled game ever made

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Hearts of Iron 3?

Red alert?



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when generals was released the iraq war was still going on so it was an unexpected change of pace compared to the more fantasy like world of red alert.

C&C generals? You idiot pleb. The most redpilled the C&C 3 Tiberium war.

Epstein Palace?

that shit is unbalanced garbage. still fun though

Reminds me I need to watch Seth's new video.

Original Deus Ex?

did nothing wrong.

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No pain, no gain. The first screen mission is a rough walk in a hell.

Operaation Flashpoint!

I think I need to reinstall and play the campaign instead of just fucking around with waves of skeletons.

I still have it installed.



Shut up faggit it's breddy gud tho

Can I have some shoes?

Deus Ex

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HoI 3 is unironically unplayable if you have an average IQ
Keeps out the niggers
Lets make conquering the USSR as germany mandatory for citizenship tests instead of stupid ass tests about history and shit

I remember there was a map in the 1v1 online pool clearly meant as a 2v1. One dude started in a fortress with blue tiberium, the other started in some peasant green field. It was on there for months at least

literally "it's happening" the game but also probably one of the best strategy games ever.
the slow pace at which everything moves makes it one of my favorites just for the foresight needed to effectively strategize, counter, and respond.

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Panzer General

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>most redpilled game ever made

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Stronghold Crusader

League of Legends is most baste and breadpilled

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How can you be even more complete.

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WHAT'S the name of the game

Turok Dinosaur Hunter

Saves me a job, thanks user.

i remember playing that when i was like 8, man i fucking loved it

my favourite faction was GLA, that shit wouldn't fly today and i play it from time to time even today

This. This completely. Unironically the only game I play other than Left for Dead 2. I hate the mall in Savannah.

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Tiberian Sun is the most based and redpilled C&C.

>be gdi
>fight scrin

best game ever, spend my whole teen years playing this game

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Stop shilling this shit game.


command and conquer: generals

fucking nigger

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empire earth cheating computers were annoying as fuck

Do you payed the first scrin mission? I needed at least 2 hour to make it. Those fuckin ultra basic scrin troops are worthles shit.

that was a fun game

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Do you played the first scrin mission? I needed at least 2 hour to make it. Those fuckin ultra basic scrin troops are worthles shit.

here's a gameplay video, shows the atmosphere and pace.
really really good. don't know if the video does the game justice, but yeah

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That is not diablo II on hardcore mode

yeah i realized that about 10 seconds after I post lol. Still generals is probably older than 10% of this board

Oh and you also happen to be the gay foot fetishist, great...

Honestly I think I'm remembering now... I might not have beat it lmao. Just saying with RTS i mostly care about the multiplayer and the scrin were way OP

I had a perfect win streak playing on xbox cause dudes cant play with controllers apparently and I'd tech down 4 other guys solo with the carrier types. Got a loss because of disconnection bug and snapped the disk in half. Fuck EA.

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Gave that game a go. Didn't grab me. Though that may be because I barely had any clue wtf you're meant to be doing.


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Zelda games have always been subtly based.
>Aryan hero
>Evil hooknosed Ganondorf

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Unironically Radiata Stories
(((((Dwarves))))) polute whatever land they dwell on to the point of being unable to support any life, they strip it of all resources, they break trade agreements and cry victim when the backlash happens, they perform false-flag attacks, they revel in possibility of humanity going extinct and go right back to playing the victim when that doesn't pan out.
And that's just one race. Don't get me fucking started on the goddamn elves.

Oh, and you fucking wipe them all out.

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Postal 2 is redpilled and blackpilled at the same time

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You are mine. You cant escape from the avatar.

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>Hey JC, did you know that even though the news today shows us a spree killer every month the sad reality is that this happens every day in black and other minority neighborhoods?
Talk about flying under the radar.

Crusader Kings 2

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What game is that OP?

>wololo wololooo

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command and conquer generals

Try playing it against a friend, superbly unbalanced JANK FUCKING SHIT that is heavily biased against the Empire. But fun as fuck playing through the campaign.

MOBA are cancer, kys zoomer scum.

You Med-Italian traps need to take more estrogen, it makes your feet less manly and more feminine, therefore more cute. Also shave your legs.

C&C tiberium twilight
A. K. A : how can be ruined a good game.

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The only correct answer.

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How deep into the Hitler larp do you get when you play? I go a little too far.

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Unironically WOW. It began as an ancap game and became ultra socialist over the years.

I loved doing chinook troop deployments into buildings as America on that game.

i talk to this german girl online and she says i have girly feet. Her feet look more boyish than mine do because germanic women are masculine.

What a way to go

I can recommend this rts game from polland.

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black and white is a god tier game.

i got the 10yr anniversary edition.
bretty gud

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Fortnite is the most redpill game ever, when you feel attackes, build a wall

You can never go to far. You mustn't stop until all of Europa or the world has been conquered.

Not really a redpilled game, but it's a unique RTS classic.

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is there anyway to play these games now?

the tutorial isn't great but there are tons of things that can make it easier to understand.
basically the goal is to get a higher score than your opponent (aka, have more survivors and soldiers, more of your civilization, going into nuclear winter).
there's a pecking order in the naval battles that isn't explained. fighters beat bombers and subs. bombers beat carriers and cities. subs beat destroyers and citys. destroyers beat carriers. carriers beat subs.
with this there's a kind of complex rock paper scissors that emerges in naval battles.
you also have a set number of nukes between bombers, subs, and silos, and there are particular techniques to timing your volley so that you overwhelm your enemies AA defenses. similar to FTL you want to make sure that multiple nukes are approaching the same target at the same time. so when using silos be sure to target cities or strategic sites in the same order so there are multiple warheads on approach at the same time.
things take time to prepare as well. planes take time to launch, and units take time to prep munitions and functions (for instance switching a sub from combat and shooting torpedos to prepping it SRBMs). this is where foresight comes in.
for instance if you launch all of your bombers from your country's bases to bomb your enemies cities, if you just click the city and let the bombers launch then they'll fly in single file towards the target and arrive one at a time, easily swatted down by the enemies AA batteries. however if you launch then perpendicular (say the enemy is to the west, you launch your bombers south) and wait for the last to take off, then you can select them all and have them approach as one formation so they arrive and attack together.

Looks like C & C

i loved that game
cant get it to run though

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Are you a pasta-dude? It seems like you only say the same thing over and over again. Can we get a status update on the feet? Maybe a little update? Perhaps you may have potential to become the next broccolibutts.

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You gotta name your armies and shit and get attached to your generals - if you're gonna play HOI you need to be autistic.

You mean Tiberian Sun?

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talk to my d*scord if you want to know. I'm not going to show my feet.

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That isn't Viva Pinata

I came in this thread specifically to find your gay fucking post and call you a fucking nigger. There, I said it. You're a nigger and we all know it. Fuck you.

Chuck Yeager's Air Combat (1991)

An air combat game based on the real missions of triple-ace Chuck Yeager.

Why it's Red pilled... he want to make sure people understood that you don't get a reset in real life. So... Once your combat started you could not pause or save. And... if you're shot down (even if you're on your 14th mission), your character is DEAD, and has to start from the beginning.

I must have died 30 times in the first mission. Only figured out how to win when I read up and found out that the ceiling on the enemy planes were 2000 feet lower than mine.

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looks a lot like Men of War : Assault Squad 2
great game

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best Bungie game series

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Yeah but the story line is really different and really good. Its worth a shoot.

basically the game does a incredible job illustrating something that is the forbidden truth of thermonuclear war: you can win. through strategy, foresight, patience, and the acceptance of some loss, you can decisively fucking WIN a nuclear war

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