This unironically is ok
Prove me wrong
This unironically is ok
Prove me wrong
t. closet christcuck
Christfags are responsible for the nigger problem. It's the Lutheran Church also importing Somalis and other shitskins. $15 trillion to Africa.
Christfags are traitors to the white race.
Hes missing his kippah
John 10:1 faggot
Doesn’t the Bible refer to Africans as nonhuman?
I always see Americans say these kinds of things, why? I mean, when I was in the church last week, at the end of the mass, the Priest urged people to the attend Anti-faggot protest.
jesus was black himself he had "dark bronze skin and hair of wool"
Where does it say that then? Only skin is mentioned glowing like bronze
Reminder that you can kill the kike and his worshippers. It's easy.
Christcucks imported tons of niggers from Africa. Now these niggers are middle-class students and they fuck 10/10 white girls. For example check Evie and Ellie Erikson. There are hundreds of thousands of coalburners thanks to christcucks who import and raise niggers as middle class citizens.
i hate u niggers
Modern day jews are the canaanites that the real israelites refused to genocide
The jamaican ex coke dealer i work with is a more devout, based christian than 99% of the christians here. Just saying. This op pic is a strawman #NotAllNiggers
Retarded - Joshua was talking about people who followed different religions, not shitskins. This basically IS
>Ew, a heretic
>Be very strong, then, so that you can keep and obey all that is written in the Book of the Law of Moses, not turning aside from it to the right or to the left. So you are not to associate with these nations remaining among you.
In other words, if the nigger converts to Christianity then it's all good.
First of all
OP is a troll and anyone who doesn't realize that is severely retarded.
Also, there is no such thing as good looking pagan women. I love you guys, and we gotta work as a team against OP and the rest of the Jews, but the girls are all land-whales or possess their own benis.
If you got one that isn't, start breeding immediately.
I can assure you this wouldn't happen IRL. Coalburners are the LEAST desirable white women.
Any white woman with a nigger boyfriend &/or niglet won't even be noticed by Chads. In fact, they will be REJECTED.
It doesn't matter if the coalburner is christian or not. It's bad enough she's a single mom. It's even worst that she's a race traitor
>things that literally have never happened
saged and hidden
This. Look up "beasts of the fields"
Even YHWH doesn't consider them human
>I can assure you this wouldn't happen IRL.
>It's even worst that she's a race traitor.
Jesus wasn't a nigger, you looney coon
Yes. Dead serious. There are reasons why they say, "Once you go black, you don't come back"
Daily reminder that NeoPagans are just racist atheists.
1 post by this ID.
1 post by this ID
Christians are not the ones ruling the US, it's your filthy tribe.
I know, user. But interracial marriages are common and encouraged by xtianity. Xtianity CANNOT be racist. It is literally impossible. Xtianity converts blacks and non-whites en masse. Majority of Africa is (some type of) xtian. Churches shill for immigration and miscegenation, the Pope does as well. Literally any authority figure, and the book itself tells us we are "equal", which we are not. I could go on, but this will be my 4th religious debate of the night and I'm not interested any more.
>they will become [...] traps for you
God confirms traps are gay
1 post by this ID.
Christians have nothing to do with this. Atheists (including the Jews) are the ones importing people in mass to the US.
Niggers are inherently heretic, as they aren't humans, have no soul and so they cannot go to heaven. They are literally biorobots like viruses.
>more than 2/3rds Christian
>not Christian
>u r a jew!
The absolute state of Christniggers.
Fuck off Christnigger, all of the Somalians who were robbing my garage at the apartment complex I lived in before buying my own home were imported by the fucking Lutheran church. Thanks, Christkikes!
>If you're christian you must be pro race mixing
Fuck off with your cuckold fantasies, shill.
Yea all human life is equally as valuable to God because your soul and spirit doesn't have melanin in its skin. :p
This world is only temporary.
In heaven you have a new body that is perfect in every way. No bald people or wheelchair bound people or invalids.
Nick Vujicic is now a born again Christian the last time I heard of him, in Heaven he will still be recognizably himself, but with a normal stature and limbs etc. . (knowledge is instantaneous in Heaven, and all people recognize one another. There is no confusion in heaven).
Adam and Eve had within their genetic makeup the entire gene spectrum that created all the individual expressions you see worldwide today. But having a body was only necessary after the fall into sin.
The Church doesn't import people you shitfucking dumb nigger, leftist trafficking organisations do.
Go blow your bull.
Fuck off, retard:
All of them get government welfare to import shitskins. It's a fucking moneymaker for Christkikes.