Tulsi's Jew run mind control cult hates whites, Christians, guns, America, Western Civilization, and free thought
>Until recently, Carol Gabbard served on the Science of Identity Foundation's Board of Directors. In a video series titled "Jagad Guru Speaks," Mike and Carol Gabbard appear with Butler as he bashes Christianity and attacks Mormons. Butler refers to God as a "sadist" and calls Christians "fanatics." In this video, the Gabbards laugh and nod in agreement with their guru.
Never throughout school, did I learn that the nazis hated black people. It always seemed weird to me that Americans focused so much on this.
James Lopez
>Anti-Christianity separates us Nope, it saves gentiles. You can kill the kike, do the race awakening ritual. ancient-forums.com/viewtopic.php?f=24&t=21799 Satanisgod.org is down, what a cohencidence.
Gavin Reyes
So we've switched from larping as christians to larping as militant atheists, eh Moshe?
Adrian Harris
There are so many God Damned jews on Jow Forums since 2016 that you can't get a good folk supporting thread anymore. Just degenerate jews and their nazi fools.
Connor Russell
>Satanisgod.org Kill yourself kike
Lincoln Diaz
>So we've switched from larping as christians to larping as militant atheists, eh Moshe? I TOLD YOU
Ryan Brown
Oliver Martinez
Logan Price
Evan Rodriguez
Ok, faggot. When does the Bronx get a nuke?
Henry Green
>satan is god Literally kabbala, you fucking kike
Julian Hernandez
Also, Dugin is based, where are these recruitment groups?
Adam Taylor
unite under a belief? no thanks, go with your jesus to your room.
what really unites us is race, the blood is thicker than anything.
Beliefs are wrong, blood is not and it is natural, religions are social constructions. The racial division is natural.
one race, many nationalities, many religions, but one race, THE WHITE RACE WHITE BROTHERS.
>meneflag >Christianity sucks goyz Typical. Show flag kike
Christopher Torres
I’ll be sure to tell the black guy that broke into my sisters house and shot her husband that he fell into a divide and conquer scheme of the jews, you fucking moron.
Blake Flores
jews didn’t make blacks violent, thieving, criminals. jews are pushing whites to except them, you fucking moron.