"Daddy, why won't Republicans let us have free health care like every other developed nation in the world?"

"Daddy, why won't Republicans let us have free health care like every other developed nation in the world?"

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Biden said it costs too much.


>free? How so?

>everyone clapped
>and that kids name was Albert Einstein.

Because niggers would overuse it without a good return on the cost. 'Developed' is a code word for East Asian or white.

Counteracting your stupid ass sage

Kid will still get treatment regardless of whether the family can pay or not. It's the law.

Grow up.


> free
OP nigger confirmed
No gibs

but seriously tho America has millions of people who are homeless or don't work and don't have insurance if they get a serious illness they have no money and they are fucking dead.

Tough shit.

Only virtue signaling Moms addicted to facecrack and various social media would concoct such bullshit out of their kid’s mouth.

It would. Health care isn't going to cost America what it costs the rest of the world.
For one, no fucking administration, even those who hate the hyper anacap nature of healthcare, have ever approached the number 1 problem of America's healthcare costs, which is the modern chargemaster system.
For another, Americans are the unhealthiest people on the first world. It'd be one thing if you pinned the blame for that on our lack of healthcare, but you know this isn't the case because we are frequently of dying of diseases that healthcare cannot reliably fix, like heart attacks and cancer in numbers that no other country on the planet has to deal with.

The same guy and gal that complains about America's healthcare system is often the same person that embraces body acceptance shit and eats until they are 5-600 lbs. Europe and countries that have socialized healthcare don't have to deal with that.

well it's third world nigger type stuff having people die off because they can't get access to medicine

That's wrong. Please quit spreading false information. Read up on the EMTALA act you retarded fucking leaf holy shit.

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“Because the Democrats refused to close the border and remove benefits for illegals”

those are emergencies like if a nigger bit your arm or something

>don't work
>don't have insurance
Yup, sucks to be them.

Because you get what you pay for and free means crap

We don't have to wait for weeks to see someone here. It's same-day.

Also, if you're poor, kids already get free care. You wouldn't know that though, being a rich fartsniffing kike with no grasp on reality.

t.was a poor kid, family never got billed

I came in this thread specifically to find your gay fucking post and call you a fucking nigger. There, I said it. You're a nigger and we all know it. Fuck you.

It's any emergency you fucking chink.

I came in this thread specifically to find your gay fucking post and call you a fucking nigger. There, I said it. You're a nigger and we all know it. Fuck you.

I came in this thread specifically to find your gay fucking post and call you a fucking nigger. There, I said it. You're a nigger and we all know it. Fuck you.

Nothing is truly free. So, tough shit

"Sweetie, what did I tell you about people who lied five times already?"

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Joining the National Guard as opposed to big army was the best decision I ever made.

>easy af
>drill is a joke and I get paid to be there
>military benefits
>free education

My wife’s ENTIRE PREGNANCY and birth cost is a whopping $31.

It’s worth it bros. Don’t listen to the horror stories. My civilian job has been fine

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Don't be a leech on society that gets other people to pay for everything you need and you'll be fine.

Go talk to some homeless people in any metropolitan area and you'll see why they're homeless. They deserve pity, they don't deserve anything else.

The only real difference between our healthcare system and that of America is that we're forced to have insurance (and yes, we pay for it, a lot) while you're not.

ok but most Americans are poor af and have shitty insurance and a lot don't even have any so if you get cancer you're done you're either dead or bankrupt or both

The military is a great gig, if I ever hear someone bitching about not having a job or money I'll ask them if they ever thought about joining the military and then revel in their stupid fucking excuses.

Citizen soldier, motherfucker.

I'd rather give it to Israel


The difference is Germany has had government insurance since Bismarck

>because rich people deserve their lambos and penthouses, little cletus. taxin them is theft and jesus said theves go to hell. maga *puffs cigarette and dies of lung cancer*

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niggers blame racism when they have to wait at the ER for their stubbed toe

As fucked as that is, it is still a step up from the "Make the family pay for their own relative's execution" policy that many serious dictatorships were known to adopt.

what? we live in California, you dont get any healthcare because we are stuck waiting in line for the all the illegals getting free healthcare.

I came in this thread specifically to find your gay fucking post and call you a fucking nigger. There, I said it. You're a nigger and we all know it. Fuck you.

Big army isn't that much worse. It's fucking stupid with all the fuck-fuck games but as long as you're not a dumb nigger and do illegal shit over the weekend and keep your head down it's easy to get by.
I do regret not going Natty Guard though.

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Because I have been productive my entire life, I'm actually set up with a decent health plan. Not my problem if others haven't done the same.

So, tough shit.

>1 post by this ID

Daddy: "Because free health care is a ploy to destroy a free nation by enslaving its civilians through Communism, resulting in the genocide of 100s of millions of innocent people. The reason Mommy and Daddy can't get you your medicine is because sick greedy people in high places banned all medicinal plants by patenting their chemicals."

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Our doctors have a higher rate of killing patients than theirs even if you include every single person that died due to no health insurance. Think about that for a second.

Canadian here, you'd be retarded to want our system.


>Wait times:

Orthopaedic surgery averages 41.7 weeks
CT scans are 4.1 weeks
MRI is 10.8 weeks
Ultrasound is 3.9 weeks
medical oncology is 3.2 weeks
radiation oncology is 3.9 weeks
elective cardiovascular is 11.7 weeks
neurosurgery is 32.9 weeks
opthamalogy is 31.4 weeks
plastic surgery is 26.5weeks
gynaecology is 22.5 weeks
otolaryngology is 20.7 weeks
General surgery is 13.1 weeks
urology is 14.6 weeks
internal medicine is 15.6 weeks
also depends on province
for example, BC waits 24 weeks for an MRI
The national average for a hip replacement according to the Canadian government is 27.5 weeks
these are also medians
In certain provinces, patients can routinely expect to wait more than a year to receive orthopedic surgery

Last year around 30k Canadians just went down to the states and paid for treatment out of pocket.

The median wait time for medically necessary treatment in Canada this year was 19.8 weeks. Among the provinces, Saskatchewan has the shortest median wait time this year at 15.4 weeks, and New Brunswick again recorded the longest wait time (45.1 weeks).

Wait time from referral to specialist? 8.7 weeks.
Consultation with specialist to treatment? 11 weeks.

About 3% of Canadians are currently waiting for treatment of some kind (not simple ER shit). Wait times often lead to issues like chronic pain, the issue advancing or economic cost to the individual.

You pretty much only get in if you're in dire need/bleeding profusely in the ER etc.

And that isn't even accounting for medical error. A study recently found that 138,000 people are harmed during hospitalization. 30,000 of which will be harmed multiple times during their stay. 17,300 will die due to medical error. These are high numbers for a small population.

Canada and Healthcare Cost?

And the cost? Well if you averaged it out, Canada spends about 6.3k a year per person. If you take the Fraser Institute's report, an average family of 2 adults/2 kids with a 127k income pays about 12k into the medical system via taxes. The median earner is paying about 5.8k paid in taxes for medical. You're super poor? Enjoy a $500 a year cost. Oh you're making over 140k? Hope you're ready to buck up like 35k through your taxes.

Healthcare costs have risen 127% over the last 20 years. Hell between 2005 and 2015, it grew at a rate of 1.6x faster than the average income.

And this isn't comprehensive as only 70% of canadian healthcare spending is public. That last 30% can make that number go way up.

Nevermind that your MSP isn't technically the only source of revenue collected for healthcare. These go into general government revenue.

Canada spends just under Iceland and around the same amount as Switzerland on healthcare as a percent of our GDP and our treatment is nowhere near as good.

Maybe you'd like to move to Rwanda, Ghana, or Botswana, all of which have systems of government healthcare in place.

zogbot faggot
enjoy your ptsd bitch boy

Your healthcare will always suck.

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Do not reply to bait threads. If you really need to reply write "sage" (without the quotation marks) in the "options" field. This means that your post won't move the thread to the front page.

And for anyone who is still clueless: No, Europe does not have free healthcare. The democrats made that up.

>my 8 year old asked at breakfast why refugees arent allowed in and started crying
>i hope you're happy republicans

Because you'll have to pay for health both for yourself and for subhuman illegal shitskinoid masses, also think about the funds USA sends to Isreal, you'll also pay for their healthcare, honey

Can't get Cancer if you never see a doctor. Bunch of ugly worthless cunts anyhow.

If the government didn't prohibit children from earning their own money she could have paid for her own health insurance. We should remove unnecessary regulations and also get rid off the age of consent.

I pay $140 a month, on top of taxes which go towards healthcare spending. So in reality, I pay $1680 on top of whatever percentage of my taxes goes to healthcare.

Because healthcare funding is drawn from EI, CPP, Income tax, sales tax, profit tax, property tax, alcohol/tobacco tax, duty, etc.

While my income tax rate is substantial and I lose around between a 30-45% of my income to that, if you added how much I pay on average to the rest of that shit above, I probably pay around 47% of my income in taxes.

Because the democrats have chosen for us to live in a divided, "multicultural" soup kitchen country and we can't afford to pay for our peoples' medical treatment

because mommy blew the mailman. It's all her fault.

Because if you have a rare genetic condition you won't be able to cure it in Europe or Canada. You will go to the US because that's where the best medicines and doctors are.

It’s free for all the people who actually “need” government healthcare. Everyone who would end up paying for it with their tax dollars already has healthcare


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>going to your local jewish doctor, who got his education from pharma controlled med school curriculum
>literally illegal to deviate from the "standards of practice" even if you know it will kill the patient
>wants to fund this with tax money, further empowering the current soft kill operation

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Because we have niggers and they ruin everything sweetie.
But don't worry, when you get better I'll show you how to make a noose so you can fix that when you're older.

I'm going to go with /thread


Something like 40% of my taxes go to the NHS. I haven't needed to go to the doctor for about a decade.