Daily reminder that if you’re white and you don’t plan on having kids you’re contributing to the end of the white race.
White People General
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>Jow Forums user
>having kids
This doesnt seem like such a good idea OP..M
Yes, and?
>Daily reminder that if you’re white and you don’t plan on having kids you’re contributing to the end of the white race.
See if I care.
Daily reminder that your daughters, mothers, grandmothers, aunts, cousins and sweethearts sold you out for their own selfish interests.
You owe the white race fuckall, if one wanted to help the race, they'd be pressuring women to change the laws that got us into this mess in the first place.
What you owe, is yourself. You only live once, there's no do overs, no second chances if you fuck it up the first time. When you're dead you're dead, so think how you'd rather live, an indentured servant, or a free man
Is that a bad thing?
Having kids is fine. Raising them, not so much.
No, you want your peasants. You got them.
Are you serious
I had kids with a jew. I'm 100% European, with my maternal genetic lineage traced back to the first people who settled in Europe. I also paid 758k in federal income tax last year. Fuck all you incel losers.
goodbye you no ass having, macaroni and cheese eating, turning into lobsters when you go in the sun tanning, pasty ass crackers.
Thinking like that makes you the plague. Filling yourself with problems, passing them on. Nothing here is white. Plenty of women in cages, what gets one out wipes off some darkness. What brings a cage to one loses itself to it.
Cant have kids. Otherwise id impregnate on Khan scale.
Well then you should treat white people nicer rather then ordering them around like a cunt. They might even take you seriously one day if you stop being a wigger.
>Taylor ducked a Kennedy
Stop posting pics of this traitorous whore
Rhymes with Sailor Thrift.
I’m white but my children will be quarter Native American. Wut do lads
I have 1 advantage over God: I have a body on earth and I have a tremendous advantage over all women: I can create over 9000 babies. I like being white, I like being a straight man. It is amazing to be me. It is amazing to have a penis, my penis is perfect. It is amazing to have my skin color. Having white skin color isn't any better than any other color. I truly love my self, my body and my women in my life, that I love too.
Love is unconditional. Love is Love.
If you are the women in that picture you should get to know me, regardless if you don't want to have kids or have another man in your life.
I am. Life is. Abundance is.
Creativity. Sex. Being. Nonpolar light.
Why are there so many ramblings tweakers/schizos on Jow Forums?
Keep bleaching said kids until their condition is no more
I don’t really know what you mean by that. My wife is half Native American. She is also based af, calls blacks niggers straight to their face without a smirk. It’s great. But still, my children won’t be 100% European like me.
They're bots.
eeew you porked a jew.
>Daily reminder that if you’re white and you don’t plan on having kids you’re contributing to the end of the white race.
With standards like pic related having sustainable population growth is impossible.
Literally everyone would be up for reproducing with someone like that because that is the standard. But most don't look like that. And it's literally impossible for everyone to get someone who looks like that or "a cutue" or whatever.
This 100%
Bros im 80% white
Based Hue
She's not white. She is jewish
Take your meds schizcel
I prefer Persian qt's though
>t. Sulejman Sulejmanoglou
Q predicted this
many of them burn the coal a lot in US and UK
why are spanish women so good on average? why are good english women so rare?
>fantasizes about sex with Taylor Swift
Daily reminds the whitest hobby you can find is caving/spelunking, the only nonwhites you find are white latinos and cool asians
I’m too ugly, no woman would have kids with me. White women at least
Ever considered becoming a trap?
Daily reminder that shaming tactics are ineffective. Tackle the core problems if you want to address the white fertility issue. Unrestrained women are also part of the problem.
I'm hapa but everyone thinks I'm white and I'm ostracized from the asian community. When a white ethnostate is formed, you niggers better let me in
what if im not white, and i plan to have children with white women?
he dead.
nigga that's me
was this that retard that died after getting wedged head first so they left him, poured concrete in the hole?
Nice ID, Yid
lmao no the pic is me but you're thinking of Nutty Putty out in Utah where a guy slowly died upside over the course of like 2 days. Pic related it's him
I want children but I don’t want non-whites in this country around my white kids, I want them to be removed before I have kids.
The ultimate pipedream is an Anglo-Asian ethnostate
When the White population declines in percentage terms, the third world exterminates themselves.
Yeah, they are that fucking stupid.
im starting to feel racist to my own race
for the most part its only white parents transitioning their childs gender. whites are fucking slave morons to the social justice agenda. other races dont do pc virtue signalling at such an insane level.
whites have problems. all the races do frankly. blacks are thugs, whites are insane lefties, indians poop everywhere. chinks are bugmen. its all too much. i cant even feel pride in my species anymore let alone my race.
white supremacy is a joke. bunch of fucking genderqueers
I would climb into jetty crevices and large cracks in rockwalls as a kid but laying down or head first seems like the best way to get stuck. What a shit way to die.
this is on the women retard, giving women rights ended our people.
My sides achieved orbit
Dear White People:
Stop with the nihilistic selfabsorbed crap and be productive and reproductive, you imbeciles!
His widow gave an interview where she said she was happier with her new husband and that proves god makes everything happen from beyond the grave. Cucked from beyond the grave, having to spend eternity watching your wife plowed by Chad
Why is this so funny
Which countries have the best White women to breed with?
Yep so remeber every time you go to the abortion clinic
There are a lot of nice looking women staying home tonight and tomorrow night because no ogre had the balls to ask them out.
Get your feelings hurt nine times--tenth time, bingo. All she can say is `no.'
You lack confidence. Grow some balls Shrek.
Rate my daughter
I wonder if she still have 18.
Good job, user. Raise her well and teach her that the path to a life full of meaning and happiness is serving her husband and having a horde of white children.
Hoopers vagina
Daily reminder that if u white man u better stay in ur house and pray u never meet the people ur kind descriminate and harass
Have two boys to carry it on. Imagine if every generation gave up, like all the cringy fuckers in this thread... feels good to be a man
I wish the pants were lower so I could see her dick.
Reminder she is 16 years old in this photo, and if you find a woman of her age attractive for marriage and babymaking you are a pedophile who deserves the rope. Save her for six more years of niggerball players in high school and college before you think of asking a young woman this age out.
> women
> posts a man
look, fag, we know you're just trying to normalize your fucking pedo lolis, suck a fat cock you permanent reject
>if you find a woman of her age attractive for marriage and babymaking you are a pedophile who deserves the rope.
Niggers cannot survive without whites. Starve to death
A cutie pie
I’m white and I have a huge ass
Try again
This is true. I'm in my 40's and decided not to have kids due to selfish and financial reasons. I am now the only White guy on my street. Not kidding.. I live in California. Because of Asian and Indian immigration. I implore all White people to have kids... lots of kids...at least 4 or 5. Fuck the immigrants.
FUCKING new fags
Good, go fuck yourself faggy ass leaf.
I’m with Hans whose the semen demon?
Excellent daughter
I’ve had girls that age
Legal in England
Im 30 and can't get gf