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>>Political Scientist, here.
>>One who predicted Trump's win
>>Swing States are not going to vote his way, with larger agriculturally based, and coal based swingers, like Pennsylvania, Virgina and Florida, revolt voting due to the damage created by Trump's amateur approach to International trade (obey Jared and Israel.)

>>Michigan, a state whom Donald the Candidate implied should be federally rescued due to the atrocious water situation, have not been aided. In fact, Michigan was abandoned.
>>Solid Red States, such as Alabama, are going to be the bulk of Trump's carriage.
>>The revolt vote emanating from the swing states will essentially repeat the electoral map of 1996.
>>It IS over.
>>Let the trolling, spamming, and crying start, now.
>>I will repost gloating told you so's....

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Buttigieg will win the nomination and get a surprising amount of states in the midwest

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I think 379 to 159 is NOT at all an exaggeration. He probably could have benefitted from starting the trade war in the third year of his presidency. This way, Iowa, and the Bread Basket States, who have already felt the pinch of the rising COLA, and some even losing their entire market base, may have not been aware of the damage Trump was creating as quickly.

>West Virginia
I think Trump will win, but to think that he'll lose with the 96 map is a special kind of retarded you don't see on this board very often

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Coal Industry shock is still happening, and that is an industry that is looking at Kentucky, and asking itself, "How long?"

The reason is that traditionally, the belt tightening around the stomachs of coal country is a donino-effect event.

And thinking a) he will win and b) the D couldn't beat him with a ham sandwich totally invalidates your boomed opinion as novice, and simply unable to count past,, ten.

There is zero chance of this. It fits none of the models, none of the polls, and has no basis in reality.

Screen shot taken to laugh at how retarded this is.

From one political scientist to another, you're degree is a joke and you should neck yourself.

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So a single news story that ignores the overall upward economic trend in Trump country means they'll vote for a Democrat who supports infanticide, open borders, socialized health care, and the green new deal. Got it

That it. I'm voting Kamala now!

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Being a paid shill doesnt make you a political scientist.


You're pretty bad political scientist if you don't realize that most of Pennsylvania's agricultural goods are shipped within the country and that overall most Coal also stays within the country. You might want to look more towards a state like Iowa for a swing state dependent on International agricultural trade.
Michigan does not give a shit about Flint outside of the Flint area which is one of the hardest blue areas to begin with
Hell, Virginia is not even a swing state these days it's been a blue leaning state for a while

The elections going to be tight just like last time and I'm not making any predictions but I will say that yours and your reasoning are terrible

believing Ohio will be blue next year "political scientist" okay sophomore in highschool.

Is most of her head shaved???

Can You Count?

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No, buddy. Nice try. My family owns coal mines and sells almost 80% of its product to China. Or ...sold. layoffs already underway.
As I told Hillary voters in 2015-16: try waking up, and maybe, huffing LESS Freon?

>political scientist
>"predicted 2016"
>not learning from 2016's polling failures
>not knowing that polling data from before the primaries even finished is completely irrelevant regardless

>>>One who predicted Trump's win
He is stupid that dont know about election rigging, or he is so smart to know hillary didnt had 100% chance of riging the election to win

Obama won by 7 points in 2008 and wasn't even competitive in the south. I don't know why you think Biden somehow would be. You're just a lazy fraud who can't be bothered to make a realistic map on 270 to win. How would Biden win Arkansas and Tennessee, but not North Carolina and Virginia???

If the Democrat who runs is on about a white tax and their open borders + amnesty infinity niggers schtick literally all Trump has to do to win is make sure nobody in America ever forgets it.

lmao no one cares what glorified pollsters think anymore, ever since Nate Cardboard got JUSTed
drink antifreeze faggot

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Memeflaggotry! Wow!
Nope. I reported to Congress about the way 538 had helped to create the Russian hack slander/libel in 2017.... Their answer was to end net neutrality. Mine was, "We need internet to MSM numbers accountability."

Which is WHY I predicted Trump's victory. So did ABC, in election week.

No, this time his bombastatudeness has extended to the cannibalization of UNION voters. No way to win, in US History, when that is done. This also cost Hillary Election 2016. Grow up, kid. Get REAL heroes, like Jesus

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Well your family has a history of mismanaging money considering they paid for your education

Fuck that imposed opinionated mouth breathing faggotry you call an opinion, you half wit inbred piece of country know nothing who's best parts were strained through the sheets when your daddy shot what remains of you out....the other hole

Flint was not abandoned. The water problem was solved. People keep lying that there is still a water problem when all toxicity levels are below the required for solely political purposes.

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>Orange man loses

>making specious identity claims on an anonymous image board to shore up anally-sourced nonsense

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Pls stay mad it sustains me
Also saged your shitty thread

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>Trump has abandoned Trump country!
>by the way, you're just an inbred cracker
Now maybe you see why Trump will easily win coal and farming country?

Assuming anonymity eliminates factual representations, unless those misrepresentations support your inability to count....
>>Can you count? Cos the retard is the one ignoring verified facts ...

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Derp....unemployed perpul werl vert fer the joke I lerk!

PA fag here, the GOP lost the Philly suburbs hard in the midterms, unless trump can win those back or the Democrats pick such an uninspiring candidate that they don't turn out Trump will lose. I do think he'll win Florida and Ohio though. Unsure about Michigan

The biggest WAH goes to the Trump voter
>>Most voted in 2016 as the first election they ever voted in
>>Their guy won
>>Are going to be sick when the exact, opposite effect of overconfident hubris costs them all that trollspace....
>>Keep this for Election Night

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So how did you predict 2016 without learning anything about polling from it?

Absolutely seething

The polls said Cuntin would win in 2016.

>Go blue.
You're a fucking moron. Like an absolute fucking idiot. We're red and staying that way for the foreseeable future.

NC here. i can assure you NC wont be red. most of the key cities here were already well underway to turning blue during the 2016 election.

hope so, he's the most sane democrat

>Political Scientist
FYI. There is nothing "Sciency" about Politics. It's dumb. You're dumb. The End.

>Virginia red
>Ohio blue
I have to leave this retarded board

Since we're going with semi-retarded predictions. I'm going with Trump winning Illinois in 2020.

Democrats will NEVER win Appalachia again because of precisely that attitude. Eat shit faggot

This. Heard about it from a resident. It good enough to be workable.

4years moron, political science is so completely useless. You are useless.


The water situation in Michigan largely effects niggers who were not going to vote for him anyway. The outcome will depend on the overall state of the economy and who the Dem candidate will be. Trump is likely to be the winner once again.
I had to endure a similar half assed analysis from a Dem the last time assuring me Trump could not possibly win. "political scientists" really showered their profession with glory the last time around and they are as incompetent now as they were then.

Virginia is blue. Idiot

>farmers are going to vote against trump
Nigger, my family has been farming onions beans for the past 30 years. If trump kicked a baby on live tv, my family still wouldn't vote against him.

La, ARK, MO, IOWA, PA, and Tenn are going red and VA is going Blue. PA, MI, and FLA are in doubt. frankly, so is maine and NH. this is because white people are starting to get the picture.

The failure in this situation falls in at the state level. There are laws that require new businesses (I think with less than 5 years) in the state to front a month of maximum operations cost in the event of bankruptcy. The state hasn't been enforcing this.

What you should be pointing to is the fact that the governor is extremely unpopular with state workers for pushing the pension issue. That's what could flip the state blue for an election.

>Political Scientist
Go fuck yourself


Yeah no. Only chance is if a moderate/nationalist Dem is the competitor and that's sketchy even then. Other than that I can see it happening

Michigan water...
>>The Democrats have destroyed Detroit. I will help to restore Detroit.
>>Virginia is blue guy
Had you actually read my post, I was implying the loss of key swing states would oust Trump as it elected him. Losing those States, rust belt and ag States, will require that he carry other swing states. For this and other reasons, we consider Virginia a SWING state...

>>I'm a farmer
Yeah. You're one guy. Trump is not eliminating individuals by targeting the business habits of individuals. He has literally cannibalized his constituency, and made a war against their interests.

Then, there is the statistical data. He is LOSING.

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anyone looking closely at the polling data knows trump isn't going to win. 18-45 year olds democrats are twice as likely to go out and vote this round compared to the same age group republicans.

>political scientist
I stopped there
Nice job getting a useless degree

You will not be around the day after the election but it is enough to know you and all your kike pals will be deeply discouraged. Hopefully some will even be suicidal. He will probably win every state he won last time and pick up Minnesota and possibly Colorado. If the Dems run on making US taxpayers pay for illegals healthcare, open borders and reparations then add Washington state, Nevada, New Mexico and 3 or 4 others to that list.

>poster is a demoralizing shill

Back to your tranny discord or IDF homepage faggot

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Bullshit, any young person who actually goes to the trouble of registering Republican will vote

The Dems cannot win without a strong turnout of the black vote. Blacks will not turnout for Buttiplug if he is the pres. nominee or the VP. Most blacks do not currently know Corey Booker is a fag but Trump is not shy. If Booker is on the ticket there will be a searchable list of all the dudes he has sucked off. Names, addresses, phone numbers. Again, Buttplug or Booker cannot be on the ticket. Blacks are not as eager to vote for a woman either. Even average black turnout will not be enough and they wont even get average with grandma Warren or any of the other white women. Kamala was too eager to please her white masters when she was a prosecutor. Again, no way. The Dems only hope is near economic collapse (A possibility)

Yes, it called a Chelsea cut.