This story isn't getting enough attention.
Some guys smashed his head into a post for wearing a MAGA hat. Share the story with boomers and normies. Seeing his bloody red eye should wake them up.
This story isn't getting enough attention.
Some guys smashed his head into a post for wearing a MAGA hat. Share the story with boomers and normies. Seeing his bloody red eye should wake them up.
Other urls found in this thread:
>wah-wah wah-wah wah-wah wah-wah wah-wah wah-wah wah-wah wah-wah wah-wah wah-wah wah-wah wah-wah wah-wah wah-wah wah-wah wah-wah wah-wah wah-wah wah-wah wah-wah wah-wah wah-wah wah-wah wah-wah wah-wah
Uncle Fester is going to be pissed.
Fuck off. This thread has already happened. Jannies need to wake up.
Free country bitch, best not step out side if you can’t handle the heat (or my glock)
you don’t like it leave
Make Israel Great Again
He’s a proud Mexican, idiot
That's pretty rough, damn
I don’t care
Trump doesn’t care about his supporters being assaulted, why should i
>Chinklet incel
i dont fukken care that a faggot got his ass kick
Hey that guy called me shareblue and an israeli on Jow Forums!
early bump
I'm torn on sharing things like this because while its useful for martyrdom propaganda it also has a chilling effect making cowards not want to wear their hats and reducing perception of our numbers.
>Some guys smashed his head into a post
That's a funny way of spelling "niggers."
You didn't even have a link. Look how bad you are at making a thread.
I guess bringing things to light is always better.
They sure showed that nazi
This is a symptom, not a cause
If he didn't want to get beat up, why was he wearing gang colors?
this has been all over conservative twitter for the past 2 days, maybe 3. sad as it is to say, somebody is going to need to get beaten to death on film before any real outrage happens. and even still, nothing ever happens, so there's that.
Dude, it happens every day.
Go look up Tyler Wingate. He drove into Detroit to get gasoline last week, had a fender-bender accident with a nigger as he was trying to pull out of the gas station, and got dragged out of his car and stomped to death right in front of the cameras.
There is a total nationwide news blackout on it and only "right wing" sites are talking about it.
Go look up Stephen Utash. Go look up Karen Harmeyer. Go look up Mark Mason, eight-year-old white child hacked to death with a machete by a nigger in Connecticut last month. What's the jewsmedia saying about any of them? Nothing at all. They're too busy talking about sportsball and Hollywood divorce rumors and looking for more evidence of "Russian collusion."
Do you have a source for the CT one. I can’t find it anywhere
Show this video to Trump boomers so they can share it on Faceberg? Oh yes, that will truly epic BTFO the dems. Antifa is finished guys!
Sorry. I got some states mixed up. It was Pennsylvania.
he's a nazi so it's ok
>some black rapper or basketball player nogs out overseas
>one of his supporters is attacked for wearing his hat
Sorry, but google is covering the story about the antitrump protester getting attacked instead. It's totally not politically motivated. It's just the facts.
Go back.
He deserves it for supporting Israel.
La Ayy Creatura...
Hat bad kill hat , your wear bad you die now
These fuckers are insane and beyond hope they are a danger to society and normal good citizens.
Its about time for some autist to make a crude ironman suit and just start stomping on liberals
pic related, lmao drumpfers
And he called me a discord tranny for saying Mitch McConnel wasn’t based
I didn't see it jagoff.
Why? This has been going on for years now.
Are we supposed to care more because he isn't white?
I can’t tell which side of his face is uglier.
ayyy lmao
I didn’t say I was a spic, you retard
Libtard here, it's a very punchable face, jus sayin'
Yes, we are. In Ameri-Kwa, white lives don't matter. If you ain't brown, you ain't down.
Now someone has harmed one of the Brown People. If the jewsmedia has taught me anything over the past fifty years, it's that the Brown People are holy and nothing that harms or inconveniences them in any way can ever be justified. We're all supposed to be outraged because of this.
We're all outraged, right?
Let’s see yours, shitheel.
You're not nice. You're a bitch.
MASTER RACE or gets beat up a lot. Can't decide
Never trust a traitor
Based spics
I would do the same to White libtards.
If nobody wears the hats, they will move from attacking hat wearers to attacking white people for being white. So let's hope for that. If that doesn't wake white america up we deserve destruction.
> That eye
>they will move from attacking hat wearers to attacking white people for being white
I don't know what planet you're posting from, but they've been doing that for 50+ years now, with no end in sight.
of course not because the media is racist
he's indonesian
he's indonesian you sperg
It needs more liberal angst. He's a 1/18th Pacific Islander refugee persecuted by Liberal Jewish Nazi Commie Sexual predators.. make him feel safe............
Keep in mind anons, this is coming from an “anarchist” who wants the state to arrest you for doing something called “misgendering”
That's Faggotfornia.
Intentionally giving someone HIV--a deadly blood disease with a 100% mortality rate--is only a misdemeanor in the DPRK. But calling a drag queen "him," that's a felony.
All aboard for Clown World! Toot toot!
They are alright. You know, when they stay in their own country at least.
Fucking retard. If the news media wasn't talking about it how the fuck do you know it happened? THE FUCKING NEWS!. xD
Here tons of shit the "news media" isn't talking about.
Looks like a hate crime to me. FBI is gonna be all over this right guise? Right?
I found it on the SBPDL blog at Unz. The editors there have to hunt for these stories on local newspaper and local TV channel web pages, because the big (((jewsmedia))) won't whisper a word about it when niggers murder white children.
"Fucking retard," indeed. You do know (((who))) owns the newsmedia, the entertainment media, the big tech companies, the big banks, and Wall Street, and what their opinion is of the value of white lives, right?
Was he Pudoo Patel ?
You don't have to hunt for shit. You're just a retard that doesn't know how to use google.
I love how these monkeys go on like they are linked in to some secret source of information, because they're low IQ tards that can't even do a simple news search. You probably don't even know there is a google news tab. Dumb fuck.
And how did you know about the name "Tyler Wingate," without one of the editors at Unz digging up that story on a tiny local news TV channel's web page, from which I posted it here? Would you ever have heard his name? CNN certainly isn't talking about his death. Nor is MSNBC. Nor is the Jew York Times.
Now multiply him by thousands.
"Retard," indeed.
Good I want to see more worthless spics who support the orange kike get their head bashed in.
Do I live in detroit? So no, I wouldn't know about Tyler fucking Wingate. If you live in Detroit obviously it's front page news. If you don't then it isn't. That's how the news works. The police arrest 10 million people per year that's 1 person every 10 seconds. Do you think that you are told about every single one of them? xD. Again, fucking retard.
what's with all the bot posts in this thread?
And yet whenever some white cop gets attacked by a nigger, and cures the nigger of his lead deficiency, by God that's in rotation on CNN 24/7.
Imagine if a white man hacked an eight-year-old niglet to death with a machete in a public park. That'd be national news too. But when niggers murder white children, "SHHH! Hush! Don't talk about it! We have to push this 'Russia collusion' narrative, amirite, my fellow white people?"
If you ain't brown, you ain't down.
we had one guy tortured already, and he wasn't even a Trump supporter
these at the same faggot commies that clutch their pearls at those cringe rallies when a dumb antifa thot gets punched in the face.
>not a hate crime btw
peak clown world
Look at all the kikes in this thread shitting up the waters...the situation is niggers attacking pro american citizens and the media ignoring it
No it isn't. The police shoot and kill 1000 people a year.
To apply your narrative 23% of those 1000 are niggers. That's 230 niggers a year. How many of those 230 niggers make it to "CNN"? Even nigger lives matter themselves couldn't name all of the 230 coons shot by cops last year. You're fucking clueless.
Not a hate crime? Fucking retard.
Demoralized faggot
Trump’s DOJ would probably throw this man in jail if they found out about it.
It’s all true and some know it but the majority are brainwashed. If I rant about it I will be looked upon as a fool because the brainwashed would never believe me over a ‘professional’ news Corp. that would be crazy that they would lie so much!
He really looks like an alien now
the justice department ruled that it wasn't one
that's why it's peak clown world nigger
Everyone in this thread is a conspiracy theorist talking about shit they didn't happen because CNN didn't report it.
t. FBI
Cheech ain't looking so good...
If you catch HIV from some stranger that's on you. I've got a bunch of STDs and while it upset me at the time I only have myself to blame.
And how hard is it to call someone "her" if they prefer that? Don't be so damn rude.
Is that Jake flores?
You have the IQ of a shitskin.
Four suspects were arrested and charged with aggravated kidnapping, aggravated unlawful restraint, aggravated battery, and HATE CRIME. Two were 18-year-old males, Jordan Hill and Tesfaye Cooper, and one was Brittany Covington, an 18-year-old female; her sister Tanishia Covington was a 24-year-old female.[3][7][8][9][10][11]
On February 10, 2017, all four suspects pleaded not guilty at their arraignment.[12] On May 16, 2017, a judge set bail for the four individuals: $900,000 for Hill; $800,000 for Cooper; $500,000 for Brittany Covington; and $200,000 for Tanishia Covington.[13] None of the four defendants were able to post bail.[14]
On December 8, 2017, Brittany Covington plead guilty to the charges of committing a HATE CRIME, intimidation and aggravated battery. Additional charges, such as kidnapping, were dropped as part of her plea deal. Covington was sentenced to four years of probation and 200 hours of community service. Cook County Circuit Judge William Hooks said that he could have sentenced her to prison, but did not because "I'm not sure if I did that you'd be coming out any better."[15][16]
On April 19, 2018, Tanishia Covington plead guilty to the charges of committing a HATE CRIME, intimidation and aggravated battery and was sentenced to three years in prison.[17]
On July 5, 2018, Jordan Hill plead guilty to the charges of aggravated kidnapping and committing a HATE CRIME and was sentenced to eight years in prison.[18][19]
On July 12, 2018, Tesfaye Cooper (20yo) plead guilty to a HATE CRIME and aggravated kidnapping[20] and has been sentenced to seven years in prison.[21]
Even the nigger president himself called it a hate crime.
>To apply your narrative 23% of those 1000 are niggers. That's 230 niggers a year.
And 230 niggers a year is a good start, but the real scandal is that niggers commit 56% of the violent crime in Ameri-Kwa, yet only get goodified by means of police bullets at less than half that rate. The cops aren't nearly so hesitant to pull the trigger when it's a White taxpayer in their sights. I wonder why that is?
>POC is assaulted in broad daylight by deranged leftists.
well I stand corrected then
How many crimes is that?
I wasn't trying to correct you. I'm just laughing at how stupid you are. You go on like you care about it, but you don't even know what happened. xD You're a fucking clown.
Civil war is inevitable.
PC is all about forcing people opposed to the leftist agenda to lie and take an active role in their own censorship and oppression. I will not call some disgusting degenerate pedophile in a dress "she." Words mean things.
All of them. It's all the crimes.
Civil war is here. It's been going on for 50+ years. So far only one side is fighting, though.