Is she done?
Is she done?
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There's going to be a 3rd round of debates I hope. I do hope.
She should boost her numbers by staring as herself in a porn parody
Tulsi destroyed her
No, the media and big tech will prop her up for as long as it takes.
They’re all done.
It won't matter. The Dems are going to coronate a candidate again just like they did with Hillary.
Who gives a fuck if she can win? It has a vagina.
How the fuck does this pudding brained geriatric have twice the support of the next nearest candidate?! Do people really just support whatever is put before them by the media as good and correct like utter sheep?
I almost want to put money on the Dem party nominating her just for being a brown woman, even with her numbers at Hillary level.
Fair chance, that was a really bad hit she took.
Spoiler Alert: Biden wins the nomination
Most voters just fall in line when it looks like one is going to be their party's nominee
it's almost like polls are always right
President 303300303003 for president OP.
Lmao shills keep pushing this narrative so hard
there is. the ride never ends.
I hope not. Biden is the only real threat to Trump as he can run on Obama's good vibes and potentially carry the rust belt states/Florida.
Harris would ensure that Trump carries the white voters in Pennsultucky and Ohio, not to mention Wisconsin and Michigan.
Madame President
Excellent. Almost all good stories need at least 3 acts.
It has been known for 12 months that Harris with Booker as VP is the plan. Clinton's entire team was basically transferred to Harris and it's also well known that Barry O has been getting her ready to be nominee for a couple of years (that's why he hasn't backed Biden).
Harris is the chosen one.
>this isn’t shilling i swear
Yes. She is.
This. Trump is going to win. Whether we like it or not.
Biden was the Anointed One from the start. No other candidate ever had a chance.
I wonder how it feels to be Booker. Less popular than a fake Mexican, a fake Mexican that got blown out by one of the least liked Republicans in recent memory.
and a nice closing denouement where tulsi rips off her shirt and hula dances
Feels like snorting lines and being an important senator on national TV.
lel nope. Biden will win the nomination ironically because of the black and hispanic vote. He may be a geriatric mayo boomer but he has the democratic base locked down because he was Obama's VP. Won the nomination the minute he announced his campaign.
>How the fuck does this pudding brained geriatric have twice the support of the next nearest candidate?
Early name recognition like Jeb had.
Hes gonna get crushed by Zion Donny.
>born too black to be white
>born too white to be a nigger
The woman has absolutely nothing to offer but a very high opinion of herself. Did she play that race card to get college finances too? America is weary of the color of your skin, gender or disability free passes. Merit, personal best, hard work is what built this nation.
>democrats nominating a fucking white male in current year plus five
They only have Harris. Otherwise, they will be admitting doubling down on race is a failure.
I'm close to her age and I still don't understand the MILF thing. Good grief, why would you not chase after prime age girls when you still can without being a creep?
The Dems know the only black woman that would have a chance against Trump is Michelle, and she is too busy hiding being a man.
Biden is the nominee already, The Dems know they will get the black and brown vote no matter what so they give it to Biden in the hope that enough guilt-ridden middle-class whites who want to feel good about themselves for not being RACIST will vote for a different old white guy instead of Trump.
> Do people really just support whatever is put before them by the media as good and correct like utter sheep?
Yes. This is exactly what happens. More coverage is more exposure is more recognition. More recognition is higher polling, therefore more coverage and stage time, therefore more recognition. More recognition is more votes.
Did you all read the Cunton emails when they were leaked? The DNC and the Hillary campaign deliberately coordinated with MSM to increase trump coverage during the repub primaries because they though he would be easier to beat in a general election than ¡jeb! and the CruzMissile. They were wrong, obviously, but more coverage is a sure fire way to increase electability.
yeah it's oger
only 7 dems will move on shes one of the seven
because good boys with lots of good boy points love their mommies
We really have to do this again? Here, on Jow Forums, you want us to follow this MSM-drummed up horse race mentality? GTFO
Public political opinion polling- even IF it is accurate, doesn't fucking matter now, because we're not VOTING right now. Joe Biden is very popular. Bernie Sanders is less popular, Liz Warren and Harris even less so. There. That's all you need to fucking know.
We might get surpised by the outcome later on. But a grasp of the poll numbers in August a half a year before the primary isn't going to somehow key you in or help you predict a fucking surprise. That's why it's called a fucking surprise.
The most horsehite topic to waste energy on.
Kamala sucks
captain buzzkill in with the blogpost but to answer your question, yes. yes we do.
is that you Willie?
It still hasn't sunk in that the "stronk no-nonsense womyn of color" routine doesn't look empowered, just cunty.
At a basic level, people are going to think about what they're going to end up seeing on TV every day for 4 years, and a bitchy niggerish mystery meat isn't it.
>being this wrong
flag checks out
>How the fuck does this pudding brained geriatric have twice the support of the next nearest candidate?!
He is a white man.
People instinctively know this to be a good thing. No matter what race they are. It takes a lot of media pressure and a brown man that acts white to break that.
>hates mommy's milk
Are you fucked up in the head? What's wrong with you?
She's black Hillary
She never started
He also acts "presidential" while the rest of them are lunatics and literally whos. Kind of like when the talmudvision-watchers were all thinking Jeb was going to sweep it because he acted like a calm and steady known quantity.
Michael Obama will come in as dark
horse contender at last minute and btfo everyone. He'll win the general, too.
>Do people really just support whatever is put before them by the media as good and correct like utter sheep?
Democrats literally do.
That's one of the most important things you have to understand about the Democratic Party - they literally just do whatever the TV tells them to do. The NPC meme exists for a good reason.
Buttigieg is white but younger, smarter and classier.
I stopped breast feeding a long time ago. You have plenty of time for saggy milk bags later. They don't get more perky as things go on.
Hes got that Obama clout. And leftists fucking loved him even if he wasn’t far left enough by today’s standards
Why would those numbers ever go up? Like what kind of dumbfuck thinks "yeah, the media was lying to me in 2016 but I'm sure they are telling the truth now!" We're doomed
mommy tulsi gave bad girl kamala a spanking for being such a bad girl.
Mommy issues
>We're doomed
You're not wrong. Our entire country is run by media companies, because they're the ones who decide who most people vote for.
and a fag.
he takes dick up the ass, he is a no-go with niggers and everyone knows that. without the nigger vote you lose.
There are twelve debates planned with the third on September 12-13 assuming there are enough candidates left to still need two nights. After that they are single debate nights. Looks like October, November, and December all have one then the last six will be done by next April.
srsly? I'm buying so much more liquor and popcorn.
Fuck niggers, fuck spics, fuck kikes, but most of all, fuck jannies (altho that's redundant with fuck kikes)
They have serious dirt on her.
She won't go anywhere.
Especially with the smollet case..
I don't like any of these fucking faggots running for zog office. However they said similar things about Drumpf.
this meme is pure genius
the heart knows art. does anyone else get a funny feeling in their gut when they see a meme that know speaks truth on some deeper level? is this the foundation of meme magic?
Yeah, that's kind of one of the underlying theme's of Lucian Pye's teaching at MIT for future intelligence workers under the guise of calling it international relations or whatever it was at the time.
>0.0 Bennet
Why is that loser still on the race?
the meme you posted is absolutely atrocious thought, you should kill yourself if you like it
They’re ready to pour millions into her and have already set their autopilot to harris. So no, she’s not. It would take far more than getting thrashed in some debates to get them to recalibrate the machinery to a new semi-random prefab forced choice to shill.
In case 25 of the others drop out and they need somebody to fill the stage and play the foil.
She’s not a mommy, though. That’s the thing. I’d like to make her one.
No. Biden is dunzo, so there's still hope Kamala. But she has suffered grievous wounds.
yes. regardless of memes or shitposting. normies saw that shit the otherday and all put tulsi > harris even if either don't make it normies are done with harris and thats all that matters
i would put it this way. regardless of what they put up. it could be a fucking shoe with a D next to it, the candidate will get 40m votes. the 10m need to be inspried and 10m need to be won over from the middle. Biden is top cause of name recognition most voters aren't even paying attention yet. by the time they do NONE of whats going on now matters in the least
What website is this from
Nigger bitches don't like like skin hoes. Once they find out she's married to a kike she's done.
like light* fug
Biden was Obama's VP and lefties on the street loved and love Obama. They forgive him for being nigger Bush because of the nigger part.
Simply because the Democrats think that he is the only one who is able to beat Trump. And they are wrong.
Pretty asinine if you ask me. Biden will absolutely wilt when he has to go toe-to-toe with Trump.
Biden is an absolute finalist no matter what.
Whatever (((you))) like it or not? KYS.
Sadly, no. The DNC REALLY, really, reeeeeeely wants her to be president. Fortunately for us, no one else does.
WHOOOHO HO HO HO. What a load of horseshit that is.
Biden maintaining frontrunner status is an indicator that the field is weak the stronger an alternative is the sooner they will topple Biden.
A good rule to live by is "It's only true if it makes you laugh."
Fuck Yeah
DeBlasio 2020!
>Is she done?
done like fried chicken tikka masala
>No. Biden is dunzo
RCP today: Biden 32, Sanders 18, Warren 15, Harris 10, Buttigieg 6
Yes, the polls are biased but they're not THAT biased. The pro-Biden bias is probably worth 10-12 points, which still leaves him in front of everyone else. That fucking fossil Biden is the nominee assuming he doesn't stroke out before Iowa.
The 12 links around Yamataka are the Patticasamupada, 12 steps of Dependent Origination. The 12 steps to one moment of existence, (essentially the ego/ false self comes into illusory existence, experiences a sense of loss, then an end, or death in the moment-to-moment sense). If you could relate that to Trump Presidency, that would be extremely profound.
Trump will wipe the floor with Biden, it’ll be like his destruction of Jeb Bush.
>That fucking fossil Biden is the nominee assuming he doesn't stroke out before Iowa.
If Kamala, Sanders, and the rest of the lower tier candidates drop out, Warren is the nominee.
Yeah I bought an big economy box of popcorn and a case of beer. My body is ready for this absolute shitshow. The only way it can get better is a contested convention.
Even if she got the nom, she'd get demolished by Trump
It's better for the dems the quicker that she drops out
Not all of the also ran support would break the same way.
It's Biden. I know that's un-fucking-believably stupid but there you go.
>Not all of the also ran support would break the same way.
All that Sanders or Warren would really need is the withdrawal of the other. After that, it's a statistical dead heat.
I know that Biden looks like the nominee, but we're too far out to know for sure.