>Jow Forums told me to go back to Jow Forums
Well here I am. What now?
Jow Forums told me to go back to Jow Forums
smell feet
Go back to Jow Forums
Now we call you a Swishy Dane and post Norwegian hotties, you Swishy Dane.
And make a TempleOS thread.
French girls make wine with their smelly feet.
Let me tell you about the jews
But only the brown southern french girls do that. Imagine how bad the wine would taste if the grapes were pressed with pale, barbarian, germanic girl feet.
German girls make saurkraut with theirs
I bet you use VLC
Mpv actually
buy a thinkpad, start using openbsd, and be sad.
Did you know that Stallman is pro-pedophile and is ethnically jewish?
I have a librebooted thinkpad
Two actually
I knew he was jewish yes
have sex
Browsing Jow Forums and /tech/ all these years made me realise that Ted was right.
Really? Maybe that's why the german girl I talk to says her feet smell like that.
Her feet are so pale too.
>not using madVR
Welcome Nigga you are not here forever
Stupid boomer im not gonna pay taxes so you can live to 100
thats my gf
tell me more about pale germanic girl feet.
>propriatary windows software
No ur the pleb
Go back to Jow Forums you faggot
madvr is free, plebfag
They tickle easily
Is it true germanic girls like bullying med boys for their dark, moorish feet? The one I talk to says she likes the contrast between my feet and hers.
I think german women secretly like dark feet.
Unix = Eunuchs
Jow Forums is full of trannies
Coincidence? Not.
Take the Tedpill.
Like i would tell a filthy med
tell me so I can get bullied by cute, pale, germanic feet.
go back to Jow Forums and tell them I said they are faggots
Ted never married either and now he's in prison getting his asshole fucked up by niggers.
At least he isn't a eunuch.
How would i even know im not a brown skin and i avoid them entirely
make thread saying its not the jooz and get 300 replies use belle Delphine as the picture obviously
Go back to Jow Forums
so a danish or german girl would make fun of and tease my dark med feet? They can't resist them.
Or an install gentoo thread
How do you know? For all you know some nigger could have smuggled in a razor and sliced Ted's sack off while fucking him in his shithole.
I got banned from all boards for 24 hours for posting this pic on Jow Forums yesterday
Rude right? All boards? Meh
This is how I deal with posting anonymously
>buy Jow Forums pass
>log in Incognito on my google browser
>delete all internet history and cookies after each post
Its not easy but you can make it
The leaf will come in this thread specifically to find your gay fucking post and call you a fucking nigger. The leaf must say it. You're a nigger and the leaf knows it. Fuck you.
I came in this thread specifically to find your gay fucking post and call you a fucking nigger. There, I said it. You're a nigger and we all know it. Fuck you.
Perhaps, but prison rape is highly exaggerated.
pale germanic girls love dark med feet
Yup. Why do you think we all love wine
Lucky you. I'm in love with one of your neighbors, though.
if you're getting banned from 4channel without naming the Jew you're doing it wrong. If you're gonna shitpost on blue boards at least redpill the normalfags on the fucking kikes.
>google browser
italian girls do it too.
also wine made with 5 century unwashed vampire girl feet tastes better.
I came in this thread specifically to find your gay fucking post and call you a fucking nigger. There, I said it. You're a nigger and we all know it. Fuck you.
go huff stinky brown french girl toes.
imagine the smell
you need to fuck off to nonce
they don't like my feetposts
i thought /jp/ was nothing but animu feetposts wtf
You overdid it
This pasta is stale. Got any fresher pasta, pastaleaf?
nah. They get mad when I say flan or remi hasn't had a pedicure in centuries and their feet smell is dangerous.
Strange how remi is supposed to be french but her feet are really pale.
I came in this thread specifically to find your gay fucking post and call you a fucking nigger. There, I said it. You're a nigger and we all know it. Fuck you.
>replying to bots
He's being satirical
is she redpilled on the JQ tho
Remi took off her flats in a jew village and everyone got gassed instantly. You feel a long and painful burning in your lungs from her foot smell.
but did she do it on purpose tho
Also she really needed to cool her feet off so she put them in their lake too. All the fishes died.
Don't tell her her feet stink though she gets mad at mortals.
Way to misappropriate my gender you asshole. I identify as an 3l1t3 hacker known as Joe0303030 and do not conform to your man/woman standards.
Thank you for not referring to me as he again
how can you be a vampire and hate kikes? Kikes are vampies.
I am telling remi you said that. She will make you take deep breaths of her vampire feet. Your insides will melt.
I came in this thread specifically to find your gay fucking post and call you a fucking nigger. There, I said it. You're a nigger and we all know it. Fuck you.
Can you help me install Manjaro? It shits out at the bootloader stage. I’m too lazy to read how to manually install grub or lilo. Forget it, I just admitted I won’t read your instructions.