FBI declares internet conspiracy theorists as domestic terrorists


All Jow Forumstards now wanted by the feds. You guys are so fucked how can you possibly hope to stand up against the full force of the FBI?

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We're doing this again. How many threads is it now.

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its not theories if its true and if it wasnt true you wouldnt have censored youtube.
whatever, you already ruined the entire internet, I think im leaving. and you, are the terrorists. good day.

So, I’m a domestic terrorist, because truth is considered a radical idea. “In a time of universal deceit, truth telling is considered a revolutionary act” - George Orwell

HI boomer

>FBI outs itself as the real domestic terrorists.

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did you read it closely? it says the PHOENIX OFFICE, not the head office.

If you can learn to be smart you are a radical individual

If you are taught to be smart you are a complicit citizen

oh, and i cant wait to sue the fuck out of the FBI for kicking in my door for talking about 9/11, Obama birth certificate, deep state, Jewish control. If it isn't threatening harm, then its free speech. Thanks for the free money you stupid fucks.

I’m scared

>All Jow Forumstards now wanted by the feds. You guys are so fucked how can you possibly hope to stand up against the full force of the FBI?
The power structure is for some reason opposed to threats to the power structure.

No sorry I only read the titles of articles

>its not theories if its true and if it wasnt true you wouldnt have censored youtube.
No it's a theory even if its true. There are things that are true yet not easily provable. There are lots of things we have reason to believe but cannot prove. ALways will be the case.

That's literally kremlin's hands had been writing that. The next step is to ban everything which is not political correct to the regime. The low will be called "children protection".

>So, I’m a domestic terrorist, because truth is considered a radical idea. “In a time of universal deceit, truth telling is considered a revolutionary act” - George Orwell
It's more like powerful people are doing bad things and they don't want people pointing that out.

It's a psychological problem which cannot be solved by politics or law.

FBI are domestic terrorists according to their own theory

What do you mean

Always remember this young fellow. Please be smart when it comes to anything related to religious images. For example, Egyptian, Turkey bathtub, Masonic, etc. Those who are in such a hurry to give away so many 'divine secrets' are nothing but liars.

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They are the ones that define conspiracy lol

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Can anyone explain why an Encyclopedia Britannica link comes up when you search Illuminati on youtube?

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hitler was right

goodbye /x/

When you do the debunk or reveal, you're your own god in your imagination. It's pure poison.

>which didn’t actually have a basement
It did. Why do they feel the need to so defensively bring that up whenever they talk about Comet Pizza?

Can anyone explain how Cesar hand delivered fake bombs all over the country while living in a van in Florida?

FBI is controlled by alien reptiles dude.

My mind is my weapon! Whose buying?

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doesn't the FBI realize this is how genocide works in the USA
>lots of stupid idiots in the USA
>internet hax0rz dream up stupid conspiracies
>stupid idiots sperg out
>stupid idiots shoot at things
>stupid idiots hit people
this is just how we get rid of the dumb ones, FBI
nothing to see here, move it along

F.B.I. full of
Bitch's &
Obama's mom got cream pied by commies
So there's that.


Says the guy that can't even adblock

>made by a shit tier prop maker
not mailed...they had those "devices" on Federal property before anyone "found' one
>domestic terrorism ... for the purpose of a Treasonous coup

all the glowniggers in the world won't save them

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You guys really are retarded, all the report says is that conspiracy theories can inspire acts of terrorism, not that repeating conspiracy theories is itself an act of domestic terrorism

>if you question the narrative spun by the government and their proxy's in the msm, YOU'RE A TERRORIST!

i think we see the direction things are heading. the government won't do anything about big tech's censorship, because big tech is simply fighting terrorism recruiting!

When the glowniggers go full retard.

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Jana Winter

>While at FoxNews.com, Winter wrote a series of articles exposing Hector Xavier Monsegur as the head of LulzSec, revealing his months-long collaboration with the FBI, and detailing the ultimate takedown by law enforcement officials of the hacker collective. The articles drew worldwide attention.


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>Among the stories Winter reported on was the 2012 Aurora shooting. She was the first to report, on July 25, 2012, that shooter James Holmes had sent a notebook to his psychiatrist with details about his planning killings

Repeat a lie often enough...

Get one cut it open and show us.

I think this is for legal issues in gathering intel. They have rules for who they can spy on (which they break anyway), and i think this lets them skip paperwork.
Dunno what they're going to do with that though. I guess they can log how many times we can fit "glow niggers are cucks" in a thread

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they are not wrong. they just cant stop it without getting punished by the child fuckers who have lorded over them since birth as fallen kings post apollo and the moon farce of hippie jedi wars.

Checked and interdasting.

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Has the FBI actually done anything at all in the last decade? Do they even do anything anymore?

the FBI is a domestic terrorism threat

This. I think Trump should deputize us to deal with the threat.

They killed Lavoy Finicum in cold blood.

that itself is a conspiracy theory enjoy your partyv&

And in other news...
>"The FBI is looking to hire 1,000 new agents in the next year and is focusing on diversity and women."

>FBI declares internet conspiracy theorists as domestic terrorists
Lol Good luck to find me behind VPN and shieetz

>Do they even do anything anymore?

undermine american democracy. traffic weapons, drugs, people on the black market. assassinate enemies of the clintons.

they are a tax funded mafia.

looks like somebody is pissed the had to do all that russian collusion investigation work for no reason

>conspiracy theories make us do extra work, fuck them

lets just see how many are actually "conspiracy theories" shall we?
pedogate - weinstein/epstien, and possibly john podesta with children paintings in his house
deep state - steele dossier, pee pee tapes, fbi trump investigation into russia, meuller report
anti-zionism? the jews are literally overrepresented as a % of population in house, senate, and supreme court, and board of directors, hollywood/banks, etc
anti-globalism? TPP? NAFTA? ridiculous trade deals?

conspiracy? i think not. fbi and cia glowniggers suck my dick if you read this

yes, make it a bigger, bloated bureaucracy, filled with people fully on board the globohomo agenda. wonderful.

>people believing there is a conspiracy against a sitting president is dangerous
>so lets silence them from supporting POTUS
>persecute them for supporting POTUS
>arrest them for supporting POTUS
>and impeach the POTUS just to prove there is no conspiracy against the POTUS

Thing is the boomers here like myself have likely already been on watch list since the early 2000's. I even got to have a chat with an agent who visited me before asking about a "neighbor" and never heard anything since. The reason it's a problem now is more than ever people know they are being corralled and made into patsies. The FBI and other groups don't stop terrorist, they manufacture them to fit a narrative by taking advantage of dumb and the mentally i'll.

& they already proved it with the whole Comey debacle

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>Showing that LARPing crisis actor lol.

Amazing how "someone" attacked the PRECIOUS podesta's, with a OMG ASSAULT WEAPON!!!! Firing the gun, missing everyone, but still giving the PRECIOUS podestas sacred ((((victim status))))

(((Whoever)))) staged the podesta fake shooting op, has got to be the same idiot who writes the scripts for David Hogg and Justine smollet.

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I wonder who it could be?

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Nobody has mentioned that report cites Snopes.com as their credible fact checking news site

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This.. LuLz

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Jewgle is doing that for many keywords, and channels. Search something including NWO for example, or freemasons.

Furthermore, if you watch a rt (Russia today) video, jewgle puts a disclaimer on it stating "rt is funded by the Russian government."

However, if you watch a CNN video they fail to mention that CNN is 100% CIA controlled propaganda.

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Geez I hope the FBI didnt get that video on my phone of me spreading my asshole.

>oy goys, it's bad to collect facts and evidence unless you are part of the alphabet soup agencies.
yeah I dont see this blowing up on the kikes faces at all.

They can go eat a dick. FBI are huge fuckups. How many sensitive documents have they leaked.

>not believing the deep state’s psychological warfare campaign is an act of terror
Are we full 1984 now?

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Zero. (Sorry bro but get real)

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How's it feel to be investigated by some faggot in the diversity and inclusion division, and for him to blow that case wide open over himself and his phone in a FBI headquarters bathroom?
Oh wait, you'd like that wouldn't you, you prissy bitch.

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