ITT: we pretend to be r/politics
ITT: we pretend to be r/politics
uhhh a drumpf supporter just fucked my asian wife with his uhhh bwc... i'm asian and hope whites die off
Thread needs a new baker
I'm voting for the candidate my girlfriend tells me to vote for. Pic related.
Fuck you, Russian bot, and fuck drumph. I'm literally shaking.
My racist Drumpf-supporting uncle was eating a taco. I said “Hey Steve, know where tacos are from? Mexico.” He dropped the taco and shit himself. The entire restaurant clapped.
Edit: Wow, this is blowing up! Thanks so much for the gold!
Edit 2: Some Redditors have expressed concern about the fact that I was engaging in cultural appropriation by being at a Mexican restaurant. Fear not. Unlike my racist uncle, I ordered American food: a burger.
Edit 3: Of COURSE it wasn’t a beef burger! Meat is murder! I got the Impossible Burger with some onions fries!
How the fuck do y'all know how a reddit site acts, huh?
>American food: a burger
Nice try, sweetie, American's don't have any culture, culinary or otherwise. They stole it from people of color who have actual cultures.
We all used to go there at some point. For me, it was up until 2013
Don’t talk to me like that. I’m offended, I need a safe space. This is all hate speech because I’m a cis trans introvert bisexual. You all should be banned.
>We all used to go there at some point.
Kek, I found out about reddit from Jow Forums in 2014
>t. 21yo newfag zoomer
I hate white people
trump bad!
edit: wow thanks for the gold! x5
You’re right. Mea culpa. This country was built on the subjugation of black and brown people. Tonight, as penance, Tyrone gets to fuck my wife without me watching like I usually do
>did you seriously just make a rape joke?
trump? more like drumpf!
edit: wowie,thanks for the gold x3
edit 2: thanks for the platinum!
upvote this
When is a good time to use tampons on my war wound? I cant wait for my first period!
Does Reddit have an army of Jews, ANTIFA and leftits to police comments and threads that attack Jews, trannyts, homos, multiculturalism, etc. and down vote comments that they don't like? I suspect that they do.
Please don't.
>Trump committed treason
>Trump advisor may have violated Hatch Act
>Study proves Republicans have less empathy
>Republicans have long history of criminal conduct
Oh wait. These are all true
>Trump committed treason
>Trump advisor may have violated Hatch Act
>Study proves Republicans have less empathy
>Republicans have long history of criminal conduct
>Oh wait. These are all true
Forgot to fix your formatting, but dont worry, we are friendly and love to see newcomers :)
Found the incel, oof.
Let's unpack this, you toxic virgins, me and my Jewish feminist friend concluded you're all a toxic bunch of smelly cowards who're afraid to deconstruct themselves.
How much will it cost to get this Meuller tattoo removed?
6 days ago
I don't really get the sense that the writers think what Diane does is okay / intend to present her as the good guy.
They definitely politically agree with her (which I don't) and use her as a bit of an ideological soap box, but I don't think they intend to condone her behavior. They agree with what she says not necessarily what she does.
With Todd I actually agree with you. He is also toxic and isnt presented that way because he's the comic relief character.
You, sir, win the internet for today. Have an upvote and some gold!
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>Maybe we should try and not call them racist and find common ground
If you have a question regarding your ban, you can contact the moderator team for r/politics by replying to this message
Yikes, never thought I'd have to say this, but the perptual racism going on has begun to create a very toxic community. People who are posting edgy memes such as pepe's or whatever need to stop. This is offensive and destructive to our comforting and tolerant community. If you have a problem with those who are employed or of a different skin color YOU are the problem. You will be banned and you will be gotten rid of. Hate has no place in our community. We are loving and tolerant of all. Just because an orange president emboldens you to act racistly doesnt mean you can do that here.
Congratties on your bottom surgery, fellow female warrior! You can use tampons right away.
Edit: I'm sorry for using the word female. I know now that it is insensitive to use such language.
insert parroted mainstream media talking point word for word here
I’m locking this thread due to the toxic nature of some of the comments.
C’mon guys, if you disagree with someone, don’t call them a smelly nigger.
Edit-wow! Thanks for the gold! I didn’t expect this to blow up like it did.
Edit 2-I get it. I’m a smelly nigger. You can stop it now.
Edit 3- what’s the best way to remove a stuck buttplug?
>people actually know how redditors behave on r/politics
My wifes boyfriend said I should vote for Bernie. My wifes son and I both agree.
Updoots for you!
How the fuck would I know what a r/politics is to even post like one lmao
Downvoted and reported
Lmao at all the incels in this thread
These comments are vile, why can't you just accept that your lord and savior tRump is a russian agent?
You white boys are being replaced and there's nothing you can do about it :)
Edit: wow, I can't believe this is my most upvoted comment
Edit2: thanks for the gold, kind stranger
‐5 points no children
I went to that Nazi site called 4 chin
that you told me not to go to. They say that
Hitler didn't do anything wrong. I told them
about the lamp shades and the Nazis burned
my grand parents by shrinking them first the
same way they shrunk the heads and that's
why they burned faster than normal.
They responded with "Every.Single.Time.".
I couldn't take their white supremacist toxic
environment any longer and came back here.
I feel much better now after dilating my anus
while thinking about Joe B as our next
Drumpf bad
Oh yes lmao and they spend all day and all night on the site. I just troll the left wing pages and get hundreds of comments and downvotes within 30 mins till my account get banned for “spamming” even though I make one right wing post.
if you weren't a nazi fascist you would know what's going on in the world. You live in an ideological bubble.
Edit: Bernie is the only cis white male I would ever vote for
I went there once when I was at a workplace that blocked Jow Forums, but not Reddit and needed my "fix" of whatever I'm getting here.
That board is a cult, it really is.....their hatred of dissent is just off the charts and make this place look like a beacon of tolerance by comparison. They just *cant* accept different ideas on shit like say, the Russia probe (we all know it's bullshit) or "Trump isn't literally Hitler, retards"
I think it's the points/screenname system they have, it fosters wanky cliques
KEK this is so accurate I fucking hate it
The only good thing about reddit is showing your dick to ricenigger sloots.
Now watch Pelosi do abso-fucking-lutely nothing about this. Just oh, let's play friendly happy circle and get some bipartisan policy passed while we have literal children in fucking cages being stripped of all human rights. Ignore the shrieking woman in the corner because she's younger than me and brown. 'Cause, y'know, that's cool. Real good look.
Who is the Republican Party today? They are predominantly a shrinking demographic of poorly educated, rural white males. Their modern "culture" war is an evolution of the Confederate rebellion: They are essentially Neo-Confederates, desperate for "winning" because their theocratic, white feudalistic culture has been losing since the Enlightenment.
Whenever Trump speak, it's like raw sewage oozing from his face hole.
no dont
Its just more proof that the drumpftards are everywhere and there's no way we can win in 2020. We have to do away with the electoral college.
bringing that up again aye northern nigger lover?
explain how YOU benefitted from your city living and your food from teh south eating
Donald Trump is racist.
Edit: thanks for the Gold kind stranger!
>ITT: we pretend to be r/politics
It can be argued that... mods! I've found a Republican!
>Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez
drumpf is rayyycist n sheeit also antifa is good even though they assault people.
>ITT: we pretend to be r/politics
Is my ass supposed to collapse in on itself if my Bull fucks me once in a while?
Bigot, no need to be so racist!!!
Trump is a grandiose, naccisisttic, greedy, lying, pride stuffed, bigoted, racist, self admitted sexual offender, multiple adulterous, criminal, peadophillic in thought and defender of peadophillia, ignorant, braggard of hopelessly stupid intellectual limits and a obvious and far reaching descructive cult leader that has globally humiliated the USA and removed it as a world leader. All in a matter of months. Further the damage is permenant. America has shown that its people are eager and capable of electing one of the most unfit humans in history to hold nuclear power and too uneducated and hate filled to even think there's a problem.
The UK now has a clownish oaf in power, but WE DIDN'T VOTE IT IN.
Your church does not worship a God, they worship a fool of a manchild.
>leaf acceptance
Racist. Bull is a dehumanizing term. Call them African American sex men.
>oh sweet summer child
You never know, transphobe. Keep an open mind.
Pretty accurate desu
Really angry normies took that summer fag meme from us, how fucking long did it take for them to catch on?
What the fuck bigot how dare you post crime statistics
i hope my African American person of penis teaches me a lesson tonight after he's done with my wife
oh my god literally so much this! brb getting more soilent and starbucks! OMG PUPPY DOGGO PUPPERS!
Incorrect. I have never once posted on Reddit and I've been on Jow Forums since '08
Xir's done, I meant
did you just assume xenu's gender? Sorry but this isn't 2015 anymore, sweaty
I see the confederacy is at it again but not for long, those racist aholes can't rig the elections with their russian buddies in the future because DARPA is building a free open source secure voting system.
>go there
>post there
spot the difference
> Left Puppet: The Republican party is racist
< Right Puppet: No the Demirats are racist
Pick a side goy
This is so problematic.
It's a southern white thing too
Reality has a liberal bias!!!!
gilded sir!