Jow Forums on Porn

What's the verdict on porn? Should it be regulated? All out banned? Free to anyone any everyone?

Porn should not be available on the public web but rather the private web

If you're confused about what i mean i can clarify

just kill the kikes

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Im not paying my neetbux to watch midget orgy, fuck off

Please do clarify.

I find this topic an extremely interesting point of discussion.

Full ban and jail all pornographers

the only free porn should be gay porn. it will help keep the population in check while we fight climate change.

ban free tube sites

ban 3d porn
celebrate 2d

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Porn is awesome—it’s how I learned what vag looked like and how sex worked.

In my lifetime, I’ve seen lots of changes. You couldn’t show penetration when I was a kid. Hi hat changed, and the whole hairless trend started at about the same time.

Overall, porn shows that there are women who will do ANYTHING if you pay them, including drinking puss, taking multiple cocks in a hole, and waxing off all their hair while bleaching the anus. Fucking awesome.

Jail all climate homos too

So the public web or "surfave web" as you know is everything that can be found on the surface via search engines but the private web or "deep web" is what can't be found by search engines like emails and DMs. So porn should only be accessible via unprompted private web that you need to register for at a real life office and sharing porn on the public web should be an offense

Porn spam? You want porn as email spam

99% of porn is gay af, I have no interest in watching another dudes asshole, no need to hear a dude grunt, see a dick, or see him cum by by jacking off.

Kids nowdays are all fucked up by porn.

The verdict is that these fucking slide threads do NOT BELONG ON Jow Forums YOU FUCKING RUSSIAN JEWS!

you must weigh 500 lbs or horribly disfigured

>couldn't show penetration when I was a kid
you were born in the 1920s?

>Should it be regulated?

>All out banned?
that would open the door for more censorship and censorship is always bad.

>Free to anyone any everyone?
It already is and its not a problem.

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>censorship is always bad
Imagine being this big of a faggot

it is and its a slippery slope, the government will use this to steal more rights from you

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All out banned and replaced by hentai.


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They're the ones creating those so-called rights in the first place.

Maybe the same laws used for prostitution in certain countries: no middle man allowed (only homemade or low production content).

>sharing porn on the public web should be an offense

imagine being so delusional that you think this is actually possible..... I take that back, it would be possible to enforce, but the global surveillance state would have to escalate to a point of absolute control of the internet. I don't think I want an apparatus that has the capability of detecting porn, identifying the source and then notifying the authorities of it. If it can do that, how easy would it be to crack down on crimethink? ......

Wait a second it would be unenforceable. You wouldn't have the man power or legal infrastructure necessary to process the volumes of violations.

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seriously, let's say you fine me for violating the no porn law and I ignore the fine, would you send me to jail? You think there is an over crowding problem now? Try criminalizing internet porn

It should only be available through paid subscriptions. So none of this PornHub shit where any 6-year-old can look up the most retarded porn on the web for free.

>>couldn't show penetration when I was a kid
>you were born in the 1920s?
hardcore porn was certainly illegal in the UK in the 90's. softcore (nude ladies posing) only.
but there was always some "kid" (teen) who stole a XXX dutch/german mag or VHS from his uncle or whatever because it was legal in europe (the UK isn't part of the european continent btw).

of course, the internet was taking off even more in the mid 90's so hardcore stuff started to creep in even more.
and now here we are, impossible to regulate, 24/7 access to stuff the teens of the 90's and earlier couldn't possibly fathom or begin to comprehend.

gone are the days of having a speedwank to a titty on "eurotrash" (this was a UK show on channel 4 for any foreigners reading this far) or checking the few minutes of free adult channel(s) on sky at midnight.

wierdly, with the juggernautical rise of smut, the sun no longer has bare titties on page 3 whereas they used to feature topless 16 year olds in the 90's (it was perfectly legal "glamour" modelling).

you've almost got it, but internet 3.0 won't necessarily be cracking down on wrongthink in the way you've envisioned.
imagine a strictly controlled portal of sites you're allowed to access depending on the subscription package you've chosen.
this is enforced by the gov/NWO at the ISP level as all sorts of new laws and regulations will be in place.

it's coming and the internet as you know it will be utterly dead.

this is an extremely simplified version of what's coming, but i'm sure you can work it out from there to some extent.

total control is the name of the game and it won't be hard for them to pull off once all pieces are in place.
you'll see

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>imagine a strictly controlled portal of sites you're allowed to access depending on the subscription package you've chosen.
>this is enforced by the gov/NWO at the ISP level as all sorts of new laws and regulations will be in place.
i'm not talking about porn at this point btw, i'm saiyajiin you'll have a "homescreen" type portal with a bunch of approved "apps" (the trendy word all the kids are using these days) for amazon, jewtube, twatter or whatever the equivalents will be in the future.

your ISP subscription will determine which sites/"apps" (hurrr) you can access but forums and imageboards will be long dead/nuked.

"oh but i could just host my own server for a site and forum and boards/whatever"
no, the NWO will literally have full control over the entire global network and everything will be locked down from the ISP level below (they will have locked-down the series of tubes which the internet is - as we all know).


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