This was a good meme. Post your
>then one day
This was a good meme. Post your
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Im gonna pass so well as a tranny that I wont get gassed!
its almost liek the elites are pushing the leftist agenda on purpose in order to ride the backlash against it directly into fascism. a government with absolute power not even having to induldge the illusion of democracy. the next hitler will be their guy all along and we are all a bunch of pawns playing right into their control scheme.
you think the jews give a fuck about jews. they will scapegoat their own race to achieve their grander ambitions just like every other pogrom. we are being taken for a ride. they have a plan to win in every scenario and they will win unless we start thinking with a little more paranoia.
>if you kill your enemies, they win
Holy shit that flag, perfect
>if you hate your enemies they win
I don't think your brain is working Canada.
I guess they voted Hitler into power because they wanted even more drag?
to prevent a peoples from waking up to whats going on they instead create a scenario that ends in war and bloodshed instead. and int he aftermath of that they just build themselves up again and set up the chosen race to take the blame again next cycle. over and over and over for almost all of recorded human history. even if you did manage to kill all the jews, they will just find a new race or demographic to put in positions of puppet power and take the blame. its all a fucking plot and of course we will do our part, socially engineered to a fucking tee.
fucking simpletons unable to see the wider plot
Crossdressing is not degenerate though, literally nothing wrong with it, and war paint is cool too. Okay peace out, drink decaff!
Hitler was a closet homo. That's why he never had kids.
Cool story, Ishmael
I got a 3 day ban from posting/talking to anyone on Facebook for sending someone some of these images.
Oh no...they did it for that reason.
The Nazi's.
They really did.
I'm a gay degenerate who is into depraved kinky shit, but I think children should be kept away from everything like that. That shit should stay at private events not open to the public. Children shouldn't be at pride parades especially at ones like Toronto where old queens run around nude.
op reverse image search you op pic them go through the similar images
>one long "muh children" virtue signaling thread
Are you one of those guys who likes to smear shit all over the walls at the gay meetup?
Wat dis is?
And then one day for no apparent reason white men lost their shit and started an heroing everyone.
I don't want these abominations taking up space on my drive. It's kinda funny yeah but seriously guys come on stop being suck fags about it.
He doesn’t seem to be enjoying this.
He's just coming down from extacy.
Jesus, that thing is a demon from another dimension. How do you not nope the fuck out of there the second you see that monstrosity much less expose your children to it?
Notice how the people who summon demons are ordinary looking folks? Sometimes they have kids
I'm not sure what you are getting at.
They expose their children to it because they're inhuman
woaw look at the beak on that bird
This one has the power to break the world.
This needs to happen more often.
someone wanted to make a statement.
Fuck off with your gay spam you fucking schizo fuck. Funny thing is you wouldn't dare to say that anywhere but on here, because you
d get shipped back to the psych ward.
Maybe someday when you eventually take your meds, you'll realise that you're a fucking dickhead.
Every day your parents probably sob in each others arms at the realisation that the innocent little child they once had has now grown up to be a NEET basement dwelling permavirgin faggot schizo with a non-existant social life.
The only attention you will ever garner from anyone is by posting retarded fucking spam comments on an anonymous fucking image board.
I can almost picture a weak grin spreading across your face as you realise someone replied to your shitty mindless comment, you autistic schizo fuck. But then that smile will slowly disappear as you realise your 10 seconds of daily attention is gone, and you go back to moping around in the darkness of your dank basement, the only light in the room coming from your probably shit-tier walmart desktop because you're too poor to afford a decent one, or maybe you're too socially inept to go out and buy one. After this thread dies, you will probably let out a loud sigh as you lift your chubby cheeto-stained fingers to turn off your monitor before crawling in to your pissy, cum-stained mattress to cry yourself to sleep. You are nothing. You will never be something. You fucking lardass social reject.
We need to find this man...
And give him a fucking medal for being a hero.
>the next hitler will be their guy all along and we are all a bunch of pawns playing right into their control scheme.
Okay leaf.
eh, art is fine and it's supposed to be provocative. It's the exposure of the grotesque and perverse toward the innocent that's the real problem
Who has the "virgin homosexual vs. chad faggot"? That's all I can think of whenever I see this guy lol
Kill me now.
Another shirtless faggot.
Another shirtless faggot.
>the jew is noticed in his many disguises
no gas for this guy...honourary lgbt
that's racist
I wouldnt mind taking a knife to that faggots chest and watching the life bleed out of his eyes.
>eh this is totally justified goyim
like are you even aware of how retarded you sound to everyone listening?
Mohammad was a crossdresser.
>They expose their children to it because they're inhuman
They revel in their evil deeds. This is what normal people cannot understand.
>Fuck off with your gay spam you fucking schizo fuck. Funny thing is you wouldn't dare to say that anywhere but on here, because you
>d get shipped back to the psych ward.
This is from the largest magazine publication in Poland.
I think this guy is what we're supposed to Protect Trans Kids from.
I wonder why this deviance affect mostly men
no, it's a retarded meme. Depression and territorial loss, disrespect by the victors were much larger factors in Hitler's rise than muh degeneracy
Because they seek guidance, and the predatory faggot corrupts them at a young age without a father figure. Without A strong father in a boys life he is subject to all forms of degeneracy. He does not know himself, only what he is told.
The way the universe works, I bet these two cunts were the actual arsonists
fukken saved
add captions and you will have yourself a good meme
archive this page, those faggots will try to change the definition:
> Pedophilia (alternatively spelt paedophilia) is a psychiatric disorder...
courage heals the land. God bless you, Sir. Whoever you are.
i'd post mine but trannies banned me last time for posting it