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thats what you get for dating a kike

>sending $200,000 to an Israeli
Somebody give this woman US citizenship

(((Simon Leviev)))
on second thought, the parentheses are unnecessary here

I guess I can ask her out now.

Attached: lying should become assault.jpg (906x880, 199K)

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Leeeviiiiiiii goldsteeeeennnnn

Nice ID

>she met a "very handsome, debonair young man" who seemed perfect for her: Jewish, Single, with a degree in accounting from NYU


Attached: lucy2.jpg (510x1049, 389K)

based jew patrolling thots
>REE HE LYED to me, he said he was the wolf of wall street but he isn t so i can t leech off him

All she had to do what marry a white man. When will they learn lads? Any ways, toll paid in full

This is a Nazi dogwhistle. This article looks extremely antisemitic

accountants rise up

Normally i hate Jews but this one is justified, this dumb bitch did it to her self.



it's on abc nightline
"I will go back to Israel (extradition) and face my punishment" or something. What a load of bullshit, he'll probably be let free


Attached: (((The Swindler))).png (1043x1267, 637K)

is it me or does it seem like she didn't seem that sad about getting swindled.

Scandinavians, perfect marks

Attached: israeli.png (715x2046, 765K)

Patrolled by a fucking kike

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Does this mean that if you go home with a girl and see her without makeup the next morning and find out you fucked a goblina, you are now the victim of sexual assault since she lied about her appearance?




Yes. Yes it does.

holy fuck, who the fuck has 200k liquid that they will give away willy nilly? what the fuck, not even lowtier millionaires are this rich

Fuck off incel, he’s 100% right. Not because she’s a woman but because she’s just generally stupid.


can you really make money like that? are there any statistics about this kind of crime?

Based Jews. A filthy goyim could never accomplish such a feat

This is actually bad since a woman with a good heart got patrolled.

So all eThots can be prosecuted

Attached: overlylaug.jpg (750x735, 37K)

can't wait for the inevitable biopic

Attached: Trump Vault Boy.png (214x329, 57K)

What is it that makes Swedes the most easily jewed lifeforms?


best post on Jow Forums today

>that pic related
women don't want that law
they reaaaaaaaalllly don't.

based Jews

shes hot!
the jew must be gay

Now that is alpha jewery

I'm pretty sure she got a taste of his hebrew national

Attached: 096445-600x600-A.png (600x600, 58K)

Based kike dabbing on whores.

He might get ths Israeli equivalent of the fucking medal of honor for scamming that hitch this hard.

As the niggers say, "prioritize finances over females"

Playing Jewish games wining Jewish prizes. The bitch had gone full Carrie Bradshaw.

put me on the screencap

Attached: Girls.jpg (600x536, 81K)



no because you can see she's wearing make up and can demand her to take it off before fucking.
That's like saying a woman can persecute a man when he has a beard because he has a bad jaw line and tried to hide it with the beard. She an demand him to shave before having sex.


Unironically chad behavior
I'd want to do this if I wasn't so cucked into being a "good family man"

in other news
" man bites dog"

This is possibly the most heroic Jew since Jesus. Can we get some memes about this kike?

Anyone who gets swindled out of large sums of money is a retard and deserves it

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They're going to fuck themselves, aren't they? Character is destiny.

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I just took twenty minutes to shit out a load

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>met her prince charming
>on tinder
the eternal roastie never learns

>i thought he was rich and would become richer, which is why i fucked him
>but i found out he was poor and thus he raped me


Shieet niggas where can i find a hot blue eyed blonde to send me mad cash like her? Damn

He raked in millions from dumb Scandinavian cunts. Serves them right.


It's how women survive, user


Date a Swede milf

so simple yet so beautiful

>gives away 200k to stranger

Perfect, you're hired.

how does anyone get anywhere near $30,000+ in debt for going to college?

they go to fucking yale, live in dorms or whatever provided for them and only take out loans for all of it, never paying anything the entire time?

I have $40K in debt.
It was easy. I just took out loans every semester and lived on them while skipping all my classes, not working, and dropping out.


Emotional issues and mental instability I imagine.



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This is next level jewry, straight from the Torah.


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she is jewish

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Women are corporate whores without a pimp. They make a ton on powerpoint without any idea what to do with it. All squirreled away in a single account waiting for a man to tell them what to do.

After pantsuits Ubereats some wine and a dog walking subscription the rest just accrues


Watch the video. The pictures he used to trick multiple girls are cartoonish. They want so badly to believe in the fairy tale they do most of the work for you. Read a couple books on Pimping and this could be you

Attached: th (9).jpg (474x723, 38K)

She is a gold digger and was scammed by another gold digger man.
To hell with her, she was playing her own con game against a man she thought was rich, but needed a little temporary help.

>Simon = Simeon, Shimon, Symeon, etc.
>Leviev = Sounds like Slavshit for Levy, Levi, etc.
Every. Fucking. Time.

Attached: 1563716161765.gif (245x230, 871K)

put me in the screencap

>swindler's list.jpg

>stop at truck stop diner for food
>order cream cheese bagel with lox
>waitress turns and yells order at kitchen

Attached: 645654654.png (409x409, 240K)

So originally I thought this was a catfish story, then I watched the video.
How fucking Chad is this guy? How does he get multiple 9/10 blonde hotties in multiple countries to spend hundreds of thousands of dollars on him?
How am I supposed to compete with absolute Chad psychopaths like that?

underrated post

On a mule rides the swing dancer