So... is that it? This is game over, isn't it?
So... is that it? This is game over, isn't it?
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for context, the military is deploying actual spy balloons across the midwest.
They have been using these along the border for years
The more you talk about elite pedo rings, the more they panic. This is directly related and so is the FBI statement about conspiracy theories being terrorism.
Dude the government has nukes. They’re legit.
saw one flying over head, and another in the distance today. Was wondering wtf they were
>the border
cool, this is the mainland US.
You guys had them in Iraq a lot and they're really fucking hard to shoot down because small holes do nothing to them
oh mighty armed forces defeated with a BB gun
If it's DOD running them it seems like a clear violation of Posse Comitatus
use a cannon then idiot
They collect signals intelligence as well as live camera feeds with fairly decent capabilities
They're basically drones you'd use in an insurgency.
I saw them all over Iraq and they were rarely taken out because firearms did little, and they won't detonate an RPG warhead either.
It's time for a change
those blimps with cameras have been around since the start of the Iraq war.
I remeber reading that in 2004 a low-flying Blackhawk helicopter snapped the tether to one, and it landed in a goat farm outside of Najaf.
lol sand niggers were working with soviet tier arsenal.
a full mag of .50 cal will do plenty
Can't access with the russian ip. Is it interesting?
That's right kids, we spied on foreign enemies so why not our own...
You can probably kamikaze a fpv drone into them
As long as 4g towers are still working
They had plenty of 12.7mm and 14.5mm Rooskie HMGs.
But yes, enough holes will down them, but several rifle shots won't.
a $200 remote control drone with a scalpel or hobbyist knife would render that useless. Our air wing division could be named Pinochet’s Revenge.
A dinky civilian drone would just bounce off of a JLENS.
I'm fine with them using them on foreign soil but their starting to use them here
and fuck everything about that
What type of gas are they filled with
fuck they're not their*
thanks I was wondering where I saw this article this morning but by the time I got off work I could only find the Mashable one
>65,000 ft altitude
welp boys pack it in, games over
>the FBI statement about conspiracy theories being terrorism.
I couldn't help but notice there's been no reports of the FBI checking into the "terrorists" pushing the conspiracy theories about Russia being behind Tulsi's campaign.
One broke its tether while I was deployed. They chased it for a couple days. Uneven terrain with its cables dragging along at the mercy of the wind. You can't just grab its lines and stop it. It's connected to the ground. When the tether breaks it floats away. It's that simple.
Then use one of these
API might work, but the shell is so thin it probably wouldn't detonate the round.
A fixed wing high speed model plane would be the best.
oh theyre not as small as I thought
That's not a spy balloon user. That's target practice blimp provided by the state.
Yes, a high velocity model plane would be fine if there was some need to take it down.
How in the fuck did this happen? This is straight out of 1984.
That's because the FBI are the ones pushing muh Russia and other mainstream friendly conspiracies.
why the midwest? Why over the white areas? Hmmmm
I understand, user, my post was sarcasm.
Pussy, you forgot one important detail
>piloted by patriots
These will be used with ground penetrating radar to find DUMB sites the deepstate has built.
no, this was game over.
so rpg's bounce off and it's designed to take bullets as well as inflammable, what did the locals do about them?
>small holes do nothing
Easy answer. Shoot more holes.
Hahaha they got jdamed.
>not shooting it down for the succulent balloon meat
This is where they want to deploy 5G. Delete this
We can only hope so.
A high altitude mesh net government domestic spying blimp
Shooting one down would be difficult because they have you on camera before you can get to it
They died...Literally they are tough, not industricatble. The hadjis had the inovation to do it, just not the material or manpower, we have both, in abundance in the US...This Post, is of course satire, and should in no way be taken seriously...
burning lazer faghot
that's my concern for going after the tethers as well.
No, they would have a masked figure of indiscriminate race about a thousand yards away a second and half before it starts losing altitude.
its not enough to spy on everyone
people have to SEE THE SPIES EVERY DAY for the fear and self correction of behaviors the government doesnt want to take full effect.
this isnt about surveillance, they already have a total surveillance grid. its about FEAR, they dont want us to ever forget they are watching.
this is some emperor palpatine tier shit going on
>the bloons are breeding
And if we go off history they're just going to go after sovereign citizens who believe in freedom and rights
While they run guns and equipment to cartels and "moderate rebels"
just wear a hat lol
when the fuck are we going to start killing these people?
they are fucking Gods, they are cowards using tech to get the one up on law abiding people that dont worship the Judaic Talmud.
These fucking people are going to have to die if you people want peace. They arent going to stop.
Buy guns and get ready.
Looks like a weather balloon.
Already logged onto Minecraft
They used giant fans
They've been around since before then. Yuma Proving Grounds has had one up for nearly 23 years
There's no need to test them over civilian areas, even for the supposed missile defense capability (it's not for ICBM defense, so it has little use over civilians anyway). This is basically an operation.
Of course the military tests things for years before implementing them. You think Iraq was the first time we saw drones?
Lasers. That is all.
Thats what I'm saying. Be looking for separate things around the balloons. Look at what military and dod personal do and where the office for the cameras is. Pay very close attention. I remember the base told us it was a weather balloon when it first went up, but you would hear stories of operator's looking into town. It was not for border security, it was to see how far they could look into a city. If it was for border security don't you think it would be more towards the California border where the sand drifts cover the actual fence
agreed, the USA died that day.
where are you fucker
It's funny how everything used in our endless desert wars is coming back home
Part and parcel in schizo controlled zogmerica.
These are used for electronic mind control. Had one following me around a few years ago
Yeah the ritual was endgame basically, police state America and endless middle east wars for greater Israel followed.
It's over
Yes. And no one will do anything since Americans are zombie sheep.
Almost exactly like 1984
Hmm...In a totally satirical way. I could just see a drone or two buzzing up to that thing and having an explosive malfunction. Would that not just be hilarious? HAHAHAHAH!!!!
It is only only in this system tho. If this system were no longer opporating in some fashion..There could be a new system.
How would you be able to do that if they can see you from miles away, as soon as you pull out a drone they'd be all over you
I dont know what you are talking about friend...Im just talking about how funny it would be...
this "system" was built by 2000+ years of thinking
what kind of gas do they use to remain airborne
Methane from the local brap barn.
Good thing it wont take nearly as long to tear down huh?
I want off this ride.
Its classified. There are many options, but unless you know the specific gas, it wont do much good. But i like the way you are thinking...It would be even funnier if somehow it just got all limp and fluttered down like an FBI agents shriveled dick...Satirically and hilariously of course.
so would incendiary rounds not work as long as the gas is flammable if not then a slower moving projectile like a arrow or bolt if they aren't too high
Hiroshima seems to be doing well
omens of the DOTR
Why? We are just getting to the top of the hill...cant you hear it?
Chunk Clank
Chunk Clank
Chunk clank
Hey there Colonel, shouldn't you be in bed. You're cholesterol is a bit high, and not sleeping isn't helping
They can be a few thousand meters up if need be. Most of the time they hover nicely around 8-1000
maybe you could use a drone to take out the anchor point or sever the rope there if it wasn't too heavily guarded