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Space lasers pew pew

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Machine guns?

Great. I'mma gonna get impaled by a baguette going 500 mph aren't I?

It's the DEWs!

wtf, I thought it was the Russians that were hungry for war? I thought they were the ones that was a danger to space??

Kek confirms

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I do believe this violate several un laws in space niggers I mean weapons

>Implying we have the funds to do it
>Implying we have any money

You get that this means we have to fuck you up now, right? It's important you understand the beating that's coming. Like it's not even personal. But this is our playground. And the toys are all ours. We just don't always stop you from using them.

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French always stealing American ideas like French fries

Lmao fuck I didn't even notice

Yeah better tax those blue collar more for the funds.
Hows yellow vest going on?

Trying to get patriotism and nationalism going

Too bad Muslims don't have much of that outside of to their religion and immediate family unit

Will be beautiful in 20 years once france is a majority muslims full fledged caliphate and these subhumans have all these weapons.

Really is time to start hanging traitors.

I honestly don't think Macron knows what Macron is doing. He contradicts himself with literally every action he takes being the opposite of the previous thing he did.

>civil riotous discontent against the corrupt state ongoing
>suddenly Macron wants satellites with lasers and machine guns
Big think

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There's only a handful of YVs left but the protests are still going. Our medias try not to talk about them.

Call them "mass drivers" if you prefer. Double as thrusters, as long as you're planning to ruin the day of whatever you're running from.

I still like to believe that this means we have just big ass submarines in space. The "cigar" ships are actually ours.

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Yeah hardly any cover nowsday.

>female defense minister
>others being scared
Pick one.

These people are trying to make themelves like God, brining down fire and lightning from the heavens to smite their enemies

>not being scared of a runaway Kessler Effect

Wasnt there some pact forbidding weapons in space?

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I imagine it’s for the destruction of other country’s satellites. I’m assuming ours.

the french are putting machine guns in space......
well played France , well played

>weaponized satellites

that's gotta be a joke

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The Age of Pacts are over
The Time of the Beasts has come

it's probably just a corruption scheme for jewish insiders to get billion dollar contracts. They will launch a rocket and say "the space weapons are ready" and then it will never be spoken of again and everyone will forget about it.

Only WMD's, IIRC.
No military _on_ celestial bodies, but the void is international waters, basically.
Conventionally armed military is fine.

That reminds me of that us and russia just dissolved pact abou ballistic missilies which is ignored on pol or maybe i didnt catch it. There are in theory nothing holding both sides to install nukes near each other borders. Ruskies already had nukes in kaliningrad for long time just that they dont have to deny that now


lurk moar goy

>Everyone will forget about the super weapon that France is holding over their heads

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You know France already has nuclear ICBM's, right?

So do other countries. And France has a limited number compared to others.
But a super weapon in space that allows them to rain down fire on nations. Now that is a different story all together. That is a notch up from what everyone else has.

No, it's really not.
Firstly, that's not even what they're proposing.
Secondly, France literally does not have anything to lift that kind of mass to orbit.
They're not going to get tungsten telephone poles to orbit by lighting one end of a baguette on fire.

Guys, I can ensure you that this project is going to tank.
Most of the budget will be drained by bureaucrats and the delivery date will be delayed and delayed again until the whole thing is eventually cancelled.
And if anything is ever sent to space, it will be a useless pile of junk stripped off most of its functions while costing 3 times the initial budget.
>Source : I've been a French for 32 years

Yeah it really is, 1 nuke takes time to travel. And everyone sees it coming and nukes back.
A blast directly from the sky could be a different story.

... you know... radar is a thing... right?
And uh, orbits don't turn on a dime?
C'mon, we went through this with camera-satellites in the cold war...
This isn't new...

We didn't have lasers back then

Reminder Jews are trying to build Elysium, and the spaceforce are going to be proxy wars between countries for which sections of orbiting the planet are which


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Do you have any fucking idea how big of a collimator would have to be to focus on a ground target from orbit, through the atmosphere?
That's not exactly something you can hide.

There will be no weapons in space but the french space command will just centralized the services affected to the protection of our satellites and telecoms

Who says they are hiding it?

He wants France to be the first muslim country with a space program.

My eyeballs.
You could literally see that thing with the naked eye.

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They haven't even put it up yet

And with exactly what huge ass launch vehicle will they lift such a thing?
Nigger this isn't ground-pounding superweapons, this is satellite-to-satellite knife fights.

Then one day, for no reason at all...

How do you think a space station gets into space

You mean the space station that is clearly visible to the naked eye and follows a very simple orbital path to compute?
That space station?

they also showed off a guy with a rifle and a hoverboard flying over the french military parade


i dont know how practical this is but it looks pretty dope

too bad paris is a shithole because france doesnt have the balls to stand up to political correctness and exercise rational border controls

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Hungary needs a military space force like this with weaponised satellites.

I can see it being useful in urban combat.

Yes, that one. That was put up in parts and put together. And is seen.
But if there was a laser weapon attached to it, it wouldn't matter if it was seen. There would be nothing you could do about it.
Yes that one.

Not zo fast, Mister Tromp ! We, France, have also a Space Force ! See you up there, burgers !

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That is what the machine guns are for

Fightin izrail!

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>meanwhile in the us

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Chinks started it.
Honestly I dont even care.
If we want any hope of realizing our sci-fi anime dreams we need to militarize space.
Star Trek is for naive faggots

Macron is a deepstate plant, probably trying to put DEWS back up.

It's such a fun time to be an aerospace engineer

how ? it's really noisy and the guy need to be Jow Forums af because of the wind and control

>machine gun in orbit
>hitting an aircraft in the atmosphere
It's welcome to try?

WHat it is used for ? secret experiments ? which ones ? spy satellites ?

So make a bigger one and combine it with a power-suit?

Probably intended as a deterrent to anti-satellite missiles.
Thing aegis in space

oh no they're gonna create a huge defensive line around Earth but they'll leave a huge gap because theres no way the ayys will just go around hon hon hon

You do know all satellites and the space station are in orbit right of earth and have to move to keep from falling, right?

Protip: your leaders will always tell you that your side is the good guys

Can we make nuclear baguettes a thing?

>Flying around in the sky at 20mph
>Every enemy grunt starts shooting at you because they want to be the first jihadi on their block to get a confirmed kill

No, to hit a missile heading straight for it on a direct path. If it stays straight, it should be very possible to hit.

Orbital kinetic bombardment is even more detectable than a nuke launch. You can launch a nuclear icbm from a sub hidden anywhere, but your big orbital weapons platform is impossible to hide and has a predictable orbit. Everyone will have eyes on it 24/7, and as soon as you launch something they'll shove an ASAT missile up it's ass that costs 99% less than it's target.
It takes time to de-orbit the kinetic projectile too, it can't fire straight down towards the ground like Call of Duty. Depending on the location of the sub, a sub launched icbm can reach it's target faster than you can de-orbit a kinetic projectile.
Also "tungsten telephone poles" are not even remotely comparable to nukes, their maximum energy is roughly equivalent to a MOAB, but they have better penetration for hardened underground targets.
You can increase their max energy by placing them in high elliptical orbits, but then it takes much longer for the projectile to reach it's target, and it becomes increasingly difficult for the projectile to survive re-entry.

If you're talking about giant rail guns or death lasers then fuck off because those aren't even close to being a reality on the ground, much less in space. The best we can do is experimental rail guns the size of artillery guns, or a laser that can catch a single plane on fire if you hold it there for a few seconds.

So what if we just shoot two missiles at it from two different directions?

Ayyy lmao

Why would anyone talk about them as they have obviously won.
All macaroni had to do was wait.
The taxes are still going into effect.
He is still in power.
Nothing has improved.
The French are a bunch of neutered faggots who deserve their impending extermination

nobody knows
top secret

this is all about DEW or directed energy weapons. Imagine GTA 5 online, and having no cooldown on the orbital cannon.


>implying mans most base instinct isn't to kill god

If there was only one machine gun that would work

They want to surgically nuke the people they dont like. Nukes are too distasteful and obvious. A DEW can be disguised by the media as a housefire, a forest fire, whatever they say, as it is subtle and nobody can see or hear it from miles away.

So what if we just Macross Missile Massacre the motherfucker?
Exactly how much ammo can an orbital platform carry? Exactly how long is it's resupply time?

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Is this so the French can force Aliens to accept Muslim refugees?

>Source : I've been a French for 32 years
So what were you before that you nafri?

The military has had these sort of flying platforms for decades. They never proved to be practical for combat though.

They could have use in certain civilian rescue operations, but the odds of an event happening where they would be useful is so low that it will never be practical to keep people trained to fly them around.

Most likely they will remain a novelty.


Wasn’t there a precision missile high altitude test done back in the W administration that knocked a satellite from orbit? I remember at the time that the (((press))) reported that such a test (which was very difficult and timing had to be coordinated and precise) was a threat to China in terms of spy satellites. But what if it was really directed at Israel? I get worried that space based weapons with limited use like (directed energy weapons) are a possibility and that W. Is part of the plan. After all, it in my mind would make a lot of sense if this was the case since he gave so much power to the NSA after nine11 that ultimately he couldn’t do anything about the attacks initially. Plus he was steadfast about not abandoning Iraq before iraq’s Security forces were ready. Perhaps he knew something.

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Unless the suit does the flying via it's computing power, and it's for big jumps instead of hovering.

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they scouting for space niggers

You'd need an exoskeleton, and that plus a power source would add a lot of bulk, all just so you could be a big noisy target with no cover.

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Just got done watching gundam wing

France is going to be the first nation to surrender in space.

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>you'd need an exoskeleton
Kind of my point...
