How can we get r/the_donald un-quarantined?

Honestly its not the same since its been quarantined so I don't want to go back. But also Jow Forums is a bit too radical and "far out there" for me.
The nazi left admins at reddit are constantly deleting comments in OUR subreddit too, secretly. Nazi mod Spez got outed for this like 2 years ago. He was editing our comments and silencing us. The censorship just keeps getting worse.
I feel so stuck and I don't know where to go. I just wish I could resettle back at the donald but its just not the same...

Attached: the nazi left.jpg (1078x741, 550K)

You can't, even the tamest anti pc meme reddits like cringeanarchy and tumblrinaction are quarantined

If Democrats were Nazis then I would vote for them.

It's never going to be un-quarantined. It should be fucking deleted. Just like this worthless fucking board.

Stop being such a huge vagina

It will be briefly unquarantined but then a planned false flag will get it banned outright.
they're retards, to be sure, but they're OUR retards.


Then you better get voting for them communist because they are socialists and theyre for censorship just like the nazis...

I saw cringeanarchy once. I wouldnt call that tame. Although a few posts there gave me a hoot and a holler every once in awhile.

guys we need the donald unquarantined. A little help guys?

The best possible thing that could happen would be for them to ban it so hopefully some of the MIGApedes and boomers wake the fuck up.

found a pic of OP

Attached: Screenshot_2019-07-13 boomer trump supporter - Google Search.png (428x501, 465K)

Reddit is a far left shithole

You guys should make your own website or just go to voat

Attached: 3e0XjJd.png (800x800, 980K)

Fuck plebbit

Voat is full of far left nazis just like reddit. Why the fuck would we go to voat buddy?

Deleting discussion forums doesnt stop people from having opinions.
Do you think censoring nazis makes them go away?
No retard, it just makes them more likely to bring a gun to the next antifa protest

The kike media already thinks plebbit is an ebil alt right neon nazi site. I didn't read your faggy post but I'll assume that answers your reddit question, get them shuttered for being right wing

Fuck off and suck start a shot gun you insipid boomer gelded cunt.

What do you disagree with nazis being leftists or something? Fact check buddy, if you are a nazi you are a leftist.

Fact: There was an aborted Communist revolution in Germany in 1918. Fact: For the next 15 years Russia softened Germany up with Communist propaganda. Fact: The German government was 85% Leftist before the Nazi party formed. Fact: NAZI means National SOCIALIST.

Attached: Mr. 45th.jpg (1280x720, 106K)

Its a conspiracy against a political party. Report it to the FBI as a threat to national security.

blah blah blah

If you have a whole lot of money, I guess you could just buy reddit from Conde Nast. Then you could personally have spez escorted out the building by armed security guards, terminate employment of admins who oppose your vision, and reshape reddit as you see fit.

You should ALL leave quite frankly. Supporting Reddit by using their platform is foolish. Might as well stay here and go to other places too.

Fact: You don't know what the terms you use mean, and you have no capacity to connect facts together to understand a situation.

Cringeanarchy shut down. They migrated to an encrypted server. It's pretty much Jow Forumsin a group chat form.

>Not mentioning the Jews on Jow Forums.

>nazi left admins at reddit
Just go to facebook, you have the same comprehension of politics as a typical boomer and your opinions are *basically* politically correct. Regardless, you absolutely don't belong here faggot.

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Go back, you kike.