Why is it that younger generations no longer drink as much as their boomer parents and what impact will this have on the political climate?
Why are westerners drinking less alcohol?
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to quote article above:
>More than half (50.3%) of teenage boys in England drank weekly in 2002, compared with just 10% 2014, the research found. Wales had the second largest drop in prevalence for boys, from 47.6% to 11.8% across the same period
>With girls, 43.1% in England drank alcohol weekly in 2002, falling to fewer than one in 10 (8.9%) in 2014. This was the largest decline for girls across the 36 countries, followed by Scotland which saw prevalence drop from 41.1% to 10.7%.
Weed is easily consumed and it's an easy non had come down high.
Booze is for men who can handle consequences.
Alcohol is a mind altering drug and causes bad health effects like all the others. This one just has years of human history and marketing dollars behind it. Knowing the effects much like smoking makes it less attractive.
Here's an artice from (((vice))). Thought I'd include it as well
Weed is the new thing, boomers. Beer is cool for parties but daily boomer tier 6 pack joe is terrible for your health and makes you a bumbling retard.
I tend to avoid bars and clubs since they’re filled with spics, hispters, stupid girls. I’m also not much of a lone drinker
It's clearly happening where I live as well. There is this meme, that older generations have always frowned about the degeneracy of the younger ones. But I look at them and all I see is fucking boring nerd pussies who don't have anything interesting going on. They are even more fucking bland than my grandparents and they were fucking christian nut jobs who never did anything interesting in all their live.
Hundreds of pubs are closing every week, some of them are 500-600 yrs old, fuck Amazon, Facebook and Twitter, fuck this country
Because we've realized that, in this capitalist oligarchy / global police state we live in, the only thing we actually own is our own bodies, so we might as well make the best of them, which means no poison.
Also, alcohol is expensive, I can't save money for prepping for the collapse if I spend beyond the bare minimum on food, rent and utilities.
mfw I was teetotaler before it was cool.
Have you went outside and seen how much more healthier people look like? There's your fucking reason.
Even fat slobs are exercising. It feels good and makes you feel great.
Beer is cool, but I'd much rather smoke weed. Perhaps it's weed that is killing the booze industry
Learning what no to do by looking at millennials
If the drugs are cheap, the addicts aren't slaves.
>gallon of refreshing high quality lemonade costs about 8 dollars
>gallon of shitty mind corrupting liquor costs 50 dollars
>turns you into a degenerate
>dries your skin out and makes you look like shit
>kills the liver
i can't respect anyone who drinks alcohol
>Why are westerners drinking less alcohol?
Maybe cause it's a pleb tier activity and that White people have a brain that they don't want to destroy.
Just something to explore, Faggot.
Because we no longer get dysentery from drinking water and getting drunk is overrated.
I like beer.
t. Millenial
>being a degenerate makes you a worthwhile person
This is your low IQ brain on Jewish brainwashing.
Because alcohol is for losers and people with poor hygiene. Real people do hallucinogens. I know a few alcohol companies have lost money over the last few years due to declining sales. Humiliating business and govt is really fun.
never forgetti
Real people dont do any drugs at all.
People tend to avoid alcohol when they're in the phase of mentally prepping for battle.
All of the beer turned into that shitty IPA stuff.
It's indelible in the hippocampus, user. Next beer I pour tonight is for my man Brett.
this is exactly why the alcohol industry put so many millions into keeping cannabis illegal.
/oldpol/ drunk, angry at reality, just wants to right the wrongs
/nupol/ high, schizo posting
I unironically don't drink alcohol because it makes my tummy hurt
I thought that I had read recently the opposite, that alcohol consumption was on the rise. Also, with the booming craft beer/brewery scene, I find this to be surprising.
>Not smoking weed AND drinking booze
Nope, /oldpol/ is natsoc so weaned off their vices one by one.
Alcohol is the boomer's drug.
I'm just fascinated by that fact, that this might be the first time in history, where people think that the younger generation is too well behaved. It's kinda scary and I think it kinda has to the with (((their))) medicine and brainwashing.
Alcohol is haram.
I’ve already cut out the weed Jew, im not turning to the alcohol demon
I’ve also always been a light weight and don’t like the feeling of puking and waking up with a pounding headache the next day
>and makes you a bumbling retard.
And I can still kick your ass, most stoners are scrawny.
I dont really see it though. This generation is more depraved than ever. Maybe because the depravity isn't cool.
That'll be $12 plus a tip
I only drink water faggot
If it want for public drunkenness laws I'd be outside too.
Because it costs $10 a beer and we are taxed to the gills and learn less money
True, but he has a point. What do young people do? I believe doing something questionable is better than nothing at all.
>gallon of shitty mind corrupting liquor costs 50 dollars
>>turns you into a degenerate
>>dries your skin out and makes you look like shit
>>kills the liver
>i can't respect anyone who drinks alcohol
I cant respect anyone who cant use periods.
I'm a millennial and I'm fuck8 g plastered
My boomer coworkers told me how there used to be pubs and nightclubs everywhere in the 70s. Now there's only one nightclub worth going to that's far away from me. I feel robbed.
Drinking traditionally has been a social activity. Zoomers get their social interactions online.
only kikes and their golems think alcohol consumption is acceptable
>Because alcohol is for losers and people with poor hygiene.
Jesus you people really are upset.
Did Chad get your crush drunk and fuck her?
This too for fuck sakes.
In Poland and hell, even in Europe in general, they started leaving a 'tip' basket and I get really confused because either it's included in the service or not. Like fuck off.
Type the whole word out you lazy nigger.
National socialist.
Anybody paying 50 bucks for a bottle of liquor is retarded
The MOST I’ve ever spent on a bottle was $32 and that was only because I like vodka and saw my last name on a bottle
It was pretty good too, but still way overpriced
>imports religion of peace that forbids alcohol
>said religion replaces your aging kaffir population
>wonders why less young uns are drinking
>I’ve also always been a light weight and don’t like the feeling of puking and waking up with a pounding headache the next day
Drink water, slow your intake and eat some fucking food.
Are all you retarded niggers binge drinking moonshine or something?
How are they depraved? They can't even fucking shit talk properly in video games. They are incredibly salty though.
You're forgetting the part where Nazism was born in beer halls
>bought it because I saw my last name on a bottle
You do know the Hanson brothers run a brewery, right? It's called "Mmmm Hops". It's based out of OKC.
It is on the rise but peak alcohol sales ler capita was in the mid 70s. Tougher DUI laws and a high minimum drinking age made alcohol consumption drop dramatically.
Only white men can consume alcoholic beverages and not turn into a nigger.
>They can't even fucking shit talk properly in video games
This is too real, they wouldn't survive in an Mw2 lobby
A handle is 1.75 liters...
Absolutely agreed. I wouldn't say well behaved, but just boring or bland. I think it stems from having nothing to rebel against, or every rebellion being manufactured by (((them)))
They are tamed in a weird way. Perhaps the internet has provided too many methods for escapism, has confused everyone, has broken comradeship between young guys, etc
>Tougher DUI laws and a high minimum drinking age made alcohol consumption drop dramatically.
Boo hoo, 21 you have money and can take an uber.
Cry me a fucking river, modern day young people dont have the fortitude to consume booze without acting like a bunch of niggers.
Really I've seen 20 some things in American shout like nigger apes after a few beers and some shots.
Its fucking gay and it's why I'm sick of 20 somethings even the vaginas.
Nice quads
And yes I’ve done all this before
I just can’t handle my liquor
T. Seething alchie
Has found a stock photo on the internet you actual autist.
This brand struck out to me because Sonoma is in Cali where my dad came before he coincidentally moved to OKC
Also hoppy beer is shit
Alcohol is a social drug and people aren't as social as they used to be.
>mfw kaffirs are now emulating the lifestyle of the healthy religion, Islam
Welcome to Al-Matam Al-Ingilitra brothers. That will be £15 + tip + jizyah for each halal beverage.
Ok and?
>Also hoppy beer is shit
It's a play on their one-hit back in the 90s... "Mmm bop".
I don't know what products they create. As mentioned previously in the thread, I'm teetotaler.
its cause theyre smoking dope, at least round where i am, most of the people i work with around my age (23) smoke weed pretty much daily and drink rarely
I've never heard a compelling reason to drink alcohol
weak bait
>cry me a fucking river
>build a bridge
>get over it
fuck off outta here old man, you're the nigger now.
>get a Uber
lol your car was towed for overnight parking
>drive home
lol that will be 10k in fines and lawyer fees. Oh and you get a suspended license
>host a house party
Lol, everybody drinks one beer
What a great metaphor on how fucked England is.
Bet they’re getting turned into Mosques.
Fuck off, nigger
t. drinking scotch neat rn
>Seething alchie
Been over three week since I've had a beer.
Nice try Jewish nigger.
>gallon of shitty mind corrupting liquor costs 50 dollars
>The MOST I’ve ever spent on a bottle was $32
so you guys are 3 for 3 on zero reading comprehension.
Your Moroccan chicken pizza is ready sir. That will be £20 + tip + jizyah + halal slaughter tax
alcohol gets in your testes and makes your kids come out as total austist
you can use it to miscarry babies if you can't get an abortion
alcohol is disgusting
weed isn't great for you but you can at least use it everyday for a month or so
>And yes I’ve done all this before
>I just can’t handle my liquor
That's fine dude, try hard lemonade or light beers if you want to drink or just dont even bother.
I like getting drunk on my days off work.
I just hate the amount of hate it gets because niggers and wiggers cant get drunk and act normal.
Yep. Weed is ubiquitous amongst anybody under the age of 25. I hate it. I wish weed was still criminalised.
My dad was an alcoholic, but I find I just don't like the feeling of being drunk. Dehydration, headaches, impaired focus and concentration.
I'm okay drinking a few beers and getting a light buzz but I don't find any enjoyment in it beyond that.
>Alcohol is a social drug
This. Booze and beer help me get friendly with people.
I don't like the taste of alcohol. I just drink powerade or gatorade instead.
sure I think you are onto something with those things you said. It's probably a weird mixture between many things, but it clearly has to do with culture completely breaking down and loosing interest in meeting other people. I can clearly feel it myself, but the effects have to be much stronger with people who completely grow up on social media.
I hate getting drunk I feel like shit the next day. Why make yourself feel like shit? Plus I’m married. I don’t need alcohol to lube up to be loose with women.
Just hit a bowl every now and then if I need a head change. Drinking is gay.
Bowling alleys are just bars with shit to do.
I know what song it’s a play on, I just assume if they have a beer called Mmm Hopps that it’s a hoppy beer
And hoppy beer is crap
Believe me I’ve been listening to mmm bop jokes my whole life
fuck alcohol, fuck anxiety riddled hangovers and most of all, fuck alcohol for turning me into a drunk driving retard everytime i've got the keys on me. i'm 100% sober now.
Legal weed
im an alcoholic but i think thats a good thing.. its better that my future wife isnt getting wasted and plowed every weekend
Moved to weed and acid stopped drinking, stopped smoking and taking any drugs and just living sober. doing things right this time around, alcohol is for faggots.
pretty much this
It's probably social media.
A video of you being blackout drunk, with puke all over the body, could forever be stored on the internet. The new kids are way too afraid of that happening to them.