Have you ever been in a confrontation with someone of a different race? How did it go?

Have you ever been in a confrontation with someone of a different race? How did it go?

Attached: shit chucker.webm (848x480, 1.05M)

I apologized for my ancestories enslaving his people and paid for his goods

I got arrested for beating the shit out of the black bastard but it got dismissed before I was arraigned !

We threw a nigger out of a bar for acting all niggrish, he got kicked out of the next bar, by then the cops showed up, he slugs a cop, we chased him down and beat the shit out of him.

why would I be?

Got in fights with under 50 iq gypsis, they are tought only when they have numbers

Literal nigger-stole-my-bike scenario.
I got hit by a car, left the crumpled bike on my porch when I headed to the hospital. Came home and it was gone, then 2 days later saw a nigger walking it up the street, taco'd wheels and all. My white GSD jumped out the window ~6 feet off the ground ajd ran him down, and held him in place, I grabbed my pistol and limped out the door and held him at gunpoint while retrieving my dag. I told him if I ever saw him on my street again it would be hard a choice between not recalling the dog, or pulling the trigger before I do.

2/10 effort
Disney writes better fan fic than this, fagot.

Glownigger thread. All fields.


1. Pakistani physician in hospital

- youngest sister has scoliosis, requiring an implant to grow a straighter back during ensuring growth spurts in puberty
- dad is supposed to drive her to the hospital. I arrive later, turns out he let her alone with the a physician from Pakistan (!), as everyone knows a proto-rapist by default
- the combination of my testo cycle, a slightly botched university test and the Rotterham flashback cause me to totally lose my shit, storm the room and cause havok. Vietnamese female employee tries to calm down situation but I was gone too far. Paki locks the door and I scream hitting against it till my knuckles bleed threatening to cut of his arms. I demand a European doctor and get what I want. Security has been called but they don't want to fight me and leave me be after ceasing my attack
- Paki still hides in the room when we leave being a phaggot living in fear of men that don't tolerate rapists like him
- I get berated at home by my dad and we almost fight each other physically. His liberal ways make me sick. If he wanted a cucked son he should have married an Asian not a part-Lebanese woman. Nobody will dishonor or hurt my family, especially not some shitskinned-abeed.

I don't know desu, still feeling impotent against all this degeneracy pal. Why can't we have the late 90s and early 00s back, it was happy times back then (at least here).

niggers, had a moment where a nigger tried to put his stuff in front of my items on the cashier line, so i pushed all his items behind mines. Then with ape like attitude the huff and puff starts showing, you know how they are loud and obnoxious as fuck and spouting shit like "ill beat you up if you touch my shit!" but you know i already pushed all his shit already so i didnt bother. With all that huffing and puffing tho, he didn't really do anything LOL.

but im also an asian dude and niggers already know not to fuck with asians without their guns.

Paki here. This is hilarious, you are getting beat by us even in Germany.

pee pee poo poo

>Paki animals are now in Germany too

this world is getting really sad

Funny twist is that he's a sandnig himself

Pakistanis are boipussy manlets that can only rape children and I can murder you one-handed you genetic sink.

What about the Vietnamese girl ?

Niggers in packs are brave, one-on-one they’re cowards, and pretty easy to pick off and beat the shit out of.

Only ever fought my own race (w). The only time I ever got my ass beat was a drunk fight 4v1 against a hockey team.

You can't do anything you mentally ill mutt

The public opinion here is changing, paki