I hate this guy

>talks too fucking fast
>manlet kike
>all his views founded in kike logic
How the fuck did he get a radio show? Its like listening to an unbalanced washing machine on rinse cycle.
>he replaced Savage in my market; fucking Jew

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Other urls found in this thread:


Stop posting the goddamn kikes you goddamn phoneposting nigger

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your tax dollar goes to his country and your country is fighting wars for him.

he is like Crowder, he has not a single viewpoint that's not in the Republican party program, except even more obsession with Israel.

He's everything the neo con cuckservatives love. Hes a hand rubber, who sounds like a conservative to your adverage 30 year old boomer or dumbass 13 year old, but if you listen long enough he's just a war hawk shill who sucks John Bolton's dick all day

Yeah, same. He disgusts me. Give me a man who can write eloquently and change the world with with words, not some stupid bigot that thinks he is the shit. He is like a Tarantino;like whiny faggot incarnate. Disgust.

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Just one with* :3

Teach me senpai/sensei

Ben Shapiro is an adult. Savage is a pooped diaper baby in a 70 year old body. Neoconservatism is making a comeback because it is morally just and right, unlike the morally bankrupt drumpf administration that puts kids in cages and did NOTHING when Iran seized a British tanker. We know the Iraq war was hard and costly. Most good things are. But its time to grow up and realize that we have a responsibility to end Islamic fundamentalist dictatorships and spread freedom and democracy, just like we did during the Cold War.

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Neocon zionist

Based as fuck

you aren't supposed to be shitposting on the sabbath

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>How the fuck did he get a radio show?
Wtf? He's now doing a radio show additionally with his daily wire show?
Then you goyim are wondering how come jews are so good on pumping their shekels...

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You have zero room to talk about anyone else’s country. You guys still keep up with palace intrigue ffs.

the right probably wouldn't have much of a base withhout big funders telling the idiots that they are right about their crazy conspiracy theories and racism and superiority to others

rightwingers hunger for social endorsement of their
beliefs so much they’re apt to trust anyone who tells them they’re right.

The need for social reinforcement runs so deeply in authoritarians, they will
believe someone who says what they want to hear even if you tell them they should

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He was placed into his position

the left should be thinking about ways to get rightwingers to destroy themselves instead of trying to reason with them. people like shapiro will always be able to sucker them

>30 year old boomer
t. fucking retard

calm down tranny. he's only 5'4"

Correct. Alot of tax dollars do end up as aid to California.

30 year old boomer?

did you read the vanity fair piece?
they do this all the time the the suckers believe it every time.
and once you become trusted in their eyes you can lie with impunity.

tell me about AOC. why does she cook the chilli?

Canuck cross border Trucker here. Was driving through Virginia last month and overheard a couple Merican truckers talking about him over the CB. One remarked he says some "pretty enlightening shit". So that's his audience...

once you convince them (and it isn't hard) that clinton gave the n koreans nuclear weapons and obama is a secret muslim terrorist that gave iran 500 billion taxpayer dollars. no amount of facts or reasoning can change their minds.
and the people that fund breitbart and -shapiro know it

and once you become a trusted source you can tell them any goddamned crazy shit you want

shapiro's big mistake was thinking the right really did care about jews and isreal

wasn't savage's real last name weiner ?

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how many children do you think shapiro has molested?

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there are ids tranny

I never listened to him but I saw posts here all the time.and when I came across some of the shit he says I noticed he feeds in to the hate the right has for so many different people. that's how he becomes one of the in group

He talks at 1.5x speed and pretends to be an expert on literally every topic by vomiting random useless facts to a point where most people can't catch up. He's also extremely consistent with his content and pays someone to tweet/retweet for him 18 hours a day to get more followers.

oh does it hurt your fee fees when I point out how you little conartist hero works?

tell me about talib. why does she kill the jew?

funny thing. his followers won't ever check any of those facts

I can't. I don't know

i own one book by him and i bought it literally a day or two before my opinion on him did a 360 and walk away.
its the one about how leftists took over the media. i haven't read it yet but i am curious to know what this jew thinks about this topic.

no? how about illhan? what did she mean by israel brainwashing?

>Point out that he's a kike
>Wonder how he got a media platform

I can kind of see it, to be honest.

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How hilarious would it be if his Twitter was hacked and used to redpill on the JQ? I’d do it if I wasn’t a retard.
Imagine the keks.

he makes it look like he's wining debates because he's an annoying fast talking stubborn manlet, he gets all the space because he's a jew

Shapiro is great.
He has done more for the Conservative movement than most of the people who post on Jow Forums.

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Perhaps the most entertaining piece recently was the Shapiro interview with Andrew Neil on the BBC. Once Ben got caught out he devolved into "duh, Liberal journalist out to get me" when Neil is anything but.
Truely embarrassing and shows that Ben can only debate and beat certified morons and not actual thinking men.

The speed of his speaking cadence is literally the only think I like about him.
He doesn't ever say anything worthwhile but at least he spews his drivel in something other than slow motion.

Ben thinks fast, so talking fast comes naturally to him.

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