Tulsi is a Terrible Candidate

>Wants to make the United States a non-interventionist aka cuck country

What happens when these Arabic shitholes stop using the petrodollar? What happens when Chinese imperialism takes over Africa and stripes them of resources? What happens when Putin gets control of the middle east? These are all things Tulsi would allow if she got her shitty way.

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Take that back fren

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Kys boomer jew

suck my dick reddit shill

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Becoming non interventionist is the US's only hope as our military and economic strabglefuck over the world slowly loosens

Memeflag no one here will be mad that a presidential Candidate says white nationalism is bad. That’s normal for both sides

this thread is an obvious shill against trump and the new republicans who are taking control away from the warmongering democrats and neocons

americans are sick of war; the politicians keep lying about the reason we need to fight them and keep murdering their own citizens to instigate conflicts. Nobody wants this shit anymore, they want the immigrants OUT, they want the corrupt shitheads OUT.

It doesn't really matter who the Dems put up. Normies generally vote based on how the economy is going. You have to fuck up the economy on the level of Jimmy Carter to not get a second term.

>opposes starting new wars
>supports border security
>pushes democrats back towards center
she is actually the only candidate with a chance of beating Trump and if you can’t see that then you are a nigger. She is Ron Paul but for the democrats.

Go suck a saudi cock neocon kike

Fuck off mouthbreathing retard

No what we need is Bolton-tier agressivism to show who's boss.

Great bait
Really nailed the Fox boomer

>Americans are sick of war

Who cares what the ignorant masses want? War is what drives the economy, without war America would look like Brazil 2.0

> the politicians keep lying about the reason we need to fight them and keep murdering their own citizens to instigate conflicts. Nobody wants this shit anymore, they want the immigrants OUT, they want the corrupt shitheads OUT.
That doesn't matter. The Pentagon will continue to perpetuate war regardless of what "DA PEEEPOOO" want.

Looks like the stock market is in a bad situation right now though.

I know she could beat Trump, that's the problem

>Ron Paul for the democrats

Ron Paul was an anti-American retard.

I know you're trolling but there's like 50 million who actually want to pull back the military.

Normies don't really know what the stock market twist and turns mean. As long as they get to keep their jobs, they're fine.

Link to Twitter thread?

>the place with the most guns

Why don't you go run the front lines you ol boomer fuck. So that good men and women don't need to die for your oil.

The sad part is that the US gets less than 15% of its oil imports from the Middle East. We're sending our soldiers to die for oil for Europe.

How's the weather in Israel?

Don't normies own portfolios?

>>the place with the most guns

America isn't cucked, im saying America will be cucked if we get Tulsi in

>Why don't you go run the front lines you ol boomer fuck

Because I study finance at an Ivy League school, Why would throw away a nearly perfect life?

And besides, soldiers aren't much use anymore. Real interventionism is done with CIA coups and proxy rebel groups funded by the Pentagon.

Exxon Mobile owns the fields that America controls, so America still pockets the profits. The little taxes they pay go to the Iraqi government which is a puppet of the United States and pays it a lot in interest.

>What happens when these Arabic shitholes stop using the petrodollar?

>what happens when shitholes that mean nothing to us get taken over

Does switzerland or germany care about everything you just wrote?

>Middle East

You mutts are always willing to die in a dessert far as hell. If you knew the potential of Latin America, you wouldn't go there.
Just Colombia, Venezuela, Brazil and Patagonia have all the resources to compete against Africa and the middle East.
The population (except Venezuela) is actually ok with foreign investment, all you need to do is not give money to the government, instead build schools, roads, power plants, send teachers and doctors and that's it; that's the payment needed and is far cheaper and easier than giving money to a corrupt government.

kys john bolton

Foreign adversaries are conducting a pro-Tulsi disinformation campaign. Islamists, Israel/Mossad/Jews, and the broader international communist party including both China and Russia are all engaged in active measures against the USA.

For Russia in particular, you must read Golytsin's Perestroika Deception. The communist party are masters of psychological manipulation and active measures in the ideological arena. This is the ultimate battleground of the entire world.

1) KGB Chief Andropov was the principle responsible for implementing the Perestroika Plan, and his deputy went on record saying the three great threats to the USSR were pop music, western culture, and hare krishna (the tiny cult, even tinier at the time, that Tulsi belongs to).

2) Familiarize yourself with the soviet origins of the Tavistock Institute. There is ample historical material, but of more pressing importance is that it remains a Soviet institution to this day. For example, there is a deep partnership between Tavistock, Eglin AFB (hub of US domestic propaganda operations), the Esalen Institute.

3) Joe Rogan's handler, Jamie Vernon ("pull that up, Jamie"), is a foreign asset. His father was part of information warfare unit for the Pentagon, but more importantly the father was best friends with Mossad agent Harry Hirschinger, known to have involved in aiding and abetting al-Qaeda operations that resulted in the deaths of US personnel (barracks bombings, same MO as Mossad doing 9/11 basically).

4) One of the primary modes of implementing soviet active measures in the US is through "hippie" communities following the Esalen Institute model. They form cults with hierarchical, intensely loyal followers who are paranoid of outsiders (for a variety of reasons like use of banned psychoactive drugs). Joe Rogan, the person to put Tulsi on the map, gets all of his content from the communist limited hangout, the Esalen Institute.

They own them but it's usually as a part of a 401k package that they don't really understand or follow, they just rely on whatever management company their company hires to handle it.
desu I was being facetious, I don't actually believe the Middle Eastern wars are for oil per se, but that they're fought to keep the trade routes there open. The west's major power has been doing this since the UK dominated the seas.

Trump Tulsi 2020. Let's bring the TNT to the White House!

>Wants to make the United States a non-interventionist
That's what Trump promised but didn't do.

>aka cuck country
>[oy vey intensifies]
Get fucked kike.

>white only water fountain only existed because blacks were expected to make their own
somehow expect blacks to make their own shit was racist. the whole premise of jim crow was that the black community had to compete with the white community.

Ron Paul had more donations from active service members than all other candidates. Are you calling the armed forces Anti-American?

Some of the greatest empires in history reached their golden age precisely when they came back from a war and practiced non-intervention.

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he half did, there's no "new" conflicts and old conflicts are dying

Germany and Switzerland don't have their economies based on the petrodollar like the USA does. These shitholes are what keep the American economy flowing

USA already controls enough of Latin America via CIA installed proxies. The few countries they don't control like Venezuela Trump is trying to gain control of via puppets like Juan Guido and overthrowing Maduro.

It's not about getting the resources, it's about controlling the trade routes and preventing other countries from getting the trade routes.

>The population (except Venezuela) is actually ok with foreign investment, all you need to do is not give money to the government, instead build schools, roads, power plants, send teachers and doctors and that's it; that's the payment needed and is far cheaper and easier than giving money to a corrupt government.
Sorry, but we would rather not do that and compete with China and Russia doing the EXACT same thing and thus lowering interest rates, we would rather have a CIA plant in government who lets the U.S stock market rally on it.

>What happens when these Arabic shitholes stop using the petrodollar? What happens when Chinese imperialism takes over Africa and stripes them of resources? What happens when Putin gets control of the middle east?
Then the anti-White judeo-American empire finally dies like it deserves.

Imagine Pence stepping aside to give Tulsi the vice presidency, a meme wet dream

All this interventionism did certainly uncuck America.
BTFOed by coolie hat rice farmers and raghead opium farmers.

>there's no "new" conflicts
Iran and Myanmar off the top of my head.

While I personally would love to see that, Trump would gain so many Republican enemies.

>there's no "new" conflicts
Yet. He almost started a war with best Korea, she ordered strikes against Syria, and he's on the edge to start a war against Iran just to get re-elected, like all previous US presidents for the last 20 years who started at least 2 wars.

I fully agree with your post, but as a bonus the USA often seizes direct oil fields or buys them for cheap by getting the proxy government to sell it to themselves for pennys on the dollar.

Trump wrote in Crippled America he would make the USA Ultra-Interventionist, this was 2015.

Most people don't count it unless there are currently boots on the ground.

I am saying there are a lot of traitors in the military if that's the case.

I've fallen irrevocably in love with my mommy.
Honk honk.

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Name a few, that makes no sense to me, how does giving up land and resources make a country greater?

as long as she doesn't change the immigration system she's fine on my book.


LMAO, look at how many Vietnamese and Afghan shithole villages were OBLITERATED in those wars, then name an American city that was bombed, even one. 9/11 is the only successful attack on American soil since Pearl Harbor.

Iran isn't a conflict. More of chest bumping.

only AIPAC sponsored traitors

You mean the majority of Republican Politicians?

They all are. What point are you trying to make?

Do you support nation building in the Middle East? How could you possibly support that considering how many times it’s been tried and failed?


Because wars nowadays involve sinking time, effort and resources into "nation-building" which ends up never generating a return.

>Name a few
The Carolingian empire, for one. Tang dynasty. Rome after Caesar's conquests. Pretty much every empire.

She's 38 and childless, just like all the EU globalists. She is a wolf in sheep's clothing

It's not about building lasting nations, it's about finding strongmen who you can bribe with limited power to keep trade routes open.
He's not going to get much done post election, and then the general populace will vote a strong Democrat majority into congress for his last two years.

Everything you mentioned is already well underway and started under Obama.

>What happens when these Arabic shitholes stop using the petrodollar?
We base our dollar off gold again. If the gold is gone we know (((who))) took it & we'll have our military resources freed up to do what needs to be done.

I would love to schlong Tulsi all night long. I bet that brown sugar pussy is tight and bald.

I would say that the military action is not your problem, is weak diplomacy, for example, when Panama cut ties with Taiwan for China.
A friend of mine is telling me that the president was bribed and now the Chinese are investing on the canal and slowly taking over.
They also established relationship with El Salvador, tgey bought an island on the Pacific side and the are planning to build a "dock" (some say is a military base).
They gained control without a single soldier. If this is the control of the CIA, is weak. Hell, they might even work for Beijing.

Quit arguing with an obvious jew

It didn't fail ever. USA obliterated Iraq in 3 weeks and turned it into a shithole. How can you say we failed in Iraq when they will likely never ever recover from being BTFOed in 2003? And even if it did "fail" USA could just nuke them.

>Because wars nowadays involve sinking time, effort and resources into "nation-building" which ends up never generating a return.
Iraq paid for itself multiple times

>The Carolingian empire, for one. Tang dynasty. Rome after Caesar's conquests. Pretty much every empire.
WRONG. The only reason Rome was in its golden age was preciously because Caesar's conquest emassed so much territory that they could reap for the next hundred years.

China apparaently has soldiers lined up at the Hong Kong border. It's just a matter of time until they invade. Why don't you annex HK. That would be a cool country Taiwan-HK reich

Yes, i know, i dont like Obama

You can't base the dollar off gold, that would send gold shooting up in price, there's too much money out there to ever be based on gold again.

USA does that with its allies, with countries that oppose USA interests, you need the CIA.

what did we actually accomplish in Iraq? we killed a bunch of people and ISIS now controls a large part of Iraq

Either way we would be better off if we weren’t constantly invading the Middle East. It’s an inbred shithole and we are wasting our time trying to change it.

>female president
Don't make this mistake amerimutts.

We're not trying to change it. We're keeping the trade routes there open.

stop smoking weed and start slapping neocons around
take back the right wing

we overthrew the government in Libya and Iraq

Exxon Mobile controls the largest oil field, the West Quara 2 field, and oil is no longer sold in Euros but in American PETRO dollars

Also the Iraq banking system is 100% privately owned as opposed to state owned.

The USA is rich because of middle eastern wealth.

>what happens when other countries do shit we don't give a fuck about because we aren't jew bankers?

Yeah, I don't really give a shit. The u.s. dollar being the international standard because of oil being tied to it is nice but not really necessary to keep the u.s. in power.

Who gives a shit about those niggers?

Is GDP really so important to you that you want American soldiers to come back dead and mutilated so we can have more oil?

It really isn't. The u.s. was one of the richest nations on the planet before the petrodollar thing and will be after it too.

Libya (which I'd argue was more France than us) was trying to start a pan-African gold backed currency which would have threatened the western fiat currencies. Iraq I'm still not super clear on but from what I've gathered they were starting to threaten stability in the region somehow.

>21 posts by this ID
holy shit the shills are really scared of qt tulsi

>What happens when these Arabic shitholes stop using the petrodollar?
Congress votes on war.
>What happens when Chinese imperialism takes over Africa and stripes them of resources?
Congress votes on war.
>What happens when Putin gets control of the middle east?
Congress votes on war.

feeling the pressure?

>The USA is rich because of middle eastern wealth.

Want to know how we know you're a shill?

Take the flag off. Stop dropping Cheney tier talking points.

And at the end of it all the united states is energy independent. Why not talk about why the middle east is important to our empire instead? It would reach more eyes and thoughts. We need our presence there because without it europe is vulnerable. And the entirety of western europe is our vassal state.

The best defense is a good offense. Keep the border pressed with Israel as our nuclear threat. But if you keep bringing that heroin here from the great poppy fields of Afghanistan don't be surprised if people are hanged from lampposts.

>Wants to make the United States a non-interventionist aka cuck country
Fuck off you stupid zionist marxist nigger jew. This shit aint working on us anymore you faggot.

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It's not like it's changing anything or that there's some real candidates. Might at least make it more entertaining, be it Yang, or Tulsi, or whatever. The point is to elect someone that their own party and MSM shilling against. For Republicucks that was Trump.

>Oy vey! Americans need to die for Israel
Eat broken glass nigger

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Sorry Shlomo, but Tulsi would be an excellent POTUS, and that scares you and your pedo loving Chosen Ones, who have Zion Don by the balls, due to his unquenchable thirst for gold.

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>>Wants to make the United States a non-interventionist aka cuck country
No, she doesn't.

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Excellent controlled opposition!

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Who cares. With the resources available, we’d be colonizing outer space instead of propping up the rest of the world. The US Navy should send the UN a bill.

A war is not a contest of destroying property - this view is very common among high-ranking officers and politicians, but it's completely wrong and ultimately leads to wrong decisions.
It's all about imposing your will on the enemy.

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As long as the US$ is the best currency they will use it. No need to 'intervene'. Africa will continue to be a snothole and China will continue to sell us crap for cheap. Good for the Middle East if the Russians can do the job. Place needs a complete makeover>