Miss germany 2019

miss germany 2019

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We can make it through this hans

shit is fucking racist.

Too white

huge teeth gap/10

would not bang

Hans you need to breed 15 aryan kids minimum the fhurer orders it.

Why can't pic related be Miss Germany 2019?

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is that actually a tranny? or is it some ugly chick

She'd get it, but there must be hotter German qt's about? I've been to Berlin, I know they exist.

> Miss DE 2021
don't worry, it could worse...

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...shes white . . . And married to a older turk named Alabegmegluo.

Plz respond

that's a tranny. fags!

Good god that jawline and adams apple. That is a dude.

shes ugly but best of a bad bunch, the other contestants were worse. thats what happens when you go the 'empowering authentic women' route.

There are a lot of English women who have jawlines like that, it's normal. The real problem is that she's a gaptooth probable drug addict and coalburner.

Do guys really find that attractive?

Is man?

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>master race

At least she is white?

Not enough legs, Justin?

she's gotta that white crackhead whore look down to a tee, it's cute

If you can't tell, does it really matter your brain is saying green light.

Should have been brown.

I... I don't even

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So it's truth what they say about German women.

I'd vote for her.

She might be ugly but she is white unlike miss borger

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too white

>half this thread, pic related

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still more attractive than any shitskin that Germany is harboring

Looks like an inbred orphan.

slightly crooked nose, 2/10 would not bang

That's Miss USA 2019?

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The miss "England" is a plastic poo in the loo. Disgraceful.

looks like a proper whiteoid

God damn Germany wtf?

She’s pretty if she didn’t have the Fox News trashy styling. I like a gap tooth.

das ist uber frau xD

>europa park

Kek. Germany pls have some class. What's next, Aldi ?

>empowering authentic women

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Miss France 2019

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I do. German women are very pretty desu, and I also think her gap tooth is kinda cute.

ok edgelord

did Spain make their's a tranny again?

*pushes the bitch aside*

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That's a 10/10 in Germany.

>That moment when Miss Germany 50+ looks actually better than the actual miss Germany

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"Blocks your path"

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Ayy lmao

I really hate that they push this "ugly is the new beauty standard" thing. This is what feminism and fat positivity brings you.

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Solid pick mexibru

is that an actual crackhead?


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germany is dead, heil merkel!

Tooth gap, looks at least 30.
This is the best you have to offer?
Wouldnt be so sure, if I were you

I'm Chad but I have standards and have fucked better looking chicks on tinder, she's disgusting.

Well she is hot... would give my right arm to bang her

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he's gay

Yeah she is cute, but doesnt look too much like a french girl desu

The Slav rape baby looks better than the pure german...

She's kinda ugly.

>but I have Standards
pic related

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>If you can't tell, does it really matter your brain is saying green light.
But my brain doesn't say that.
If you can't tell you don't just floor it and go.
What the fuck?

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She is from tahiti

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Rolf, I...

Now that's a wall.

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And in her spare time, she reports the weather.

It's not a fat black aboriginal MtF trans muslim amputee?
How did my country become such a fatphobic xenophobic transphobic islamophobic apotemnophobic hellhole?
This is unacceptable. Someone tell Merkel to import 5 million niggers right now.

>miss germany 2019


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doesnt high T cause teeth gap?

Aaaaaarghhhhhhjhhh she straight up went through the border that is my heart and now lives their. Rent free

It's like mixing pork into a muslims diner or mixing chicken into a vegetarian salad or beef into the stew for a hindu.

Mixing a guy with a dick into the sexual consumption of hetero males is a hate crime and discrimination based on sexual orientation.

holy fuck post more of her

It's apparently a real woman with ovaries. She's a police woman and the oldest one to win the competition.
She looks like Nosferatu's niece in some pictures and not too terrible in others. 5/10 would bang when she was younger. 0/10 for miss fucking Germany though.
Are you krauts really this demoralized? How long until miss Germany wears a hijab and can't get sunburned?

ugly as the night that's disgusting


they had to elect a dried up roastie for diversity

next one is a fatty, then a tranny etc until the competition becomes a joke

When we say there's niggers everywhere we're not joking

>trying not to touch the greasy hair

better looking chicks don't exist on tinder. she's 50 years old; if she was 20 she'd wipe the floor with the 20 year old competition you see on tinder today

no one here (or rather no one outside of the US) gives a fuck about beauty pageants, they are rather looked down upon
so the girls who enter aren't necessarily cream of the crop

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what is this then

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i'm sure there's better prospects than a menopausal roastie

Wait what.

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this is actually much more serious than anyone reailzes.
When standards for beauty start to get inverted (and can you imagine a 'modern' nation like cultural marxist faggotville Germany giving the win to an Aryan posterchild in 2019?), the entire world starts to get uglier and worse... and slow down and devolve, as energy begins to fade... beauty inspires, the lack of it causes the opposite effect.

the jews are destroying the world

looking at the candidates, not really
if you don't want a turk, a nigger or a man there were probably one or two others you could have picked, but she was clearly in the top 3

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Gross. Makes me wanna be enola GAY

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Bitch lookin like Howdy Doodey

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its ironic that third world shitholes are still free to be racist by obviously preferring their whiter folk.. india, asia, south america and mexico

all these women are infinitely better if anything cause at least they are fertile

that teeth-gap was MADE for tiny t*rkish cock.

again, no one cares about beauty pageants here so they never represented the standard of beauty
they were always the domain of lower class slags working as hairdressers, in a nail salon or as "part time models"
now it's instagram thots

not that what your saying isn't true but not because of beauty pageants

Hmmm.. looks familiar

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i wasnt referencing pageants, I was speaking much more broadly

If there were hordes of chicks like that storming the border Trump would have gotten 90% of the female vote. Might have lost a few points with the men though