If you haven't spent the mere six hours to sit down and read this book then shut the fuck up about yang

If you haven't spent the mere six hours to sit down and read this book then shut the fuck up about yang.

Attached: Yang.jpg (1699x2560, 385K)

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Enjoy your VAT

I listened to the audiobook on youtube just the other day. YANG 2020

Tell me why it's bad

Shut the fuck up you fucking nigger.

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Tell me why I should shut the fuck up you dumb ass punk bitch!

Read the book stupid

>290 pages
>SIX hours to read
You fucking retarded chode.

Because you're a shill. No one's gonna read that fucking chinks dumb book.

This is a discussion board not an advertising one. Summarize the argument to provoke discussion and shitposting or wait till this falls off the board at 10 responses.

how he's gonna pay for it, I don't have to read a book to know they tried ubi in Finland and it failed completely. It only works in Alaska because its paid for by Oil, so please user just save 6 hours and tell me how the candidate your shilling for is gonna make miracles happen

>lol buy my book, that’s the only reason I’m running this doomed campaign
No, Andrew.

>If you haven't spent the mere six hours to sit down and read this book then shut the fuck up about yang.
Oh....okay. Well I don't have that book or time to get it so...so....
Okay I'll never talk about Yang again.
That's a good strategy for a candidate you like I think.
Make sure only people who read a book can talk about him. So.......
I want Tulsi Gabbard coconut mommy now.

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slide thread

fuck off you drunk idiots

What is the point of this thread? To sell us on his book? Even if that was your goal you’d do well to describe the basic thesis.

Ubi is inevitable. Automation is going to take too many jobs. At the same time you cannot have illegal immigration or even a lot of legal immigration. That's where yang fails. He wants ubi but open borders at the same time. That will destroy us

The thing with UBI is it eliminates a lot of other social programs and cuts out government overhead.

piss off drunkie

hahaha you won't buy my book so your drunk im finna heaven this thread insallah faggot

this time you waste larping as a terrorist you could have invested in learning something useful

you fucking joke loser moron

>learning something useful
I just kind of want to get drunk now.

go away loser

>larping as a terrorist
heaven = Sage

Shill detected

Fuck you and fuck your thread you fucking fag.

> And then he told another person to go away, and yet another fuck off. And they all did. And nobody read the book. And there was just wind.

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nigga please in the simplest terms tell me hows he going to pay for it and why inflation wouldn't make it useless in 5 seconds

This. MIGA!!

Who said I supported Trump? I hate all U.S. Leaders.

i read the book

these attention needing daddy issue losers are belligerently defending their ignorance
do your own research lazy mommy issues

yang with his retard gang
can't get more inbred than that.

>lazy mommy
I want lazy mommy. Cuddle.

Attached: tulsi-gabbard-hawaii.jpg (306x340, 17K)

Shill Sage in all fields

fuck that vile ugly man.

i'll take my belt off and whip you smart

Dude just shut the fuck up, you're probably more of a dunce then half this board. Do you think you're gonna get 1000$ huh motherfucker? He's just saying that so he can get your scummy little vote you fucking newt. You know what, I hope he does win and gives you that money just so that you can buy a .45 and off yourself you fucking primate.


Thanks for the endorsement Joe Biden

What are you fucking talking about? Take your Ritalin and go to bed you fuckin' nancy.

go away troll

Capitalist right-wingers worship the game of Monopoly, where every player automatically earns $200 every time they pass Go because even basic imbecility tells you that the game of economics must at least give everyone a fair shot, yet they shit fireworks when you suggest exactly the same thing in life: guaranteed basic income.

>Republican Nazi Logic

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same, Catalonian that posted a what if daughter dated nigger thread

it has been calculated already,look it up or stop talking

>Andrew Yang highlights the urgent need to establish Communism and completely fuck our economy for the profit of elites.

so what if people dont work? automation will take over anyway,and a lawler isn't going to stop working because a extra 1000 bucks

you can tailor it on luxury goods

You gotta say that shit to have any chance at the dem nomination. I'm not saying he's bullshitting them but I'd be willing to bet he isn't the only one on the dem stage that would do that. They know how disastrous it'd be for our economy to allow unfettered immigration, hell bernie has even said stuff about it before but to win a primary you gotta say the crazy shit the base wants to hear and then try to walk it back before the general. Trump did it, Obama did it, Bush did it. Just how it works.