>Drumph raises hell to get some B list rapper freed from Sweden
>Silent about Assange
You cannot defend it, there is no defence for this.
Pic related probably did Assange in. I'm surprised Trump didn't have him executed for that alone honestly.
>Drumph raises hell to get some B list rapper freed from Sweden
>Silent about Assange
You cannot defend it, there is no defence for this.
Pic related probably did Assange in. I'm surprised Trump didn't have him executed for that alone honestly.
Other urls found in this thread:
Fucking Zion Don
The boomer replies lmao.
Assange is a zionist cocksucker, and he's no friend of Trump
>meme flag
how much are you getting paid?
>You insulted le god emperor so you must be a PAID SHILL
Why's Assange in jail but some literally who rapper gets Trump working overtime to free him?
Your argument is invalid because you are using a meme flag.
show us your flag
>100 million supporters wiped from facebook and twitter
who cares
>nigger in jail for beating mudslime
i think asap rocky would be considered A list rapper these days no?
also based Assange in those replies goddamn
>Your argument is invalid because you are using a meme flag.
What you just said is a textbook ad hominem.
>we have a duty to love jews
ahaha what the fuck, the absolute state of the american boomer
Assange's twitter got effectively deleted probably by the alphabets with whatever happened with wikileaks too. From what I understand that twitter account has since been 'merged' with another wikileaks one and as such all those posts no longer exist.
I remember thinking it was weird how this happened just randomly and no one seemed to notice. Just all of a sudden Assange's twitter's gone for good. Gradually 'erasing' the guy.
Stop hiding behind your meme flag, flaggot.
Tries his best to free some rapper but lets James Fields rot in prison for crimes he didn't commit.
>quality posts
Sage and hide friends.
So true, be sure to hide all threads that insult the god emperor in any way
When did Jow Forums become The_Donald?
>meme flags
>using shill tactics
2016 and then officially when 'Calm before the storm' threads started up.
He's lost even more respect than I never knew I had.
>pointing out the truth is shilling
Trump raised hell about ASAP and does nothing about Assange.
I'm not a shill, I'm just saying Trump is literally a kike puppet and that used to be an established fact around here before we imported 30 000 boomers from the Trump subreddit. Kys if you blindly support any politician in 2019, useless mutt faggot.
That sounds like something a shill would say
show flag
Assange isnt a US citizen.
Trust the plan.
I don't care enough about your mutt country to actually shill against it since it's already dead, but let's look at some facts.
Fuck off boomer faggot, go post some more based pepes.
Enjoy the ride.
Assange is an Aussie.
I'd ask whoever is in charge down there to do something, but I don't speak Mandarin.
>literally who rapper
>asap rocky
i may ask, who the fuck is assange?
I think the Q larp did more damage than the 2016 memeing
It gave the kike shills the perfect cover opportunity to hide amongst zio boomers, just as they do in the political arena.
Took enough replies. Trump is just doing what presidents normally do when an American is unfairly incarcerated. This thread is gay.
>when did /ptg/ start
right after ted cruz lost and the shills got the current assignment
train harder
just in time too
Doesn't stop them trying to extradite Assange to America.
Pompeo and Trump both said in the past that he should get the death penalty.
Helo butiful open bob i fil you up my lov
>WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange is being aggressively pursued by the Trump administration, despite Donald Trump's enthusiastic embrace during the 2016 election campaign.
was that around the time of the syrian tomahawk strike ?
I always felt like the Q thing was born out of a need to explain and dismiss the obvious questions this 180 degree decision raised.
alredy fuel, ned poo, brb beba
R dey called gen z becoz theyre the last generation?
This never actually occurred to me, fucking Donald
You are right , hard to say to a memeflaggot whos opinion does not count but here we are. How the fuck did we get to this timeline ? All i seem to be left with is that fact that evil witch didntt win and nothing will ever change my mind on that. It just feels like we have had a massive jump
Of timelines and I'm really not enjoying this one in the slightest.and i hope something substantial happens that alters its current course.
Has Assange been watching Pastor Anderson vids? Guy is really redpilled.
cbts starts around 28th October if it helps
Niggers and normie trash don't give a shit about Assange. They give a shit about rappers.
first tomahawk strike was 7th April 2017
second was 14th April 2018
so somewhere in between those dates the course reversal was cemented and an operation launched to do damage control and reign in dissenters ?
Assange tanked all his support when he was playing coy with his leaks in the lead up to the election.
He pissed off too many people and as a result October 2016 went by without fanfare.
Assange isn’t politically interesting for him. He’s unpopular among democrats and republicans. If he even actually gives a shit about him, which I find hard to believe he’ll pardon him on like his last day in office like Schwarzenegger did with a friend’s son.
Not saying it’s a good reason but it’s the reason if you really wanna know.
>It won't backfire if I call reality "fiction"
You're losing grip. Enjoy 2020, president kushner.
it still is established fact on the ultimate chan where any real investigation into this was taking place
>not knowing who Julian Assange is.
>knowing that fucking nigger
You have to be 18+ to post here.
Assange exposed the crimes of the MIC and the Deep State and for that he will be crucified. These are institutions of the Zionist global cabal you know.
What about James fields then faggot?
What about him? Is he really in jail?
not sure what you mean now, assange?
they said manning should never have been released from prison. does that sound like a sudden change in opinions or something you were blissfully unaware of?
I were talking about the change in foreign policy and the subsequent Q operation.
not wikileaks, although, it does tie in.
>I were talking about the change in foreign policy and the subsequent Q operation.
i know which change tho?
from the campaign trail non-interventionist policy to "Assad is gassing his own people he must be stopped"
Jeesus was a jew, WAS.
Christian are now the chosen people, the actual heirs of jews.
Modern jews are cursed and morally bankrupt synagogue of satan.
Supporting Israel is the only thing he has done right. Why can’t we have a good, intellectual candidate like Bill Kristol?
This place is filled with retards. I'd rather just ignore them if I were you.
when did q mention free syria?
its easy to defend. one is an easy political move to appeal to people unlikely to vote for him that involves a few phone calls, the other is an all-reigniting of his war with the deep state and MiC that ends up appeasing people who were already likely to vote for him. im not saying itll work, its just really obvious what the motivation behind the moves are.
ok now you lost me !?!
please re-phrase question
reposting this gem from /co/, apparently it made someone laugh in one of the Mr Pebblesthrow threads.
But Assange has been dead for 4 years
but then, this reasoning could be used whenever any politician does a 180 or acts against his constituency
would it be born out of something in april or from two or three weeks ago, also are you new?
>would it
what is "it" referring to ? the foreign policy change?
and no
I think we're talking past each other here
not sure where the disconnect happened, though
Is Assange An American citizen, you dumb fuck?
are you retarded?
if by "it" you mean the beginning of the Q larp, then it was born out of something that happened around the first strike, april 2017, causing the policy reversal and the necessity for the larp.
if the Q larp started in october, that leaves 6 months to respond and organise larp to cover for policy change.
2016, Boomer and /ptg/ chimpout when he loses in 2020 will make the last three years worth it though.
you have to be absolutely fucking retarded if you think Trump has betrayed Assange.
Trump doesn't want Assange to ruin the momentum of Q's plan. There will be a time.
So fuck right off before you start making a thread about something you clearly know nothing about or you actually do know exactly what's going on and you're trying so desperately to shill for the child raping satanists. Actually kill yourself if you're the latter, because them niggas already lost and you're goinna burn if you don't stop this shit