HAHAHAHAHAHAHAAHAHA. We all love based Linsday Graham and the BASED GOP don't we fellow magapedes?
>Earlier this year, police dispatchers in Evansville, Ind., received a chilling call. A man said he was holding his wife at knifepoint, and he warned police that he was heavily armed.
>“I’ve spent the last two days arming my residence against forced police entry, and I’m armed to the teeth,” he told dispatchers over the phone.
>The threat to the man’s wife wasn’t real. He was arrested for the improper 911 call while taking out the trash.
>But the man wasn’t lying when he said he had a lot of guns. Police found 10 throughout his house, which they confiscated without a warrant under Indiana’s “Red Flag Law.”
>More and more states are adopting so-called red flag laws in an attempt to curb gun violence. These laws allow police to confiscate guns in an emergency.
>Lindsey Graham Is Writing A Bill To Take Guns Away From People Deemed Dangerous
>President Trump himself supported seizing guns without due process saying, “I like taking the guns early, like in this crazy man’s case that just took place in Florida…Take the guns first.”1
>Now, one year after the horrific tragedy in Parkland, Florida, the White House is once again caving to the demands of the gun grabbers by endorsing these “Red Flag” laws.
>Only five states have laws to take your gun away when you’re having a breakdown, but that’s about to change post-Parkland.