HAHAHAHAHAHAHAAHAHA. We all love based Linsday Graham and the BASED GOP don't we fellow magapedes?

>Earlier this year, police dispatchers in Evansville, Ind., received a chilling call. A man said he was holding his wife at knifepoint, and he warned police that he was heavily armed.

>“I’ve spent the last two days arming my residence against forced police entry, and I’m armed to the teeth,” he told dispatchers over the phone.

>The threat to the man’s wife wasn’t real. He was arrested for the improper 911 call while taking out the trash.

>But the man wasn’t lying when he said he had a lot of guns. Police found 10 throughout his house, which they confiscated without a warrant under Indiana’s “Red Flag Law.”

>More and more states are adopting so-called red flag laws in an attempt to curb gun violence. These laws allow police to confiscate guns in an emergency.

>Lindsey Graham Is Writing A Bill To Take Guns Away From People Deemed Dangerous

>President Trump himself supported seizing guns without due process saying, “I like taking the guns early, like in this crazy man’s case that just took place in Florida…Take the guns first.”1

>Now, one year after the horrific tragedy in Parkland, Florida, the White House is once again caving to the demands of the gun grabbers by endorsing these “Red Flag” laws.

>Only five states have laws to take your gun away when you’re having a breakdown, but that’s about to change post-Parkland.

Attached: 1.png (882x723, 346K)

Other urls found in this thread:

No one needs a gun.

As a proud member of the Republican party I fully agree. If American patriot Ronald J. Reagan thought sensible gun laws were the way ahead then I am sure he must have had a good reason.

Attached: quote-i-do-not-believe-in-taking-away-the-right-of-the-citizen-for-sporting-for-hunting-and-ronald-r (850x400, 86K)

Everyone needs more

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Try it
I'm sure it's logical to take a gun from someone who is considered dangerous.


You're now considered dangerous for posting on a
politically extreme site.

A red flag law just requires your 'friends' / relatives / etc to say you're a crackpot and then the cops will break down your door and take your guns and probably shoot your dog in the process. All without any charges being pressed.

>Trump is gonna piss off 100% of his voter base


Red flag laws have already been going up since Parkland.
Trump has endorsed them personally.

Him saying pic related didn't make the idiots wake up, that means nothing will. :)

Attached: trump conman 3.jpg (522x662, 398K)

What a faggot. Civil war can't come soon enough

Attached: 1521234119190.gif (341x376, 1.81M)

i got another quote for you right from Trumps own mouth!

Attached: iusBty1W02.jpg (2500x1500, 967K)

And they baited pol into elect him

As a young South Carolinian, I already hated him, but now I know I will never vote for him.
Side note-I shook his hand once, years ago. Dead fish. Can’t trust a man like that

Attached: firewaffer.gif (341x376, 2.64M)

nice you are one of the few indian incels that don't hide behind a meme flag

Trump already took bump stocks away. I'm not shitting you, he banned bump stocks.

Difference is the one I posted was really said.

and now ptg is sliding my thread because discussing what the BASED GOP does is not allowed. Instead we all need to pretend that the deep state are getting locked up 'soon' and America is being made great. Infact it already is great, Keep America Great. Kag 2020.

nice source

India got rangebanned. My theory of memeflags being Indian proved to be untrue. It might have been Jews all along.

You should already be aware of that quote.

That's why I fully support the Bill of Needs...oh wait...

Everywhere the government grabs guns people eventually relent and give in.

While you may have some edge cases of people refusing and going down in a gun fight, for the average joe, who maybe has a family, its safer to just hand them over than risk you and your family being killed.

Not to mention it will just be isolated crackpots and no actual formal group ready to fight back.

Also caring about white people will be deemed dangerous and worthy to have your guns taken.

>even if you're rangebanned you can post with a Jow Forums pass
>hiroshimoot rangebans to force people to buy a pass
>if you buy a pass you fuck Google/Your ISP/corrupt government/script kiddies while supporting FREEDOM
i'm not saying buy a pass, but i'm not saying hiroshimoot is a fucking shifty jew since he did the same thing to Australia, i'm also not saying 90% of server farms come out of fucking pajeetistan

Trump position has been to "Take the guns first, go through due process second'"

"Trump: 'Take the guns first, go through due process second'"

Attached: 1781145145757.jpg (1890x988, 187K)

Actually if they make a law to "temporarily" take guns away from dangerous people - then that is called due process.

>Actually if they make a law to "temporarily" take guns away from dangerous people
so label someone as dangerous to take their guns just makes it easier to take them from law abiding citizens

It's really annoying how everyone believes Trump is the orange Hitler and he's really just a center left liberal cuck from New York.

>if the police are watching someone make crazy person threats who they know is armed its a bad thing to take their guns away before they go into a mall and kill 50 people


In America there are a plethora of non-government militias. There would be tons of people ready to fight back

>I can’t wait till the goyim start killing each other again
Please rid this world of yourself, kike

>everyone believes Trump is the orange Hitler
Just a conman playing the part

It's ok we still have the guns in our minds

>Police deem you to be mentally unstable for 'reasons'
>Guns confiscated

That's literally what's happening with red flag laws. If you consider that 'due process' then due process does not exist.

Bring it.

Attached: 1560738136172.png (684x1110, 408K)

>Persons friend / relative / coworker / calls the cops saying you're crazy
>Police break down your door and take your guns

Attached: bill_hicks_by_mistermook-d3dtw7k.jpg (1296x1632, 326K)

You must wanna die lmao!

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I've really grown to hate him. I don't care that he's nominally better than the Democrats I just hate him.

Lindsey can go fuck himself.

If you're against this then you're for muslims and niggers having guns

>thingsthat wonthappen.jpg

>Kicks down my door
And exits promptly

Attached: 1564427077403.gif (370x281, 1.98M)

>writing a bill
fucking idiot

Already is happening, see the links I posted.
Red flag laws going up all over Murica on Trump's watch with his approval.

Until they take yours, then it's too late.

And your children will die in pain.

Attached: 1560170597410m.jpg (1024x1024, 152K)

ok Akhmed

Source u fucking nigger

Ok quick to die horribly.
Pic related is what an efp will do to the wives of our enemies in minecraft.
Not even an exaggeration considering what liquid energetic copper is in minecraft

Attached: Varria_killed.jpg (638x647, 57K)


I sourced myself

Attached: Screenshot_20190803-092038_Firefox.jpg (1200x1920, 748K)

Kill all Jewish and israeli children

Attached: 1560170715811.png (684x1232, 376K)

I went n looked, fuck off ya flag and we can talk

>caring about white people
And that's the problem. White people don't care about each other so if someone takes your guns no one will defend your rights; even white gunowners will just ignore it because white people have become fucking fruit bats. Hawk will swoop down from the sky eating them one by one while they gorge themselves.

I'm almost to the point of saying fuck white people because they have zero solidarity.

I'm sure shitlibs like the idea of throwing Trump in prison first and due process second. He's as much of a
>guilty until proven innocent
as they are.

Attached: 1564531919069.webm (480x360, 432K)

I'm seeing that starting to change. At least it is around me. Whites are starting to pay attention to all the intersectional shit that is coming out. The election is going to shine a spotlight on this for over a year.
I don't know if it will be enough, though.

Lindsey Graham and Donald Trump are both homosexuals that are going to get shot for treason if they don't watch it.

>reminder that Roy Cohn and Donald Trump were homosexual lovers

Attached: roycohnlovesblondeboysindrag.png (927x756, 801K)

>quality post

Why start so many threads? Why all of this writing? Paid by the letter?

Sage and hide friends.

I will always use the memeflag because of this kind of reaction to it.

I hope so. Maybe that's why shitlibs hate white people so much too. They look to every other race and see racial solidarity - and they want that. From a tactical POV, it makes sense - because white people will never defend them, right or wrong, so white people are irrelevant. They talk mad shit because they know whites aren't going to do anything, so they might as well try to ingratiate themselves to others and get the best of both worlds.

>I'm almost to the point of saying fuck white people because they have zero solidarity.
there has never been solidarity with white people. just the rich whites exploiting the poor whites to do the rich whites bidding while convincing the poor whites that it's within their best interest to make the rich whites even richer

There has been. In the past white people rioted over monkeyshines. They just don't anymore.

Slam a negroid fetus

Attached: 1556737773197m.jpg (854x1024, 86K)

>laws that only come into effect once you prove yourself dangerous
These would have stopped zero fucking shootings.
>10 guns
>a lot

Soulce user.
That was brutal, I bet they messed with a jihadist who trapped a bomb in the door. lol..

This photo is a stil from a film? Is it the actual cohn n trrump or the actors?

Attached: Screenshot_20190803-093908_Firefox.jpg (1200x1920, 1.01M)

Ruskie. That's just a gas stove.
Imagine what real explosives can do.

Actual photo of Donald Trump & Roy Cohn.

They were homosexual lovers.

Whites have never needed to band together in America. Too many boomers still see the country as it was, but slowly they are waking up.
I found out my dad was red pilled last week. He sent me a link to a Doug Casey video on migrants. I was shocked. If he is waking up, I know a lot of others are, too.
I'm positive this election will change America forever. Whites are going to see what the future will be if they don't come together.

>gas stove.
I can imagine it.
Real explosives well made would literally kill all the cops and the neighbors along.

I warned you guys about this MONTHS ago.
Jow Forums ignored me.
I posted this article in February.

Attached: Screenshot_2019-07-19 White House Endorses Red Flag Gun Confiscation - National Association for Gun (803x433, 640K)

Well doesnt it make you angry at how many people forgot the lessons of the past and voted anyway. I laugh at voting now. Theyre all fags and pedos. Inly 1 way out of this i can tell.

Everyone knows donald trump banned bump stocked already, he isn't there for the people, he is there for votes.

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"conspiracy theorists" are going to have their guns confiscated

Remember when Jow Forums was on about how BASTE Lindsay was? Someone post the pepe version of him adjusting his tie while walking in front of the screaming anti-Kavanaugh protester

There's only one solution here.

Of course they'll try again, to take your freedom away just like they did in the past.

Attached: 27cc3cc35f0819b37175e2657451b983.jpg (400x400, 28K)

deemed dangerous
>deemed dangerous
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>deemed dangerous
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>deemed dangerous
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>deemed dangerous
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>deemed dangerous
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>deemed dangerous
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>deemed dangerous
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>deemed dangerous
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>deemed dangerous
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>deemed dangerous
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>deemed dangerous
deemed dangerous
>deemed dangerous
deemed dangerous
>deemed dangerous
deemed dangerous
>deemed dangerous
deemed dangerous
>deemed dangerous


Attached: muhgrite.jpg (269x187, 7K)

Maybe all the blacks will dtop shooting each other?

Trump is making anti-semitism illegal and considers criticism of Israel to be anti-semitism.
Trump hired an "Anti-Semitism Czar" to build a database of anti-semites.
Put two and two together. If you ever posted the word "kike" online or criticize Israel you can have your guns taken away and possibly arrested.

I'm in alaska.
I'm allowed legally to kill anyone who tries.


Attached: GreatestAlly.png (1350x3570, 1.18M)

That's perfect user.

Attached: 36580721_1726789987368459_3628119639852056576_n.jpg (621x960, 155K)

What genes cause this elf face? I've found that face to almost always be a cunt.

That guy's face looks nothing like Trump

name on person in prison for owning a bump stock

>Lindsey Graham

Attached: cryfucked.png (823x582, 442K)

Yep. Even when I really liked him I knew he was isolated from what the common man experiences and like other elitists he would never understand why someone without his own security would want a gun. For what it's worth the NRA and the (((owners))) of gun manufacturing companies own a chunk of Trump so he won't dip his toes in gun control again without some more serious catastrophes.

Republicans are leftist scum.
GW Bush and Trump are ultra leftists and globalists.
All of these MAGA retards do to care about what Trump actually does, only the lies he says, then trying to get elected.
MAGA retards are similar to football fans rooting for a team, which will never do anything for them or the country.

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Red flag laws have gone up all around the country, Trump's AG Barr is a big time anti gun advocate too (no surprise since he helped cover up Ruby Ridge).

>Graham is writting a Bill
>Congress needs to vote for it

Trump supports it. He already told democrats and republicans that he supports toke away the guns from "suspicious" people . These people would have to got to court to sue the federal government or state government to get their rights back. It is completely opposite of everything in the Bill of Rights.

*should be taking away, and not toke away.

You have a point, but due to how the system works, you can't just support Trump ultimately and not also support the GOP. I mean, you can technically, but in reality the support is still going, if it's in money form, to the GOP as a whole, so is going towards the accomplishing of those overall GOP goals then too.

Fuck those agenda faggots. Crash it down already.

I would say that taking guns from people with clear mental problems is a good thing and will save a lot of lives, the thing is that it can backfire and they could label anyone that is not a commie as dangerous.
"Trump would like to take guns from psychos" is not the same "TRUMP WANT TO TAKE -YOUR- GUNS Jow Forums, HE BETRAYED YOU!". I guess that you should hope that he isn't retarded and realizes this.


Posting here should be sufficient for taking your guns.
There I said it.