Why is that?
Anything women touch becomes shit instantly
Female creativity is inherently liberal. Stop expecting anything from them.
women are great when in their proper place. the real people to blame are usually the beta faggots that let women have "careers" or even worse "leadership positions"
Are they really beta men? I think these guys like to have cunts around them because they can smell pussy all day and they don't have other men to compete with. that's the problem, men have a tendency to favor women, and women also favor women because they don't want to compete with men. At the end of the day you have men with high positions surrounded by a bunch of useless bitches. When the olf fart retires, he leave the position to a woman and the company is ultimately doomed because all the bosses are women now
THESE women are responsible for making the UI changes that recently happened on Twitter?
Fucking yikes. Females are the worst thing to ever happen to technology
Well take a look at yourself.
Take a look at your vagina, roastie
You'd think these companies who are considered to be worth something would internally test this shit for a few months first.
i get why movies want a diverse cast but why would twitter want that as well, fucking degenerates
Take a look at your vagina, you dumb cunt
*rubs hands together*
We are a collection of remote viewers
Imagine betraying your sex for Psychology
Oh ho ho ho ho
*rubs hands together*
Unironically I have no idea. I dunno what kind of cruel joke evolution is playing to make the female counterpart of our species so fucking useless.
Leftists love getting high on their own supply
Imagine betraying women everywhere by rattling up autistic men against them
>our species
user, I...
>You'd think these companies who are considered to be worth something would internally test this shit for a few months first.
They said they stareted testing in January. I guess they just didn't want to blame those bright women for a shitty design. the problem has to be the end user.
The redesign is horrible. Why even fuck with it? Oh, women. Trying to make things needlessly complicated to make it look like they’re working hard.
To virtue signak that the company is hiring women in STEM. yes they suck but they have a vagina, and that's important. That fucking design is Hell.
Go outside and get some fresh air.
>POCs at the forefront
>whitey in the back
You on your period honey?
I have already been outside.
Don't honey me traitor
>The problem is someone else
unironically this.
I remember when youtube redesigned its UI and everyone lost their shit
People dont like change
but roasties reee
because they're a hole to stick it in.
they don't get an opinion. they're worthless whores who've done nothing while us men have created all of civilization and technology.
Why only fat Asians nowadays. They are my second favorite race. And most aren't fatties
Oh. Just downs. My bad
I have been off twitter for over a year. What did they change? Website, mobile app, etc.?
The thing that pisses me off the most about the new design is that they ruined the translate button. Having to click on every single tweet in order to translate them
is just tedious and annoying. What the fuck were they thinking.
Jesus christ, the one in the middle looks like she ate her extra chromosomes.
Traitor to what? The multiculti Rothschild owned hellscape of tolerance?
You are sad Tavistock
Exactly a waste of time. There isn't a single improvement, juts more annoyance. The layout is not good for desktop users. i feel like they want to get rid of us and keep it for phone users.
Nigger what
It's sad.
Here's your winning team
>women are the driving force for this launch
Don't post women traitor
You think you are being a clever feminist saying dumb shit
Guess what, you aren't
Happened to Firefox over the course of 7 years as well.
Happened to Startpage over the course of 4.
They want to feel like they're contributing but can't do anything meaningful to improve the product, so they push brand changes instead. Ever wonder why so many women are in marketing.
You should be ashamed of yourself.
Download the goodtwitter chrome extension
The fat chink is a dyke married to another woman. This is what happens when you let lesbians be in charge.
They should be ashamed to need that many people for web ui design of such a generic web site.
>Why is that?
they must fit in, so they don't take risks. women who are risk takers in creative fields don't work at twitter, they are artists doing their own shit. these twitter women are UI/UX engineers doing focus groups and looking over the shoulder and extrapolating to get some generally agreed on consensus about what is a good fit for the standard user. they aren't visionaries, they are a committee of people who don't want to rock the boat.
Honestly. I wouldn't even use these people as fertilizer. That's cruelty against plants.
Glow nigger
this pic is so unsurprising.
all chubby asian dykes are just gay because they aren't cute. asian lesbianism is 100% cope. (also including the 15% who are gay because they were molested)
can see only one woman there
Can you find the two people who did the work?
Chink girl needs exercise.
That's a stupid fucking phrasing but you're right.
Women are feeling types, men are sensing or logical types. Men are inherently more powerful. Power is the ability to get work done quickly. This is because of our logical brains. Women are only built to consume what makes them feel good and to be absolutely crazy emotional, which benefits their children, whom they're physiologically inclined to protect. This is why women are shit.
>A fat chink, a poo and a nerd walk into a bar.
They're all women and are stoned for being out, unaccompanied by a male realtive.
This is good news, the less people who use twitter the better, and the more incompetent people working on unimportant things the better still. Thanks for the whitepill OP.
Id bang 2 out of 3.
>spoiler: not the chink
If New Coke happened today they'd force it through, ignore naysayers and kill the old flavor.
Because they're idiots.
>You will like what we tell you to like.
Seems we are headed that way.
It's called twatter for a reason.
Affirmative action at work.
>many more things to come
Given what they already did to Twitter, this is frightening.
hope the same will happen to payotbook
very nice
Maybe they're /our bunch of degenerates/, anything that ruins (((their))) propaganda machine is good.
Gab has like one developer and looks better
>hope the same will happen to payotbook
Hasn't it happened already, I never use FB, it's like the worst social media and Twitter wants to catch up
Into the trash it goes
All the young people use some platforms I've never even heard about but I never used anything but Jow Forums so what would I know. FB is boomer and corporate central.
men have done a million UI changes but when a San Francisco tech corporation does UI changes in 2019 it gets some women(one of each race and an LGBTQ of course) to be the face of it and wanks themselves off with feelgood articles about them virtue signalling. Pathetic.
Too many people in the kitchen.
why aren't they looking at the camera? it's fucking weird they look like mannequins
I'd say it's a good thing. Twitter will lose even more users.
Ah now it makes sense.
Russia knows what’s up. This.
It's a bot.
its because they are retarded and insane
These changes are annoying but not enough to make people jump ship and they know it. that's why they said there are more changes to come. one step at a time. they don't want to become Myspace.
If I remember right, Twitter was already bleeding users for years. Now it's become even more unusable mess, so they will lose even more people who use it, especially with promises of "more hanged to come".
>"more hanged to come"
Err... Well, it's not wrong either, but it should be
>"more changes to come"
I suspect they want to ditch the desktop users and make it mobile friendly exclusively as the design is so big and stupid
Too many people on their phones all the time as it is.
unable to take responsibility
>Everything women touch becomes shit
Glad i am a hugless virgin.
Serious question, do women even own desktop computers? I've never met one who did.
Jack Dorsey is getting high on his own supply of liberal propaganda.
The fat chink should be a breeding hole for white men not a dyke.
Implying Twitter wasn't already shit.
Gab has been all glitchy the past two months
It is so terrible. Sometimes I'm browsing through, actually interested in something, and just have to close the site out of frustration.
Don't know what you're talking about, twitter is way better now. Every twitter link I ever open comes up as pic related.
Twitter looks the same to me, what gives?
I love women and braphogs, but any man can honestly say that a woman doesn’t have all the mental facilities a man does just by talking to even an intelligent woman for an hour.
Exceptionally high IQ woman should be eligible to be doctors, lawyers etc, but most women should be basic office workers unt marriage and then just be mothers, as nature intended. Not an insult, just reality.
Twitter stock is a ponzi scheme when they couldn't sell it to Disney for billions they talked a few wall street hedge funds into conning boomers to add twitter stock to their 401k.
The stock is worthless but overvalued.