>over 2000 people
>Games Journos permanently BTFOd
>the salt is fucking FLOWING
The dox got posted on kiwifarms.net, which I, as a good Christian boy, won't link to
>over 2000 people
>Games Journos permanently BTFOd
>the salt is fucking FLOWING
The dox got posted on kiwifarms.net, which I, as a good Christian boy, won't link to
Really? Very interesting
You forgot to link the original thread, you dumb faggot:
lol saved for later
>Anyone that worked for Sierra Online is based.
Fuck, I haven't heard that in about 25 years. I miss Yserbius...
Yeah, yeah, sorry. Shouldn't you be going to bed, American?
Top fucking kek Null
Who the fuck can sleep with shit like this hitting the fan?!
I see several youtubers there holy shit lmao
This was the person behind the doxxing incident.
The master hacker himself.
Wtf is Art of Autism?
Yurops have relieved you of guard duty
He can't keep getting away with it!
if you need to ask you're too inexperienced to know
CNN newscaster Don Lemon here, who is this individual? I plan to talk about him on tomorrow's segment. Is he some kind of white nationalist, judging by his assault rifle?
indeed he is a white nationalist that orchestrated this massive privacy breach so he can then come after the people of his choosing.
Only he won't be easily caught, because somehow he's gone by the time the deed is done.
he's been planning for years
Very nice
>All BBC journos are mudslimes
The absolute state of the UK
Wow Jow Forums/b I'm really disappointed in your subreddit. I expected a more logical and coherent explanation of what happened from you. This will not reflect well on you in tomorrow's segment, Christopher Poole.
You guys, people's lives are in danger
Liberals projecting.
Yeah to them the concept of Doxxing is for radical harassment and violence. It's one of their tools. This is made all the more clear when they assume that's what others will want to do to them.
I wonder which of the emails belong to accounts on furfag websites. And this is only the beginning of the weekend
Pure coincidence
Pictures of porn injuries is literally every user's fetish. Why reward them?
>paying attention to some video game convention for faggot nerds and incel manchildren
that's fucking embarrassing. grow up you immature retard.
These are the top search results for this. LMFAO.
This is retarded.
>attend event
Get doxxed?
Stop dribbling pol
why should we give a fuck about this, we already know the industry is swamped with jews and their shabbos golems
Maybe they shouldn't have gone out of their way to make mortal enemies of gamers? Just a thought.
The s oy is strong with this one.
...aaaand he protected his tweets.
Is this the garlic shooter?
Nobody called you, faggot.
His partner is crying because she married a no dick faggot.
Morgan is angry...
This is an attempt at misdirection. Nice try, faggot. But we all know they got your home address.
okay this is epic
who cares?
The way I see it is that the only concerning issue here is that the attendees are predominantly queers, trannies or some sort of mentally ill deviant.
But we know all this already, and none of you are going to do anything about it. The FBI, probably OP, WANTS you to give them work by harassing these sickos that have jammed up the gaming industry.
roll for decapitated journalists
This is only a problem if you're not a real journalist and are simply pretending to be for an E3 ticket. Every reporter from a reputable publication simply has their employer's address listed.
roll for gamers rising up
>i never make a policy to tweet while emotional
burger language skills
>Profile picture is him being mogged by some nigger
You can't make this shit up
Sign them up for EVERTHING you can.
Every mailing list, poll, membership you can find.
Flood their inboxes, call their numbers endlessly.
Attach their online profiles and social media to pictures and names.
Cross-referance every social media account you can.
Check criminal records and legal documents.
Find out what kind of cars they drive.
Get the info of their family and friends.
Find out what room they fucking sleep in at night.
Horrify them.
They're scared because they've spent the past five years doxing, harassing, slandering, ruining people's lives, and getting them fired for their jobs over micro aggressions. They legit know that they've made a lot of serious enemies by being total pieces of shit, and that some of those enemies legit want to kill them.
It's funny, if you ruin someone's life, you essentially give them nothing to lose and you make them extremely dangerous. Perhaps they should have thought of that?
Doxing was always THEIR weapon of choice, and they'd use it (or the threat of it) to silence people and/or direct violence to their front door. They are shitting themselves now that this weapon has been turned against them.
she's obviously very shaken up! do not bully my gf! well... shes not my gf yet, but once i make enough phone calls and successfully court her she will be!
>inject toxic politics into everything and slander/berate others all the time
>anything bad happens to them
>waah waaah waaah
Samir Al Hajid? Our justice system is messed up, how do they keep releasing this mass shooter and hacking mastermind?
>lives in danger
How many people have threatened to murder literally thousands of celebrities? How many celebrities have actually been murdered compared to how many have been threatened with death?
Your chances of getting murdered in the west are astronomically low, no one cares enough about SJW journos to pull the trigger.
>gaming journalists acting as if they were part of team that uncovered some story that got people killed and jailed
Have children
At least LGR is safe
It's laughable that they think they're important enough to be targeted.
>panama papers journalist
>gets blown up in car bomb
>gaming journalists who have no degree
>omg my life is in danger
>Games Journalist
top qeq
OK, for the left wing faggots that might complain about all of this, remember three things:
1. Just semi-recently CNN tried to get a kid killed and threatened to dox him because he did something completely legal, but it hurt their fee-fees.
2. These game journalists are part of the same left wing pos that regular journalists are. Those regular journalists published Dick Cheney's home's data, including photos of his security system. They were trying to get him murdered. These SAME journalists also do stories about books written about murdering George W. Bush back in the day, and recently ones about murdering Trump.
3. They're "journalists." Anyone who wants to be a journalist or is one on the left wing side is evil. They call you nazi and white supremacist in order to get others to attack and KILL YOU.
I will paraphrase NWA: Burn, journalism, burn, I smell a riot goin' on. They put on the left wing nazi journalist uniform, they should enjoy the Nuremberg style trials and punishments that comes with associating with this filth. This isn't payback, it's justice.
Black power salute!
Just to be clear, my favorite youtubers of all time The Quartering & Sargon of Akkad have been messaging me and other fans telling us to do something about this info.
If someone gets raped it was because of Carl and Jeremy, not us.
Don't forget the "reporters" from Vice who showed up at the home of Infinity Chan's home, walked into his house, and knocked on his fucking bedroom door with cameras rolling the entire time.
Hey journos: People have legitimate reasons to be angry enough at you to want to hurt you. You are horrible people and you've done abominable things.
Here's a pro-tip: Don't be a complete piece of shit and people won't want to kill you.
So you don't enjoy any kind of media then?
Oh you do, so let's all shit on that from our ivory towers over here.
People who moan about other people enjoying things should be fucking shot in front of your kids or family.
Didn’t they deserve this though? I hate seeing injustice like a little old lady being mugged by a pack of niggers, but these people deserved this shit.
She? Arent you being presumtuous?
Some of the other despicable death penalty (punishment by trial) stuff they have done:
NBC: rigged a truck to explode to frame a company for making dangerous bad products that wasn't true.
CBS: Accepting falsified documents about George W. Bush and publishing them in stories to destroy him right before an election.
The media in general: Protecting jeffrey Epstein and accepting lots o' money to protect his pedophile island and pump him up after his 2009 conviction, AND covering for him and clinton and others recently.
The media in general: (someone should post the collage of this) openly making stories saying pedophiles are A-Ok! This after supporting every form of sexual degeneracy and hiding the stats on the damage pervs do to themselves and other people.
In general: Hiding crime statistics, calling people racist if they bring them up and hiding the damage left wingers do to non-white communities.
1990s: editing the Rodney King tape to make him look like a 100% victim and trying to incite mass murder and violence in a race war.
And so much more...
I'm sure historians could dredge up all sorts of things. I'm at the point where if a 15 year old in high school says they want to be a journalist as a career, ship the faggot to Africa in the meanest part with a belt strapped around them with 1 dollar bills on them and just let nature take it's course.
No matter how bad the words racist, supremacist, nazi, commie and all that is, because of the history of various people, no people on this earth are more vile than democrat left wing journalists.
Shouldn't the he/him be in quotes?
So far the best idea has been to start mailing all of them, "It's OK To Be White' flyers. That would be an epic troll.
people are pissed the social just politics is being injecting in their games. all the once beloved franchises have been going to shit
>precious data
>literally fucking who’s acting like anyone gives a fuck about them and their lives are in danger
Christ, the state of these people.
they leaked rockstar's next project, maybe they wanted some sweet revenge on those sjw cucks
So I could just go give some random Jurno lib fag commie a friendly visit?
Why always with the sour face, Lemon?
now you can actually do something about it.
what fucking year are we in and who is still reading jurnos
Quote from said alleged journo-killer and domestic terrorist operating under a subtle pseudonym.
Stay safe out there, gamer gators
But far be it from me to get in the way of anyone going after Jurno scumkikes