Unlike western Europe, we here in Bulgaria are experiencing Korean immigration...

Unlike western Europe, we here in Bulgaria are experiencing Korean immigration. What are the pros and cons of immigration as a whole? What advice can you give us on handling it?

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Other urls found in this thread:

novinite.com/articles/183835/South Korean Ambassador: Our Relations with Bulgaria are Excellent

Why the fuck would a Korean move to Bulgaria?

I dont really know. They suddenly opened alot of korean restaurants here. They get out of expensive cars and hang out in huge groups like 10-20 people atleast. Never seen anything like it before.

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No pros. Cons: Kimchi breath

Not to bash on your country and all, but why would koreans go there, I mean assuming their South Korean and come from a higher end country


Generally nice people, probably wont bother you much

I'd also assume lower taxes for their businesses compared to the rest of europe.

Pros: not middle eastern refugees that keep their ideals

Cons: Kpop

kpop is a mental illness.

So its not something I should worry about? How do they compare to middle-eastern / african immigrants in your countries?

Pros: kimchi braps

Maybe the Bulgarian government has done a deal to attract Korean investment?

this guy gets it

Koreans are generally ok, on the problem scale, koreans are a 2/10. They're no where near as bad as darkies.

>What are the pros and cons
Pros: Getting to demolish cute faces like those in your pic with a big white cock
Cons: None

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Koreans are okay, to a extent, like any immigration, it’s okay to have some cultural diversity but if you have too much rip the countries old culture

>What are the pros and cons of immigration as a whole?
Pros of asian immigration
>the women are interesting
>open up businesses
>at least they're not sandniggers and niggers

Cons of asian immigration
>asshole neighbours
>abuse street animals
>their food smells horrible
>they open up only shitty businesses any monkey with $ could
>miscegenation of your genepool
>massive tax evasion
>human trafficking
>foreign countries using those asians AGAINST your state and population
>did I say tax evasion? tax evasion
>infiltrating your institutions and leaking info
>will never be assimilated, just racemixed and people will see them as 2nd foreign group
>they will flaunt their richness and hate on native bulgarians, despite being immigrant shits

t. live in a neighbourhood that has had chinese, asians and m*dslimes since the 90's.
t. I had 2 chinese gfs, one made me a father

Also bad drivers

How enriched is Romania?

Congratulations, user. Is it a cute hapa baby?

>abuse street animals

Dont know about the rest but there certainly are far less street animals since they're here.

Basically this Bulgarian user is happy that our little country is getting some unexpected attention by the supposedly well-off Koreans and wants to announce it here. No harm in that.
To answer your question user, any immigration, which isn't from the African continent or the Islamic Middle-East, could mostly be a good thing, if happing in controlled numbers of course. Especially if these numbers come from Far-Eastern countries, since they are mostly insanely productive. We won't suffer if we have them here.

Cheap Labor
People who dont look like you.

* happening

We all have our biases but at least we aren’t Sweden

Whats in their food you think?
>mfw bulgarian government imports asians to deal with street animals

I saw no Koreans ( that I know of) during my long stay in Bulgaria.
I saw Chinese people. Mainly because I lived down the road from a Chinese restaurant. And those guys and gals were always going out in big groups. Elderly people.

I also saw an East Asian school visit.

I wish I could be attracted to asian women, i really fucking do. their bodies are hot and sexy but when i see their fucking faces it just turns me off. Every asian person just looks like they have Downs Syndrome to me.

The only badside would be Kpop, but if some of them were from North Korea, they would be generally pretty nice and more traditional than from the South.

Its not like they would be attracted to an ugly mutt like you either way, so nothing to worry about.

I thought Koreans had low birth dates?

>cute korean girls invading bulgaria
>niggers and roaches invading germany

its not fair

Well hey, I'm not putting my naked white ass out on the internet either. They're subject to my nasty ass's scrutiny whether they like it or not, achemd.

EU pleased levels of enriched since we have gypsies, turks, sandniggers and now indians and niggers.
My son looks mostly like his mother, but you can tell he is half-half, chinese still discriminate him very much.

The real fun hasn't even started yet. When Sweden collapses soon all their niggers are going to flood into Germany from the north in search of free gibs.

Stop dreaming, if you're still not enough we can send more niggers from Russia and Ukraine.

i think its totally fair

you sure they're not just chinese people running korean restaurants just like all the chinese who run japanese restaurants in the west

You have an insectplague

Gooks, tatars, indians, southrons, kikes, chink and japs are no less subhuman and foreign to Europe than muh recent post-2014 niggers and arabs

t. racemixed victim of syrian, levantine, armenian, turkic, gypsy and ethiopian mass migration

They will up your low IQ score.

Hide your dogs

Coming from the american melting pot, I'd say Koreans are usually pretty good citizens. They can be superficial/materialistic, but they do it via honest work. They won't be causing crime. They typically assimilate better than most non-white cultures.

Immigration is something that should be in moderation to preserve culture and should be selective to ensure you aren't just importing problems.

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t. tatar rapebaby

My 30 y.o. sister suddenly got sick with just that. What do anons?

Pros: you will no longer have a wandering stray dog population
Cons: you are now full of foreigners

I can agree with a good bit of this. America being a bit different.

Immigration when handled correctly brings in economically productive people who can assimilate at least partially.

The whole tax evasion thing I would sum up as a lack of investment in the culture around them. They like many immigrants will only think of themselves as they are different than their neighbors. They simply don't see why they should help anyone else. This could also be explained by the obstacles immigrants have to overcome in order to be successful. If they can succeed then everyone can. Your misfortune is of your own making.

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Honestly I'd rather be a fully blooded turkic fucker or some recent Russian-Tatar mutt than a literal armenoid-ethiopian subhuman with room temperature IQ and zero achievments whatsoever

disgusting filth shitting on Germany, while his roach kind flocks there like dysfunctional brown subhumans they are
>now full of foreigners
Bulgaria is already 50-60% Bulgarian the rest being turks, gypsies, greeks and mongrels inbetween

Non-Europeans do not belong in Europe.

>you sure they're not just chinese people running korean restaurants just like all the chinese who run japanese restaurants in the west
True. I went into a Korean restaurant and ordered in Korean. They didn't understand.

in that case you should let koreans in to increase your slavshit iq

I'll have two number 9s, a number 9 large, a number 6 with extra dip, a number 7, two number 45s, one with cheese, and a large soda.

Lmao is this real? I know chinks come here to Ilientzi and shit, but Koreans... yeah I've been to some restaurants as well. Saw a kid that was 100% korean that spoke fluent Bulgarian.

Well, I welcome our Asiatic friends. I'm pro-immigration as long as it's not niggers or some other darkies.

I dont like rice foreigners. In my region we dont havy any blacks but thousands of Vietnamese and lately many Koreans have moved here since they build Hyundai factory here. At least people are not mixing with yellow people so we dont have to get more mongoloid genes but when SHTF. I have to hunt all Koreans and Vietnamese. They also look like replicators. Nearly all of them are manlets with same ugly flat face.

>we here in Bulgaria are experiencing Korean immigration

im coming what city has the most korean cuties?

You're not entirely wrong. People from these other countries would flip shit if westerners were invading because of cheap costs of living. We would also dilute their culture and bring in a lot more westernization than is currently being brought in.

Many of these people have different moral standards. They get mad at us when we say we want less immigration, but we give them a free pass whenever they prefer their own race. If white people did half the shit non-whites do, then lefties would be sperging out.

Pic somewhat related.

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more korean qts

God bless on being a father.
Maybe the other user lives in Bucharest but i travel Translivania on a regular and can tell you,that although we have sandniggers and niggers.Very few of em
The main bulk of out of Europe immigrants in the past few years all come from Asia and sadly Turkye.
Esp.Vietnam,Korea,Thailand(the first 3 already marrying Romanians)China and lately Japan as well.

We get it. You are attracted to your mother or sisters.

why do you think they have down syndrome?

why are people moving from a rich country to a poor one

Koreans have high IQs and sexy women when it comes to top tier ones.

No problems since they are hard working people.

i want to immigrate her cunny

Ugh,you would think a landlocked country would be immune to tourism,but every time i was at Novi Sad buss station it was filled with fancy,western dressed inectoids to the brim.
Not to mention Chinks that actually live here.
If you are actually getting a second kind of these insects to permanently stay i feel bad for you.

ah finally my ancestors are coming back home


Wm/af=crazy hybrids. Supersmart but ugly and crazy.

Am/wf=attractive, smart hybrids & less crazy.

>Unlike western Europe, we here in Bulgaria are experiencing Korean immigration.
Not true.

Do you happen to know of this? I personally never heard of anyone wanting to move to Bulgaria. But that doesn't mean OP is lying

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Bulgaria has huge emigration numbers,same as Romania that's why you keep seeing numbers dropping.

Romania on paper lost 4 Mil people.
In reality Romanians now number 30 mil people but only 19.5 Mil are in the country.

For example one Romanian leaves the country every 45 minutes.
same goes for Bulgaria

I see them every fucking day. Going around in a huge group sometimes 25-30 people. Young and elderly. Talked to one Korean girl on the subway who wanted to ask me something and she spoke fluent bulgarian that she learned in just a couple of months. Think she was sent here on business.

It's like pokemon, there is nothing you can do about it. It's terminal.

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>Now the Bulgarian government is working on more infrastructure projects such as high-speed railways and highways. Korean companies have a very rich experience in this field and I hope more Korean companies will find opportunities to participate in Bulgarian infrastructure projects.", commented the ambassador.
novinite.com/articles/183835/South Korean Ambassador: Our Relations with Bulgaria are Excellent

I really want a Korean wife.

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Bruh, in our city we make jokes about dogs disappearing and being used for meat. They must have heard us and instantly flocked here.

Cultural differences invariably get in the way.

>be first world asian
>move to third world shithole
get a load of these guys

>third world

No, Ahmed, even Slav countries are leagues ahead of your smelly Arabic shithole

Are you a bulgarian by chance?

I hate niggers but I always respected muhammad ali.

they are moving there or just full of korean tourists?
Zagreb is full of them, they got Korean hotels and stuff too already
direct flight Seoul Zagreb
some of them try to recruit to some weird "christian" sect
most of the tourists are female

lol bulgarians, finns, koreans all come from central asia

Koreans are the niggers of Asia.

There will be no cultural differences when I whip out my 6.5-inch Aryan cock. Then the Korean chicks will say "Pekka-oppa, your BWC is so much larger than any of the tiny rice dicks I've had."

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have you been to Bulgaria? looks like fucking judge dredd

kek you dicklet

all they care about it money.
most racist nation.
The women want to mix, but not have kids. if they have kids the korean men will despise the mix race.
They are great for working in banks and never asking for a raise. they are basically racist NPCs.
I think they are angry because they are better asians than China and Japan but nobody gives a fuck about Korea.
(Korean War another example of Canadian and American men going to die for the jews)

i do like me some bi bim bap though.

Some tourists but most of them here open businesses and what not. Pic related.

I'm a full inch larger than the average white man, and probably two inches larger than the average Korean man.

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Koreans were the one group to give immigrants (to the U.S.) a good name.
Most of the ones we got were fleeing the Nork regime, so we sort of skimmed the most ambitious of the population. Japan got more of their bums.
Inner-city dindus hate them with a passion and called them interlopers because they opened up small shops in ghettos and had no guilt calling the dindus out for shoplifting.


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oh i see, they arent bad imo, i dont mind them here.
thats from the data, but havent asked guys IRL how big is theirs.
mine is a inch bigger than yours

avg is 7 dicklet