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>implying blackness is ugly
it is lol


Fair enough, but how does she feel about "Pretty for a nigger"?

She's unironically ugly though

Boy, the standards at Jow Forums drop like a fucking stone at oh-dark-thirty, huh?

it's not implying that, its implying that most dark/black girls are ugly, not darkness or blackness themselves

Actually it's the groid facial features that are off-putting. The reasonably attractive negresses all have straightened hair, thin noses, high defined cheekbones, and lips that don't look like innertubes, i.e. their faces look caucasian.

>Not just saying
>She cute

Black women are the least desirable sex/race combo. Even their own men dont want them. Black women are disgusting animals.

>the only difference between blacks and whites is blacks got a darker skin

Really made me think

I bet her cunt is pretty tight for a slut.

She just wanted to let people know that some guy from anmuother race thought she was pretty. Women are so pathetic.

The lighter the skin tone the more the individual’s features are revealed. The darker the skin tone the more hidden the features become. Everyone looks better in a poorly lit room. The hottie in a bar doesn’t look so hot when the lights come on. Most African groups are very ugly. Just imagine them with light toned skin and you will invision a genetic freak.

Exactly. They're too dumb to realise this.

objectively light skin color is more attractive

This user gets it.

someone compliments her and she finds a way to be offended and call people racist.


Attached: MJicTyP.png (589x640, 542K)

She looks like a burned hotdog

can't see anything. it's hilarious that only white thing they have is teeth.
maybe try it wash with good soap.

Attached: FairySoap_PD.jpg (500x764, 289K)

Attached: albino africans 1.jpg (827x1241, 156K)

I don't imply blacks are ugly.
I outright state blacks are ugly.

They have such dead, soulless eyes

She pretty for a black girl tho

Attached: blacked.jpg (790x768, 99K)

most albinos have problems with their eyesight. some are blind.

Just have a quick look at albino niggers if you want to know why they look ugly.
It is because we can see their retard phenotype once the color changes.

what about "pretty fly for a white guy"

Would you really rather me just call you ugly?

She is stupid like a black girl.

Brown is ugly, people are naturally repulsed by it because it’s the same color as shit

Literally, the only attractive blacks I know are unironically ones who look like white people, but with really dark skin and not as nice hair.

>zion destiny
that's a jew's racebait sockpuppet

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Autism has reached it's peakness. Seriously, this race baiting shit is getting old to the point I don't want to be even racist anymore just stop, I don't have my all day to cure my USI to so called double digit dark skinned monkeys.

>Okay let's get two things straight
I hope one of them is OP.

that baby is ugly and will grow up even uglier. it already resembles leslie jones but even darker. only caucasoid features can make blacks look good.

Attached: a.png (635x821, 512K)

Looks like a road worker sat on that couch with his overalls full of tar.

>implying darkness can even be ugly
fuck you nigger I feel offended

Attached: Darkness.png (220x165, 655)

We're all hard wired to see our own races as most attractive. In fact, we have to be in order to choose one person over another. We all have to have a thing in our heads describing what a perfect 10 looks like, and it'll look something like the average of all of the people in that race.
Other races differ more from the ideal and so come across as less attractive.

Attached: pic.jpg (400x662, 15K)

>suggesting she's more attractive than her contemporaries

Attached: 1470294318670.jpg (689x568, 62K)

>it's only skin deep dude
>gets transplant complications

>Implying it isn't

There is no pretty for being a nigger, stupid whore. Lynch!

Pretty for a nigger is the best compliment a nigger would ever get.

I don't think that she-ape needs to worry about being called pretty in any way


that nigger is gross though

Attached: 1468553529911.webm (1280x720, 1015K)

What about ugly for a black girl?

>pretty hung for a white guy
But that's okay?!!

>zion destiny
Kek niggers are re-enslaving themselves

non-Newtonian cooking for dummies

>Zion Destiny

hearty kek

>zion destiny

honestly looks like black turd

Looks like the Tar Baby from Brer Rabbit.

Being black is hideous tho.


she's average looking for a niggress imo, going to be pretty ugly when she's old and fat

Wrong, statistically men of all races favor white women.

Statistically women of all races favor white men.

Black men and women are least favored of all races.

This is statistical fact so don't feel shitty that you're ugly.

i only like bbws. i make them talk dirty to me while i wear two condoms, of course. dont wanna get aids

yassss we are

Pretty for a black girl as a statement means "you look white" which is a big compliment because niggers are disgusting.
