How do we stop white male gamers from attacking game journalists?

How do we stop white male gamers from attacking game journalists?

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Anyone got a kiwi farms link to the dox?

What did racist alt right wing white gamers do this time?

That is a question I never thought I would hear in this lifetime.

I hope they all get killed in minecraft

Make better games and stop anti-consumer business practices.

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Journalists dont make the games retard.

Wtf is ESA

I can guarantee that you solve those two problems then journalists wouldn't get as much flak. Consumers will be more placated and less likely the lash out at the middle-men.
C'mon, this isn't remedial stuff.


Doxxing is all fun and games until a libtard gets doxxed.

Government sponsored pit bull death squads, ofc.

Are Kallie Plagge or Lucy O'Brien on there? If so... someone needs to send me their info RIGHT NOW.

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Why does Goldman Sachs have a bunch of "game journalists" ?

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European Space Agency.

there would be no danger if you niggers would not be such fucking sell outs.

because who else would write the reviews for the gamecompanies that their private equity and investment banking arm has invested in?

On a less nefarious note they could just be corporate analysts looking for the next Blizzard or TopCap to acquire.

Games nowadays cost so much to develop a non EA type company has to turn to private equity for funding.

gamers rise up

since day games stopd being made for gamers but for share holder profits.

This is the setup to a "plausible" attack on journos by "Whites"
You know a uh FF...
Think about it,,, they keep talking about it and spreading it.
Its a prime setup for a FF.

nah its gamer gate revenge, there is no journalism in gaming there is only bribing and whoring.

Jews making sure the Kalergi Plan is being adhered to in terms of social collapse through race mixing and other degeneracy.

good to see we are still schizophrenic in here

t. Guy who never subscribed to Nintendo power

The Kalergi plan is irrefutable and demonstrable fact. They even give a fucking award out in honor of his depraved "Utopian" future. The award is considered quite prestigious.

You don't
You reap what you sew kikes
Gamer uprising

sow. burgers please fix your education system please

Please explain how the Kalergi Plan of importing a bunch of Beardo Weirdos will increase P&G stock prices.

They sell soap and razors. People who smell and don't shave aren't their demographics.

>I wish this was an exaggeration

Haa ha haa see you guys in minecraft

Who mentioned Gillette? The idea is a multi-decade switch. They want global favelas where the poor purchase everything from their identity to their gender. They want a slave caste who can never unite and never overthrow them. The end goal is the total removal of even the possibility of being challenged.

Given the New York Times' recent reveal of Epstein's goal of "seeding the human race with his DNA", it can be safely surmised that we are living in a dysgenic die off and the new rulers of the planet are currently being created in secret.

Entertainment Shitposting Association

>ESA has just put thousands of journalists lives in danger. I wish that was an exaggeration.

I hope someone sent her this.

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Gaming journalists belong all in the trash.

Didnt the mosque shooter stream the attack on Facebook?

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>arguing with a real kike
user... I

If I have the argument, someone else reads it.
Multiple someones.

Fuck these Stasi journalists

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Sauce on leak

can someone give me a quick rundown?

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Facebook is too hardcore to even get a mention. There were also some Isis guys on the faceberg.

Let's start a crowdfund for the legal defense for the hero that's inevitably going to blow at least one of these slimy journos away.


These are the same faggots that make a living doxxing right wingers.

so basically, this breach was likely leaked by someone on that list. hi lar i ous

Why would anyone attack journalists? What does she think they did to bring that on themselves?

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They want to kill us for no reason! Oy vey!

ESA posted it as a wordpress attachment and it was available for months


>I've been found out!

Journalists will only get killed if they are doing something wrong. So why the guilty conscience bitch?

posted it where, tho. publicly, or email to attendees?

I don't understand your question. They posted it here:
It was available for months and after being notified they didn't even send an email to to take the archive down (easiest thing in the world)


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>15 in my state

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fuck i wish that was true

Also on twitter. Watch out on those sort of sites.

Four islams and two far left extremists, lmao

Kek nice catch

i don't understand your answer. how did someone find the link to know that the file was even there?

Look at the URL. It was posted as an attachment to a post in wordpress.

i have seen the attachment already. does post in wordpress mean it was posted publicly on a website that everyone had access to?

What info is it? Just names? Or does it have phone numbers, addresses and e-mails too?

Yes. The fact the url is there and the attachment is downloadable means that it was publicly accessible.

Everything. Address, phone number, email.

>it's scared

Scroll down to BBC...

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There is a controversy about the proper spelling of the word "doxing"; some write it with a double x, but that is a mistake.

The digraph "xx" is pronounced like j in Spanish or the "ch" in German "ach". It is used with computers as a replacement for the letter exx, which has a single stroke going down to the right and two parallel strokes going down to the left, because computers generally can't handle that letter. The exx is derived from the Greek letter chi, and pronounced like it; but since that Greek letter looks like our "x", it had to be modified with an added parallel stroke when it was introduced into English.

Thus, we usually have to write the name of the oil company as "Exxon", though its proper spelling is "e exx o n". (Don't make the mistake of pronouncing "Exxon" like "exon"; you will appear unsophisticated.)
The exx also gives us an unambiguous way to phonetically spell the exclamation of disgust, "yexx" or "ixx".

Since the word "doxing" is derived from "docs", it should be written with a single "x", as it is pronounced.

that's not the question

Teach the journalists not to lie

Peak autism

It says right here
--The link to the attachment was posted openly on their site. Combined with the fact that it's a wordpress media attachment; yeah it was openly posted by them on their wordpress blog.

You make a post on wordpress, attach files, post it publicly. I don't understand your confusion.

I don't know who caused the leak but I'm certain it was a woman.

thanks. i see that it was linked here, under Registered Media List

Okay? Those are very common British names, why point them out? I guess a Brit named Alan is a little odd though.

Typing words on the internet is not attacking someone

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No it's much worse, the journalist claims the games are good and then launches into personal attacks and political tirades if people don't like their company's shit. Like these days it's not even about shilling, we expect shilling, but what people are fucking sick of is
>new game sucks
>omg you angry entitled white manbabies go buy it or you're racist and sexist
Pic extremely fucking related.

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I love this. I'm sure everyone of the fucks cheered when people they hate get doxxed. Places like BuzzFeed even doxxed people. Fuck'em.

Yeah most left wing journos, game journos in particular, have themselves egged on or participated in a harassment campaign.

Why would journalists be in danger?
Are they deceiving the people?

We should all write our representatives and demand special protections for gaming journalists. I’m sick to death of everyone shitting all over these greatest of Americans.

Have they started to blame Pootin yet?

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