Bring back the prohibition

Drinking and driving

Domestic abuse

Indolence and a lack of motivation

Dulls peoples mind

Is the REAL gateway drug. Nobody
experiments with anything else before being under the influence of booze

Puts people in proximity to predators at clubs and bars etc

Results in countless unplanned pregnancies and STDs

Causes people to be reckless and imprudent

Makes people out of shape and kills muscle
Ruins careers
Ruins relationships
Creates drug addicts and dregs
Leads to tons of abortions

In short, alcohol is pure pestilence. What us it good for? "Muh it feels good and take me away from reality temporarily". Shut up you fucking degenerate bum. Booze is the biggest strain on society besides kikes. If alcohol was banned all of the time people spend getting tipsy and acting like retards would be replaced by more healthy and productive activities. Alcohol and porn are the roots of all evil. The kikes know this. They were the biggest boot leggers during the prohibition after all. They bought all of the facilities up gor pennies on the dollar since they were aware the end of the ban was just around the corner. Lewis Rosensteil is the perfect example of a kike that snatched everything up. Guess who told him to prepare for the re-legalization of booze? Winston Churchill. And dont give me "muh it will just create a massive black market".

News flash. Lewis Rosensteil ran a massive sexual blackmail operation and had Hoover and everyone else compromised. Meyer Lanksy worked closely with Rosensteil. Kikes circumventing the law is not an excuse or justification to keep around something that kikes profit off of that SHOULD be outlawed. "Muh wine at dinner. Muh Wine is Jesus' blood. Muh a glass of wine never hurt anybody".

You cant live with out it. You need an escape because you are a weak bitch.

Attached: man-turning-down-whisky.jpg (1100x826, 104K)

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kys have sex unironically and I am a nazi

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Aw look at the addict hissing because someone called him out

yes because banning alcohol was such a success

Sorry Abdul, but prohibition is what gave organized crime a foothold here. Fuck off

That is because criminal Jews own your politicians by blackmail and threats. "Its impossible to ban Alcohol because Jews will evade the law like they do with everything else" This post requires a minimum IQ of 70 to respond

I hate to break it to you, but those criminals existed long before the prohibition and are more powerful than ever today. There has never been a war on drugs. The CIA and Mossad are the biggest drug traffickers on earth.

those jew moonshiners used to run off so fast from the cops in their ol fashioned hot rods their little hats would fly off

Ah, the mantra of retards everywhere who dont know anything