Alright you chuc/k/lefuc/k/s, I've fucking had it with your doomer bullshit about how it's all over for us. Yeah, I fucking understand that our rights are constantly under attack, and that people do want to take our guns at all costs, but I'm not going to just lay down and accept this fate. We need to collaborate and get some fucking ideas on how to save our guns and ourselves, seriously. Dont let the defeatist posters here tell you otherwise. Get as many people into shooting as possible, buy guns, parts, and ammo, EDUCATE your friends and family on why guns are important, and most of all, dont give up. We can do this. Let's get some ideas and enthusiasm here, Jow Forums.
We're going to save gun rights
Other urls found in this thread:
I leave copies of the constitution in hotel rooms.
I want to help you but everytime we talk about this stuff some retard posts graphs and charts they pulled out of their ass about how everything is against us then never come back into the thread again after it derails and crashes.
I'm with you in spirit though
The time for talk is over, the lord’s work must be done now.
>save guns rights
>in a Hispanic country
Good luck OP, I am rooting for you
Getting liberals into shooting isn't going to help anything. They aren't going to change their voting preferences because some /k retard or constitutionalist convinced them to get armed. You're pozzed, and you're part of the problem.
It's really quite simple.
Every time you purchase a gun or ammo, the gun store owner should ask "Do you want to add on a 5% charge to donate to the gun rights organization of your choice?".
NRA, JNFPA, et-cetera.
You put up a signed plaque from those orgs on the wall with yearly donations.
That makes sure the gun lobby has plenty of money to represent your interests.
No cop or military personell with their head screwed on right is thinking "we'll just take all the guns".
Fuck. Putin isn't even that fucking dumb.
this, i'd rather have liberals disarmed when I go into their homes and execute them
>No cop or military personell with their head screwed on right is thinking "we'll just take all the guns".
And yet, they do it anyway.
>putin isn't even that dumb
I'm still on board with getting a good semi auto together. Kind of like the Luty gun or 4-winds, except better. And any idiot can put it together with a drill, hand tools, and an optional welder.
And maybe a precision, single shot too. Like the Kentucky rifle.
Someone from Jow Forums should make a range somewhere with a codeword to enter that we pass around here.
Kind of like a speakeasy but for gun enthusiasts.
Maybe have one for each state
Anybody calling for any sort of action is a glownigger so it's best we just sit on our asses and get fucked by commies :)
>Get as many people into shooting as possible, buy guns, parts, and ammo, EDUCATE your friends and family on why guns are important, and most of all, dont give up.
absolutely this
Even better
>80% guns
>educate people on why guns are important
This is the most important, and also the hardest. We all recognize firearms as an instant declaration of personal sovereignty and freedom, and that a gun is the most effective tool to defend your life, liberty and property, from anyone who would seek to take them from you. But most people dont. Most people balk at the very idea of using force to defend themselves or others, and think the idea of resisting a tyrant, or an armed invasion, is laughable st best. If you can figure out a way of convincing people that violence can be justified, and should be seen as an option to some threats, after a good 7 decades of programming to the contrary, I'm all ears. Public opinion now is that violence of any kind is uncivilized, and that it's better to be a non violent victim than to actually defend yourself.
>No cop or military personell with their head screwed on right is thinking "we'll just take all the guns".
They don't have to. They don't need to go door to door looking for drugs to constantly arrest drug users.
Daily reminder there won't be confiscations.
It's more than likely they'll start ammunition shortages
I'm gonna call you Johnny Incontinent. Because you're like Johnny Appleseed, but it's in places that serve Continental breakfast, you know?
You get the bullet, too.
>These threads again.
You know no one on this site gives a shit about fixing everything, they're content with what they have.
Run for office.
If Ocasio Cortez can do it, I'm pretty sure some autistic Anons here can make their way into office.
I just might. I doubt you would want me to. Gun freedom means ALL freedom. I doubt you're one of the ones who could accept that.
I'm literally supporting you, dweeb.
I'm honestly thinking of running myself when I get the money and connections. My family is sort of known in the area and I might be able to get in on name alone.
I need to do some political research first, though.
As much as I want to, I want to be semi-prepared.
So no, do it, user. I'm not making fun of you.
I just need to stop being a sperg just a bit,
Bump for the future of Jow Forums
3d child porn violates the rights of the child you fag. And it's not a first amendment issue either.
You could always join a state(in a free state) and federal gun group, working to better the organization and your rights politically that way.
You don't give a damn about "the rights of the child". You can't even define "child" without daddy Fed telling you what to say. Last time somebody tried, they got shut the fuck down for bringing up uncomfortable topics that couldn't be refuted.
Uh, QRD?
Yes they are.
>EDUCATE your friends and family
That only happens when we educate them that we won't comply. When the normies elect a democrat for free shit, and their leader bans the manufacturing of guns the we fucking educate the world just how serious we are eabout the second amendment, then they will be fukcing educated. You educate them by showing them not, telling them.
We start with pedo island and expand.
Russia has some pretty shit gun laws.
Just shout wear a sumbrero and chant "we want guns" while occasionally puting a "puta madre" in there for good measure
Reminder that if you see kids interested in guns tell them about gun safety and how much fun they are. If you see a kid playing with a toy gun show him the basics of marksmanship and elaborate on how much fun the real things are. We can all save these children from gun free existences one conversation at a time.
I've tried that before but I've been cursed out by 20 year old mothers.
I live in east Texas
We need a push for kids' shooting clubs. Once you get past the pearl-clutching and ree-ing of parents, educating kids is the best way to get correct and accurate gun info out there.
"East Texas" like Texarkana or "east Texas" like the coast?
1. Buy a town in Nevada. Have all the Jow Forumsommandos go there and appoint all of them as police officers. Proceed to buy whatever gun you want even in the most draconian of antigun climates.
2. Make a transport company, which can legally have its own police force. I think that means it can also buy whatever guns it wants. Use it as a sort of trust for anyone who wants unrestricted gun access.
3. Move to Missouri or some other state that's pro-Second Amendment. Hopefully it will act as a shelter and ignore federal gun laws as they get worse, sort of like how CO and other states ignored federal drug laws.
4. Accelerate the progress of seasteading. Build a big platform or self-sustaining boat and put it in international waters. Make sure it is far away from anyone's territory or you'll just end up probably getting executed like those dudes with that platform off Thailand.
Texarkana, I should have been more specific sorry. I stay the fuck away from costal towns now since they're all 100% mexicans or people who hate my existence.
you were a shitty legate, no wonder caeser threw you off a cliff lmao
Meet people, have them go shooting with you, and convince them of your opinions. If theyre stubborn try to appear to their bleeding heart shit with stuff like minorities and women need guns as protection from muh ebil because cops cant.
I was thinking that as well. Do the old "a gun is the great equalizer" but with muh minorities and muh women
God made niggas and femoid unequal, but Sam Colt and John M Browning made them equal
Already ahead of you bub. Don't let the voices of a few doomers get you riled.
>I want to help you but everytime we talk about this stuff some retard posts graphs and charts they pulled out of their ass about how everything is against us
But nearly everything IS against us. Its whites versus blacks, hispanics, muslims, jews and traitor whites. Still doesn't mean we won't win. During SHTF, most of those groups will be too busy dying or killing each other to bother us while we regroup.
>No cop or military personell with their head screwed on right is thinking "we'll just take all the guns".
It doesn't matter what they think. They will follow orders just like every other time.
Im sure if you ran as a /kandidate/ you could muster the support of everyone on this site
It's not hard.
>take new people shooting, it's really fun
>donate to a gun rights organization
If all that still fails, we still have a boogaloo to look forward to, in which case join your local 3 percenters or something.
I am enthusiastic but to be frank, the competing goals of supposed 2nd amendment activists is self sabotaging. It SHOULD mean educating and and encouragin the of arming every person who can legally obtain a firearm to start, regardless of regional differences, skin color, sex, religion ect. Coalitions over a single objective work, and to be successful it requires engaging people across demographics. We cannot allow anti 2A liberals to have the sole voice speaking to growing segments of the population.
[spoiler] If you want to convince a Basketball-American to purchase a firearm just pull the historical narrative. The facts are that the de facto and often de jure prohibition of negros holding weapons paired with legal/political disenfranchisement guaranteed they had no way to hold land and wealth from generation to generation. Generational poverty in part stems from an inability to defend your wealth. It works 95% 0f 90% of the time. The same could be said for poor whites who were not affiliated with the 2nd incarnation of the Klan but that requires more research before I'd use it. [/spoiler]
You know, these posts got me thinking. I'm currently working at a summer camp for middle schoolers, and I have a book on the weapons of WW2. Obviously the boys in my group play plenty of CoD and have an avid interest in firearms. They're usually asking me about what guns I used in basic training. Should I risk bringing it in and just leaving it out?
Note: Most of my co-workers are 20 year old college girls in a blue state, one's from the South California region.
As long as it isnt explicitly mentioned as an off-limits subject absolutely. Talk about what was most interesting that you learned in the weapons portion of basic. Consider telling them that weapons don't have to be used to kill people, shooting at the range is a fun hobby. young boys are often interested in technical details, tell them the differences between 5.56 and 7.62, ect.
Nobody mentioned it as a banned subject, so I am very strongly considering it. Though, I'm a bit bugged by the book, since it converts all the metric to imperial, so 7.92 Kurz is list as 0.3x1.3in caliber, which is a little funky.
But yeah, I understand the sentiment, as I was exactly like that when I was their age. I'm mostly hesitating since I don't feel like getting engaged, badgered and slandered to my boss by a bunch of college girls going for political sciences and teaching majors.
Retirement communities in the United States have over 80% voter turnout. Ask your decrepit Fallout ghoul over lords if it’s time you get to enjoy your big boy privileges.
What's needed is an overhaul of the nation's military process - what is needed is a policy of mandatory military service. You want to educate the masses on the way of the gun? This is how you do it. If every single citizen is expected to do military service out of school, everyone has to go through psych eval. Everyone is trained in firearms safety. Everyone is trained in situational awareness. The nation as a whole becomes stronger. Think about it, school shootings will cease in a generation or two. The nation is safer as a bonus against illegal aliens. If the US adopts a policy like Conscription in Finland, you win.
Think about it, a couple years ago on Black Friday, Americans bought enough firearms to equip the United States Marine Corps. Firearms have always been a key fabric of American way of life. Concerned that things may change? Now imagine a nation of soldiers and former soldiers. Hell, if there are conscientious objectors they can join the civil reserve and serve longer and still make the nation strong. Everyone wins.
If we can find a way to take what works in Finland, and make it work in this much larger nation, you would see many problems dealt with in a lifetime.
See, the "liberals" who are into shooting are Fellows of color, and vote liberal for the big rubber red lips gibs YOUUUU MUSSST GIBBBSSS
>Putin isn't even that fucking dumb.
>boomer posting as a millennial
we live in strange times
based yeah poster
how to describe those posts
>1 post by this ID
shoot yourself
I have stopped seeing this as a debate and more like wildlife rehabilitation.
A lot of people are domesticated. They take no responsibility for their own lives in any way. Much like if you get a bear that won't hunt it cannot survive in the wild, you have to rehabilitate it, same with people.
Trouble is everyone is at a different level of domestication. Some just simply can't be rehabilitated and so will spend the rest of their life in a zoo.
Fear is the best tool. Get someone thinking about how they would defend their loved ones and gears will start turning in all but those who are too far gone. It can be rough to get them to take the idea of a threat seriously though. Gotta show them that the bars on their cage aren't really there first.
>tfw Kentucky
>mandatory service to Israel