Lmao A$ap Rocky makes diss track on Trump right after getting out of swedish jail

lmao A$ap Rocky makes diss track on Trump right after getting out of swedish jail.

Attached: asap tweet.png (600x374, 47K)

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That will undoubtedly happen

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Fake or deleted.

uhhhh he was in a swedish jail uhhhh

this nigger has a better life in a sweidsh jail than in freedom in the USA

he deleted it; says he was hacked by 'him' lmao.


On june 3rd he was hacked by himself and that's why he deleted a tweet a month later?

shut up kike

>Look at what ingrates those colored people are, Mabel.
At worst it's just another red pill for the masses.

Nigger logic of course!

Jews gonna Jew.

imagine a$ap putting as much work into learning the origin of english instead of namedropping and cheating off his idols lyrics to gain clout instead of dick riding whoever bankrolls the dollar signs in his eyes.

No wonder people are dumbed down if these are they lyrics they are subjected to these days. Pure inanity, perfect for keeping the plebs stupid and complacent.

European medieval tavern songs had more depth than the most profound nigger rap.

>helping ungrateful niggers in current year

What an idiot, there a million real problems he could solve as president but he's been begging to release some nigger back into his own country so the rape and crime statistics can increase.

MAGAtards will defend this.

this is so unnecessary

I hope this is real lol. MAGA retards need to understand loud-and-clear that blacks are not "based" and they cannot possibly live with us if even saving them from jail provokes a negative reaction.

How do these people even get famous to begin with? Their lyrics are trash, they have no charisma and I doubt they even play an instrument or contribute to the beat of their songs. Do labels literally just pick up nogs from the street, shove them in a booth, tell them to mumble nigga a few times and then push the name until he gets famous enough?

Lol how will the MIGAtards damage control this. All this pandering for the black vote for them to just tell you to fuck off lol.

You know the answer Sven.

lmao those lines are so shit that he btfo himself by posting them

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