Your dumb religion is dying
Your dumb religion is dying
Other urls found in this thread:
Your dumb country is dying.
>Look Mom I posted it again do you think you and Dad will get back together?
stop posting this thread every day get a girlfriend you idiot
Daily reminder that anti-christianity/anti-paganism threads are anti white civilization kike shill
how many times must this thread happen?
There's a paradigm shift of human consciousness in the works right now. The elites know it; their minions monitor for this kind of thing and try to prevent it from happening.
But there are too many of us now, crowd-sourcing our way to figuring out the truth of things. We're nearly there. A new religion is about to rise up to replace Christianity.
>Christianity dying
It's a good thing and here is why;
1. created by jews to control goyim and harvest their foreskins
2. Jews will lose their slaves and commodity for their ritual sacrifice
3. see #1&2.
I am all for the glorification of the white race. However they must break free of semitic dispondants and their disciples.
The world governments need to stop goading religious supersticion, such as the losses of valuable first worlders for a patch of dirt in the middle east.
Retard alert
>retard alert
Jews will only lose if christianity dies.
It's been dying a slow death for a while now. Now we just need the other desert religions to follow.
>Some retard who writes a stupid book finds out his caveman brain was following a tribe, not Jesus
Anyone who is a true follower of Christ knows why this guy was weak. American Christianity has been shallow and dumbed down for a long time. When the weeds like this dude have all been removed all that’s left will be the strongest Christians
Reminder that pagan monkeys in shitaly are literally terroni or terroni worshippers praying to the gods imposed on their ancestors by brown roman terroni midgets.
When you see a non christian Italian, you can safely assume he is either a communist atheist or a brown terrone monkey romanoid larper
kek, you're weak basedbois
Keep telling yourself that
That religion is already dead
I keep observing it to be true.
Or is Christian though simply in the wilderness? Have we left the slave pits of organized religion? Will we emerge with a refined morality and take the land of milk and honey? Do we have to wait a few generations for the corrupted thoughts of our elders to die?
My religion isn't thirty years old
You are very stupid if you think the Jews won't use the end of Christianity for some very evil goals.
i hope you die
ofcourse jews will not stop their evil deeds just because christianity is dead but it will slow it down because they will lose their slaves to follow their commands
Shill responses incomming
Every fucking time there is a thread, thousands of anti-Christian shills always show up.
The black sun is rising gentlemen. The gig is up and your head will be on a Pike when the civil war begins. I will take great joy in piling the bodies up to the sky so that all of the world can bear witness to how much filth we exterminated from this Earth.
Jews use everything for very evil goals, that's not an argument.
Tell that to Jesus, I heard He is coming soon
The only reason the Christians in the US are supporting Jewish bullshit is because Protestant pastors have been manipulated by them into some very stupid religious ideas.
It would be the same for any group of people who don't understand how Jews work. That's what I'm saying. Just because you remove Christianity doesn't mean that the Jews don't already have the mainstream media propaganda machine at their disposal to tell everyone that x,y,z is a LITERAL ANTISEMITE HOLY SHIT KILL THEM NOW GOYS!
kek, Christ-cucks have been saying that for literal centuries.
Matthew 7:13 Enter ye in at the strait gate: for wide is the gate, and broad is the way, that leadeth to destruction, and many there be which go in thereat:
14 Because strait is the gate, and narrow is the way, which leadeth unto life, and few there be that find it.
>1 man denounces his faith
>religion is dying
Imagine being you.
You are quite correct, like I said, end of christianity will significantly slow down their mission but they have other options at hand too.
you're fucking retarded
the bible very clearly states that modern day "jews" are fucking satanic deceivers
>what are surveys?
>any day now... new religion... smart religion...
You Nietzscheniggers are like evangelicals and plan trusters. Rarted.
This guy literally means nothing to the Christian faith. He is saying this shit so he can divorce his wife and then come out as a faggot.
>beaners, niggers, and urbanite filth have no faith
Shock imagined
>Protestant pastors
you mean Evangelicals
plenty of based Baptists in America