It was MY TURN!

Why did you do this to me Jow Forums?

Attached: 36D63FD2-2807-45B3-95F9-EFFE323612AA.jpg (1280x720, 81K)

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Because you fuck Willie to get power kamala. We are a thot free zone


She’s a pajeet

what a garbage thread. I'd tell you faggots to go back to t_d but I've recently been informed that it's been shoahed.

Try helium therapy you geriatric cuckservative iPhoneposting retards

Attached: 1557828675030.jpg (976x1390, 227K)

LOL fucking Harris.

Didn't she completely fail to enforce like a massive chunk of laws on the books as AG?

All dems need to do to win across the board is follow the laws while suggesting their desired changes to laws, and properly backing down when the public decides against things. But apparently that is too much to ask.

I am having trouble deciding if a politician who got there but sucking dick is a good thing or a bad thing. I have thought and thought about this and I just can’t come to a conclusion, so to speak. Maybe if I contacted her she could help me out?

If only Kamala wasn’t lying about her past and actually had some integrity. She might as well be on par with Joe Biden.

She never had a chance.

You need to stop Warren, guys! She's a dangerous commie psycho.

Attached: Elizabeth Warren.jpg (828x791, 98K)

Gotta dig up dirt on her. The better the past mistakes the better.

We didn't do it Russian bots did. We are real people who dindu nuffin.

Once a whore, always a whore, and whores are only good at whoring, Kamala.

Corporate puppet
Hillary but Niggery


No she is a pandering rich liberal from Boston trying to get college votes she'll sell out to corporate usa if she wins

Why use a meme flag?

Why not

post link dumb subhuman animal ape

Because it automatically makes you look like an Israeli Mossad agent

>Valerie Jarret 2: Electric Boogaloo - face edition.

Attached: 1564810535880.jpg (225x225, 7K)


Kamala fucks for power


All I see is a
>'horse face

Warren is unironically for open borders and a full commie with a real chance to get elected.

Fuck you memefag.

It's not that I fault Harris for enforcing laws against possession and truancy, although her personal apocracy is jarring. I'd like an answer of why she chose not to prosecute white-collar crime to the same extent.

I don't have to, you'll be dead within the decade boomer

Attached: look nephew I got a kek get on the four channer.jpg (852x480, 44K)