@realDonaldTrump @TeamTrump @TrumpWarRoom

>b-but Trump hasnt done anything!

>TRUMP 4EVA 6/21/19
SCHEDULE/WH Public Pool:

>Pres Trump Interview w/Bill Cunningham 8/2/19
>Pres Trump departs DC 8/2/19
>Pres Trump comments before departing WH 8/2/19
>Pres Trump on US-EU Beef Trade Agreement 8/2/19
>VP Pence @2nd Annual Resurgent Gathering in Atlanta GA 8/2/19 (audio)
>ActWHCoS Mulvaney @SC GOP Silver Elephant Gala 8/2/19
>HUDSec SleepyBen on F&F 8/2/19
>NECDir Kudlow outside WH 8/2/19
>NECDir Kudlow on FBN 8/2/19
>PrinDepPressSec Gidley on FoxNews 8/2/19
>Bannon on CNBC 8/2/19
>AsstSoS4ISN Ford on WMDs in ME 8/2/19
>SpecRep4NoKo Biegun meets w/ROK&Japan counterparts 8/2/19
>This Week@Interior 8/2/19
>Pres Trump MAGA Rally in Cincinnati OH 8/1/19 (Official) (RSBN Full)
>Don Jr @MAGA Rally in OH 8/1/19
>At least they were honest 8/1/19
>They're All the Same 7/30/19
>TrumpTweet: The Real Donald Trump 7/30/19

OP pastebin:

Attached: trumps-in.webm (480x360, 2.48M)

Other urls found in this thread:

> His waifu wasn't made real yet
What a fag!

Attached: booette.webm (1280x720, 2.59M)

Portuguese? Wtf

i got it

Daily reminder John McCain is dead dead dead

Are christcucks and trumpniggers literally drinking bleach thinking it will cure them?

Attached: 20190803_111601.jpg (1080x1372, 402K)


Help me look after this glass while I get some wadur will you?

Attached: 1516175522471.jpg (960x720, 327K)

It's yours user, thanks for taking over

The most powerful race!

Attached: eyes-up-here.webm (400x500, 1.48M)

Why are climate change deniers so stupid?

Attached: 4802ee1.jpg (500x334, 53K)

I've told you this before. It takes more than looks to make a waifu real.

Attached: e62ed8fe40e8b85840a8cdd629170885.jpg (530x917, 84K)

is wow classic redpilled?

Guess what!? You're now the baker. Get to work bread baking awoo!

Nothing great and manmade would be able to exist without people ergo there should be people. If you have any inclination to question things in good detail then you are likely far above average and are needed for better outcomes.

Attached: 1509817022122.jpg (1018x911, 90K)

Wow they're cute!

Attached: 1538848090034.png (687x648, 458K)


>It takes more than looks to make a waifu real.
What about this one then? Tell me it is not the perfect 2D to 3D representation of the racoon loli?

Attached: raphtalia.webm (400x500, 2.47M)

>The most powerful race!

Attached: white.jpg (300x176, 19K)

Based and redpilled.

This isn't a place for MMOs, they are giant wastes of time with no value. Don't spend your life on things like that, go do politically valuable things.

>When Judges keep cucking you

Attached: 00864899.jpg (254x198, 4K)

Eight generations removed on his mother's side.

I want to see this story 40 times a day

That's one of the best ones so far.


>what if it's a big hoax and we destroy the economies of 1st world nations and hand over even more economic power to the 3rd world which is immune to all international environmental agreements anyways

He's won most of his suits. He's not really getting "cucked" when his policy is only delayed by a few weeks.

Stop being racist

>portuguese shilling the 3D meme again
my disappointment is full and my pain immeasurable
just take music and accept the orthodox death party

Attached: 1544925656305.png (1920x1080, 1.11M)

>Moscow Mitch

is that about that bill he didn't like because it made it easy for ILLEGALS to vote?

This, but remove the "what if" part.

>we destroy the economies of 1st world nations
LOL. Imagine believing this.
>and hand over even more economic power to the 3rd world
You're one stupid boomer fuck aren't you? What's wrong with industrializing 3rd world countries so they have better living standards?

do it 99 more times and they won't come!


this is NOT normal

Attached: 1553320315808.png (945x685, 464K)

double tap just to be sure.

Attached: pyeCq6X.gif (268x357, 1.63M)

Why don't the countries creating the pollution such as China and India work on sorting out their problems themselves?

I am a DIRTY boy and it CLEANS ME!

Attached: crying.jpg (500x281, 22K)

Hey Mexicans. DO MORE OF THIS!

>I-it's only a few weeks that judges can cuck the executive

LUL, judge cock blocking just keeps getting shorter and shorter on Trump's new judicial rotation!

It doesn't matter how many bells and whistles you slap onto the costume. So long as there's no personality to go along with it, that's all you're going to be left with. A costume. You could have someone dress in the most elaborate Senko costume imaginable, but it would all be pointless if her attitude was cruel and abrasive.

By the way, we're going to be starting Girls' Last Tour on Monday night if you want to join in and watch it again.

Attached: 0c34c741e1bf6d3bdbb.jpg (850x934, 119K)


Those are the ones that decide the appeals, btw.

>but it would all be pointless if her attitude was cruel and abrasive.
user, plz

> you'll never be stepped on by an angry Senko San after a hard's day work
Why live?

Attached: footfags-get-the-gas.jpg (3840x2160, 564K)

Ask Chris Monckton.

>Both groups concluded that Kavanaugh is no longer subject to the federal judiciary’s internal ethics review process because he is now a member of the Supreme Court. He became immune the moment he was confirmed on Oct. 6, a process that followed a congressional testimony about sexual misconduct allegations against him.

This is Nazi Germany..... baka

Attached: 1554599275928.png (1121x750, 180K)

Defeating climate change requires a global effort.

Attached: 1f8dfe6.jpg (750x1162, 101K)

Thanks for the music, we will need and have more so we need more people for that, thanks.

Attached: 1564175927264.jpg (2048x1536, 579K)

>cook Mexican food myself without having to buy it from illegals
>Mexican police kill illegals for us
love this timeline

Attached: 1509634332965.jpg (553x522, 55K)

you can have 99 right wing judges, but it only takes one leftist to fuck over everyone.

I cry for all the unborn babies!!!

Attached: 735f360.jpg (1204x1800, 195K)

The Holocaust didn't happen and for that the nazis earned their lost.

i wish they'd look at them and charged them for false reports

Why can't faggots be exterminated?

> inb4 people falls for obvious bait

Attached: Miss.png (393x463, 302K)

If you can't accept her for who she is, then you clearly don't deserve her in the first place.

Attached: 77527174363aeb0e2e581ca972ede62d.jpg (1208x891, 424K)


> the rollocoaster isn't rea-

Attached: holocoaster.webm (280x500, 2.39M)

Make Israel Greater Israel

imagine saving this pic. even posting it

Attached: 1274450605032.gif (229x170, 1.1M)

Then why aren't they being forced to make an effort to solve the problem they are causing?

They're Appellate court judges retard. Just short of the SC they're the highest law in the land. Meaning once they make a ruling the issue is settled for literal decades unless the SC agrees to expedite it. So far they've only done that for Trump's requests.

Oh shit


>Why are climate change deniers so stupid?
its because we refuse to listen to global warming experts

Attached: global warming.jpg (478x321, 48K)

Does it make me gay if I want Gordon Ramsay to come into my house and bully me for the status of my kitchen and then help me make crispy pancakes?

You're welcome.

Getting it yet!? Starting to understand why the Liberals are crying literal tears of blood over what he's doing to the judiciary?

some astonishingly good video editor needs to make it so that the attraction is in the backgrond of an actual camp, bonus with the arbeit macht frei gate

I will never understand why Adolf hired Wile E. Coyote.

Not an argument.

Attached: newsPage-242.jpg (560x420, 93K)

so what your saying is MAGA guild gotcha

This ... can't be real.


Attached: 1546949865712.png (761x589, 534K)

>global effort
It’s literally China and India leading the bulk of emissions.

A little, yeah.

For a further grasp on what's in store for most cases "pending" against Trump.

You have good potential you squander if you waste too much time, if you still choose to waste time then spend it on more rewarding and enjoyable things that aren't such bald timewasters.

We don't listen to them because they won't address the problem that countries that aren't the major polluters being forced to pay the ones that are.

I will never understand the whole tax returns thing. If he was committing tax fraud, the IRS would’ve ripped him apart years ago.

>believed that wooden doors would keep the gas in
>believes in global warming

Attached: 1563719922701.png (1191x848, 69K)

>Appease trump, no really just kill them all we have to show resuklts!!!

>dumb spic takes the b8

Attached: b8 chinese.png (901x500, 79K)

Gotta say I'm a Yozora-sama bloke myself but there is nothing wrong in letting Senko step on your back
(Sound version at [1])


Attached: senko-step.webm (538x304, 1.53M)


Fuck yea.

Attached: concord.jpg (800x655, 101K)

Of course it's not but trumpniggers will fall for anything

The wooden door thing is so bizarre. Heavier than air gasses absolutely can. E kept in a confined space by wooden structures.

Attached: 1563904172302.jpg (728x546, 50K)

Trump is single handedly stopping climate change

Attached: trump effect slowing climate change progress.png (1120x774, 128K)

>As a democrat I would ban fracking!!

That's a pretty smart strategy if you think about it.

OP's pic. Why did this become a thing? Two weeks ago week I heard a Fox News talk-show host (Benson) bring up this skit, just one day after I saw it used on a /ptg/ thread. He brought it up totally out of the blue, and talked about how it was so funny (it is not that funny), and then just went to commercial. Something fishy is going on here. Either Benson is browsing /ptg/, or his staff is baking.

you mean like tradeskills?

Does anyone remember the saga of Minecraft Steve?
>DLC characters going to be released for Smash
>everyone speculating it will be Banjo
>group of autistic edgelords decides it should be Steve
>start shitposting the "Banjokes" relentlessly about how Steve will get in
>some user releases his creepy 3D model of Steve
>other anons start making 3D renders of Steve
>over time these renders get creepier and creepier
>animations of Steve eating Banjo, Steve fucking Banjo
>Steve shitposting consumes /v/
>mfw the DLC is finally revealed, and it's Banjo

Attached: 1560304291830.png (960x540, 324K)

>US refuses to submit to the global climate regulations
>US firms suddently more competitive. German cucks panic and require to be exempt as well (like they were following them before aka german fake car emissions).
>thus all the capitalist race to keep up with the US but are held behind by their climate change gurus.

Wooden doors is the worst argument against the holocaust

Attached: 1560019327117.jpg (958x1273, 760K)

>that .webm
Someone go find that marine posting with the Jap flag. That is CLEARLY pedo shit and needs to be b&!

Attached: rape van.jpg (3072x2304, 1.76M)

Take that, Trumptards

Attached: 1536831653512.png (937x612, 467K)

Congraduations Climate Fraud Cult member, you jumped from out of the BUSH and into my /filter/

Or, draconian policy associated with "climate change." So win win either way. Now if he kill the Chicom government there won't be anything else to worry about in regards to actual emissions, either.