Refute this

refute this
*sips tea*

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Learn to code you bigots

Jose gets hired over a legal citizen because he works for chump change under the table, not because he’s more skilled. Quite the opposite, usually.

That's not at all the issue, Peckerwood.
The issue is it's cheaper to train an illegal to do your job half-assed then pay a half them a fraction of your salary and get 6 for the price of one.
Especially unskilled and semi-skilled laborers.

>*sips tea*
Fuck off back to r*ddit


A free market is only loyal to profit even if that means undercutting the people who enable it to function and ensuring it's own demise in the long term.

The free market is a tool to be bent into use and benefit by the people within it, once it fails to be productive for the majority it needs to be rebuiot or not exist anymore.

The world needs ditch diggers, too, you know. No reason they should all be filthy wetbacks from siestaland.

If an illegal immigrant can do all that, why can't they stay in their own countries and fix shit?


go back to your discord tranny

The issue isnt with the illegal is it? its with the employers willing to do that

The issue is they are super unskilled, but are able to work under the table for slave wages. PLUS a country's identity is only held within boarders. If you want a global world then that's fine. I don't, and I have more reasons than "they're stealing my jobs" . If America is such a terrible place than they should just stay home.

>hurr durr if someone steals from you, you should have bought stuff he cant carry duh
what a fucking retard
just like you

this exactly can't refute can't dispute this literally cannot be debated this question has been answered
they work for less
this is why anti-capitalism is the only way forward for nationalistic societies

Our government truly had betrayed us. They have ONE job and that is to ensure the American people are doing well. Instead they are selling us out because, once again, they want slave labor.

>Illegal gibs-leeching invaders should get job-priority over native-born, tax-paying citizens
Why does he hate his fellow countrymen so vehemently?

Ya it’s so hard to work for minimum wage. I better learn another skill!


>PLUS a country's identity is only held within boarders
Leaf, do you have any idea how regionlized this country is? There are many parts of the country you might as well be in another country as it is. This country has no real "identity"

I smell a stupid Socialist.

No its not the America's Government's JOB to make sure everyone's well and good, its JOB is to protect Americans from enemies of the American people from the Outside to INSIDE through militaristic and legal means.

The illegal is not a neutral party.

Because getting a job under these difficult circumstances is still easier than singlehandedly wiping out druglords, poverty, gangs, crime and poor sanitation/education for an entire nation.

For millenia, the few elites were supposed to watch out for for many masses. By injecting a bunch of humanoid robots (low skill, repetitive task, cost saving alternative), it is displacing the tranches of our society that was historically brought up as the labor force. It absolutely is a despicable betrayal of trust and societial duty.

Immigration doesnt simply just take jobs away from citizens. It effectively increases the amount of people fighting over the same resources, effectively rationing everybody poorer.

He sounds more like a lefty.

the argument isn't about being "outskilled" it's about labor supply

if there's more supply than there is demand, then employers can offer lower wages until they reach a new market floor

if there was no such thing as illegal immigrants then someone working a low-skill job might be able to earn $15/hour, but because of illegal immigrants, those jobs pay like $9/hour, this is what legal citizens of a country in the blue collar employee class dislike about illegal immigration.

Ancap usurper/infiltrator/underminer.

>difficult circumstances
They literally have westerners funding and planning their paths through the entirity of their journey to gibs land.
It's not hard to be a sheep.

They're both at fault, but the main issue is finding an easy way to get seasonal farm hands without inviting the whole criminal underworld in. CIA and big banks have been caught exploiting this for money so I doubt there will be any useful solution until they are forced to stop.

>America has no culture
Fuck off kike.

1. Illegal alien female breeder illegally comes to America.

2. Illegal alien breeder shits out an anchor baby.

3. Due to loopholes in the U.S. law that our treasonous government refuses to close, said anchor baby is now a legal US citizen.

4. Treasonous government gives illegal alien family free food, medical care, and education for their bastard offspring--all unwillingly paid for by the US tax payer

5. Anti-American mass media purposely lies and does not report on the true extent of the illegal alien infestation.

6. Said illegal alien baby (now a bonified US citizen) gets free education, and goes to college thanks to """diversity quotas"""".

7. Said illegal alien (now US citizen) graduates from college and now enters the US workforce with a college degree. Due to """diversity""" a more qualified American citizen is racist discriminated against in favor of the little illegal alien bastard.

8. The anti-American lugenpresse now promotes white guilt and thinly veiled anti-white racist rhetoric in which all whites are now seen as "nazis" and "bigots" if they complain about the illegal alien infestation.

White genocide is underway fully in America.



It takes two to tango but then again, there will always be poor folk who are fine on a dollar an hour, but thre never needs to be employers who are unwilling to pay fair wages to local lads.

>no identity
Stop projecting

How about an indian who goes to school in Bangabapooshistan, gets a meme medical degree, then comes to america , goes to the top of the hiring line because muh brown points, and kills 20 people because he is grossly incompetent?

Im not saying we have no culture, im saying its not a collective culture. I myself have nothing in common with a Southerner for instance

>Because getting a job

user, did you just totally ignore the "travel 2000 miles on foot, with barely any food or water with no money" part?

I think it'd be easier to fix shit in your own country than going somewhere else where there's even more problem

Doesn't think too highly of illegal immigrants, does he?

Money is the god of the libertarian.

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Considering there are at least 40,000,000 illegal aliens in America, and considering how they breed out of control faster than a cockroach...

do you have any idea how many American jobs were stolen by the offspring of these illegals?

This is why immigration quotas were created. To prevent this kind of shit.

Yet these treasonous, anti-American politicians are now calling for "open borders" --this is a complete and total "FUCK YOU!" to every single legal American citizen.

Not to mention the illegal aliens take away jobs from poor blacks in America.

Truth has been spoken. Labor is normally the biggest overhead for a firm. Lower than amount of labor costs with the same revenue = profit.

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That's also a lie. You just don't recognize your shared cultural roots with other Americans because of how hard Hollywood and the western kikes have fucked our cultural image of ourselves.

Before the 70s, an American southerner and a American Californian had a lot more in common than a Californian and a spic.

>whites aren't being replaced, but if they are then they deserve it

This... I dug ditches after HS cause I didn't want to go to college. Americans will do this work.

Unskilled Americans deserve the opportunity to earn a decent wage. I won't sell out my fellow citizens just to ensure a steady supply of exploitable labor for corporations that have no sense of duty to any of us.

>you're not allowed to live a simple life anymore because we ignore our families in favor of our career and accidentally created an economy where you're going to have to do the same sorry thanks bye

>I myself have nothing in common with a Southerner for instance

I bet you have a lot more in common than you think.

The ones who are not so lucky get picked by up cartels and are forced to duel it out in gladiator matches.

I wish I was joking.

How many American Southerners have u met? Are u just going off what Hollywood tells u about them?

Regardless of your opinion of them and their bodies of work, those lazy people spending too much time on Twitter are Americans, they don't have another country to just migrate too if the economy fails them and we have a moral obligation to take care of them first.

Libertarianism is not inherently wrong, but just like Communism it's not complete. It's not an economic system as much as a moral system. The work of Marx and Engels correctly identify a lot of problems with industrialized societies, which are as actual today as they were in their time. They just completely fail at proposing functional solutions that take account of all the inherent problems. They absolutely fail at a big picture solution. The fucking NWO manifesto is sadly a better take on a big picture solution and while it sucks, it's a good example on thinking correctly about implementing simple and effective solutions.

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Shit like this is why i've never been a lolbert.

Shit, this is so 2004. Someone should tell that guy that those people are not up for stealing job but for gibs and just stealing.

Well shit I guess I’ll just work for three dollars an hour because some rich out of touch and most likely overweight libertarian gave a good snarky one liner to justify him paying out a slave wage to the invaders

It's as if American exceptionalism and meritocracy only applies if it jabs at the populace.
They aren't even citizens, why must they play on our fields, which ARE reserved for citizens?

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No. They deserve to be executed and transformed into food for the pigs. Time to develop a skill!

but what if the government subsidies that person with your stolen taxes... *sips cum*

America has more of a unified identity than Canada bud.

It's advocating genocide without saying "genocide".


stopped reading

Describe an average weekday in your life.

Hell, describe a weekend day even. I'd bet it's almost identical, not just to the rest of the states but every single Anglo nation.

Thank goodness for this rich person advising me to permit myself to be illegally exploited under the table to compete with his foreign scabs.
And thank doublegoodness for the Leftist Finks his NGOs fund, who take to the streets to silence anyone who takes issue with this.

If he can't steal any jobs, what good is he to me? Why would I want him in my country? If he can steal a job, why would I want him to take mine or my countryman's job? Why would I want him in my country in either situation?


Business owners don’t care how far they travel. Say you’re trying to work a 15 dollar an hour job which usually comes with health benefits. The illegal will work that same job for 8 dollars an hour and no health benefits. Their competition lies in the profitability of not having to pay them a livable wage. That’s why they pile like sardines in a tin can.

Also, some live comfortably by using their stolen social security cards and other items to game the system into giving them welfare benefits while they work their severely undercut position. They do this because 8 USD is worth 10-20 times more than the peso or dollar in their own home country. To them they’re making 80 USD and not 8.

This retard on twitter can huff a fart out of my ass like a bong rip.

Libertarians are globalists and their religion is finance

Imagine thinking this is a solid argument.

How is it not? People only scapegoat immigrants because they lack the skills to compete in modern economy. They should take a good hard look at themselves instead of blaming others.

>How is not?

Because it’s been thoroughly eviscerated in this thread. Read through and educate yourself, user.

It's a shitty argument: Besides, all you have is your economic "arguments". It's always only about economy with you cucks. Good people do not put economy above people. You try to bring competition to people who never asked for it, and then you tell those people to look at themselves? How fucking evil is that? You create a problem for someone, and then tell them to fix it. That's so fucking ass-backwards. You should look at yourself and realise that you are their problem.

Raid is shitty, sage
America for White Americans like the founders intended

lynching is a skill....

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They're being shipped in by globalists and have plenty of food and water. They aren't taking our jobs, they're suppressing our wages. You are a retard if you don't understand this.

There's the difference. You cucks care more about "muh race" than you do about yourself. Who gives a fuck about race when you can get rich and create a good life for yourself and your family? Fucking cucks

You dont need english to be a gardener
The fact that they have no rights means you can pay them so little no person with any kind of skills of native origin will even consider such payment a salary

but-t-t it's not slavery if they don't say it's slavery

who the fuck is he? some commie CIA nigger from the libertarian party?

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>"muh race" than you do about yourself.
You just confirmed yourself a retard. How much one cares about anyone is quite well determined by genetic distance. Guess who you are the most closely related to? Yourself. And then? Your family, followed by your race. It's not very complicated, really. You should into logic and less into triggered, cuck.

Almost like there's a giant well funded apparatus helping them.

I only see this position in America

I never see Canadians or Swedes or Germans or Australians say things like this. That someone deserves to work in the country just because they came a long way, and that you are a loser if you lose you job because of this

Something about American society is just sick. People actively encourage foreigners to take our jobs

>I never see Canadians or Swedes or Germans or Australians say things like this.
Every country has its own form of cuckery. Finland supposedly needs to accept "refugees", because some Finnish children got refuge in Sweden, when Russia invaded us.

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not everyone needs to be a specialists weve already seen how that works out, millions of useless degrees, countley college educated people with no job, and now they still want to import record pajeets to steel specialist tech jobs. its not about skills, its about the elites fucking over our society by importing workers willing to work for way less and driving down wages for everyone.

>genetic distance
Why do you care about other (white) people more than the ones closest to you by genetic distance (yourself and your family)? Who gives a fuck about them if immigration helps you get rich?

yeah right
it's not like (((somebody))) is helping them

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>With no money
Most of them pay thousands of US dollars to get smuggled over, this is a fucking lie

Yes, the employers should be lynched, or at the very least severely beaten

This assumes an understanding that hiring managers and human resources recognize skills. This really depends on the industry. *looks at boeing*

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Not the issue

Julio JuanPablo Rodrieguez Montoya del Largo Jr. III Montez-Ricardo will work for 3 dollars an hour and thats why hes picked over someone else.

Mexicaños go under the table for a lot of jobs.

China. Some asians can steal your jobs from you dirty lazy mexicans and work for 1/4th your pay. Maybe you spics deserve to get decapitated by the cartels who undercut our markets with black market products.

>Why do you care about other (white) people more than the ones closest to you by genetic distance (yourself and your family)?
Why don't you just shut the fuck up, when you can't even read what I'm saying? I despise talking to people as stupid as you. I never said anything even remotely like this. Learn to read, retard. And go prep your bull. And dilate.

I said very clearly that you can just fine be the one of the most important people in your world, if not the most important, but that you race comes soon after. It should be obvious to everyone, since race is just your extended family, and even a cuck such as yourself presumably understands the value of a family. You don't fuck over your family just so you can get richer yourself, unless you're a kike or a euphoric libertarian.

He is right and none of you leftist crybabies can disprove him

i wouldnt be so fucking arrogant if my job isnt in danger from mexicans. maybe normal hard working people will remember his faggot name for day of the rope.

Other white people are not family. I don't care much more about them than people of other races. Especially not if it stands in my way of making money.

Why should you compete with somebody like that? He has no standard of living, no established american household and family, etc. Of course as a desperado he's gonna work for pennies illegally without paying the true costs, taxes, etc and destroy the labor market.

Hurr hurr just like south park man hurr dey toom er jerbs LMAOOOOOO

if an illegal immigrant can do all that how come they can't make their own country better?

>no food
>no water
>no money
kek, you're a moron if you think nobody's supplying them with everything they need on their journey to the border
there's always a handful of unregulated, unelected NGOs with wealthy donors behind the caravans
it's a political move by the wealthy elite who fund them

>I don't care much more about them than people of other races. Especially not if it stands in my way of making money.
And "people" like you are precisely why the world is going to shit. You think you deserve the society without giving anything back. Well, you don't. If you treat those around you like trash, they will eventually do the same to you, no matter how rich you've become. Which probably isn't very, since you're clearly not intelligent enough to make much money.

>and destroy the labor market.
Why must all arguments always revolve around economy? People seem to have forgotten that they're allowed to keep onto their lands even if there were shekels to be had from selling it.

You and i are both going to be dead within 70 years and probably forgotten within 90. The white race has a chance to actually leave this planet and become immortal.

There is nothing to refute. The comment is an ignorant non-sequitur. Immigrants don't perform skilled labor, they perform menial tasks for low wages.

This user here gets it, employers should be scared to do shit like this, for example some faggot farmer doing this deserves to have his farm torched to ground, that would change things pretty quickly I guess